#! @PERL@ ### -*-perl-*- ### ### Run backups as instructed by a configuration file ### ### (c) 2011 Mark Wooding ### ###----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ### ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ### Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use Data::Dumper; use Errno qw(:POSIX); use Fcntl qw(:mode); use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_compat bundling no_ignore_case); use IO::Handle; use MIME::Base64; use POSIX; use Text::ParseWords; our $VERSION = "@VERSION@"; our %C = ( etc => "@sysconfdir@", sbin => "@sbindir@", libexec => "@pkglibexecdir@", bkp => "@bkplibexecdir@" ); ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Utilities. our $EVAL = 0; (our $QUIS = $0) =~ s:^.*/::; sub whine ($) { my ($msg) = @_; print STDERR "$QUIS: $msg\n"; } sub fail ($) { my ($msg) = @_; if ($EVAL) { die $msg . "\n"; } else { whine $msg; exit $! || ($? >> 8) || 255; } } sub try (&) { my ($body) = @_; local $EVAL = 1; &$body (); } sub decodewait ($) { my ($rc) = @_; ## Return a string describing the process exit status RC. if (!$rc) { return "ok"; } elsif ($rc & 255) { return sprintf "signal %d", $rc & 127; } else { return sprintf "rc = %d", $rc >> 8; } } sub shellquote ($) { my ($word) = @_; ## Quotify WORD so that a shell won't mangle it. $word =~ s/'/'\\''/g; return "'" . $word . "'"; } sub run ($@) { my ($what, @args) = @_; ## Run a program with ARGS, collecting and returning its output. open my $f, "-|", @args or fail "open pipe ($what): $!"; chomp (my @out = <$f>); if (!close $f) { $? and fail "$what failed: " . decodewait $?; fail "close pipe ($what)"; } return wantarray ? @out : $out[0]; } sub now () { ## Report the current time. return strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", localtime; } ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Parse command line. our $USAGE = "usage: $QUIS [-n] [-a ASSET] [-c FILE] [KEY=VALUE ...]"; sub version { print "$QUIS, version $VERSION\n"; } sub help { print < sub { version; help; exit; }, 'version|v' => sub { version; exit; }, 'asset|a=s' => \@ASSET, 'config-file|c=s' => \$CONF, 'noact|n' => \$NOACT) or do { print STDERR $USAGE, "\n"; exit 1; }; ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Parse the configuration file. our %OVERRIDE = (); our %SECMAP = ( CONFIG => sub { my ($k, $v) = @_; $C{$k} = $v unless $OVERRIDE{$k}; } ); our %DUMP = (); our @ORDER = (); our %ASSET = map { $_ => 1 } @ASSET; ## Override configuration from the environment. while (my ($e, $v) = each %ENV) { next unless $e =~ /^BKP_([_A-Za-z0-9]+)$/; (my $k = $1) =~ tr/_A-Z/-a-z/; $C{$k} = $v; $OVERRIDE{$k} = 1; } ## Handy sub for extracting a configuration variable. sub config ($) { my ($k) = @_; exists $C{$k} or fail "$CONF:$.: unknown config variable `$k'"; return $C{$k}; } ## Parse the configuration file proper. open CF, "<", $CONF or fail "open config ($CONF): $!"; my $kvfunc = $SECMAP{CONFIG}; while (my $line = ) { ## Handle continuation lines and comments. chomp $line; while ($line =~ /\\\s*$/) { chomp (my $more = ); $line =~ s/\\\s*$/$more/; } next if $line =~ /^\s*([#;]|$)/; if ($line =~ /^\s*\[\s*(\S.*\S|\S|)\s*\]\s*/) { ## Section header: set the kvfunc appropriately. if (exists $SECMAP{$1}) { $kvfunc = $SECMAP{$1}; } elsif (!@ASSET || $ASSET{$1}) { my $asset = $1; if (!exists $DUMP{$asset}) { $DUMP{$asset} = []; push @ORDER, $asset; } $kvfunc = sub { my ($k, $v) = @_; push @{$DUMP{$asset}}, [$k, shellwords $v]; } } else { $kvfunc = sub { }; } } elsif ($line =~ /\s*(\S.*\S|\S)\s*[=:]\s*(\S.*\S|\S|)\s*$/) { ## Assignment line. Process this according to the current kvfunc. my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); $v =~ s/\$\{([^}]+)\}/config $1/ge; $kvfunc->($1, $2); } else { ## Something else: it's an error. fail "$CONF:$.: unrecognized line"; } } ## Done. close CF or fail "close config ($CONF): $!"; @ORDER or fail "no matching assets to dump"; ## Export the configuration. while (my ($k, $v) = each %C) { next unless $k =~ /^[-A-Za-z0-9]+$/; (my $e = $k) = tr/-a-z/_A-Z/; $ENV{$k} = $v; } ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Establish a safe temporary directory. sysopen RAND, "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY or fail "open (random): $!"; my $win = 0; our $TMPDIR; for (my $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { my $n = sysread RAND, my $buf, 12; if (!defined $n) { fail "read (random): $!"; } elsif ($n < 12) { fail "short read (random)"; } my $rand = encode_base64 $buf, ""; $TMPDIR = ($ENV{TMPDIR} // "/tmp") . "/bkp.$$.$rand"; $win = 1, last if mkdir $TMPDIR, 0700; fail "mkdir (tmp): $!" unless $! == ENOENT; } $win or fail "failed to make temp directory"; $ENV{BKP_TMPDIR} = $TMPDIR; END { chdir "/"; system "rm", "-rf", $TMPDIR if defined $TMPDIR; } close RAND; chdir $TMPDIR or fail "chdir ($TMPDIR): $!"; ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Wade through the list of things to do, dumping assets. sub bkpadmin ($@) { my ($op, @args) = @_; ## Invoke an administration operation. return run "bkpadmin $op", "ssh", $C{host}, join " ", map { shellquote $_ } qw(userv root bkpadmin), $op, @args; } ## Make sure there's a volume mounted. bkpadmin "mount"; ## Go through each asset dumping all of the tags. for my $asset (@ORDER) { ## Start a log for this asset. if ($NOACT) { open LOG, ">&", STDERR or fail "dup stderr (log)"; } else { open LOG, ">", "$asset.log" or fail "open ($asset.log): $!"; } ## Find out when the last dump was done. my ($level, $date, $time, $tz) = split " ", bkpadmin "level", $asset; $ENV{BKP_LEVEL} = $level; $ENV{BKP_LASTDATE} = my $lastdate = "$date $time $tz"; $ENV{BKP_ASSET} = $asset; ## Prepare the dump. unless ($NOACT) { my $target = bkpadmin "prep", $asset, $level; $ENV{BKP_TARGET} = $target; } ## Make sure we can dispose of the results if there's a Perl failure ## somewhere here. try { ## Start writing the log. printf LOG "%s: Commence dump of asset `%s' at level %d (since %s)\n", now, $asset, $level, $lastdate; ## Dump the individual tags. my $lose = 0; for my $dump (@{$DUMP{$asset}}) { my ($tag, $type, @args) = @$dump; ## Make a log note. printf LOG "%s: Dump tag `%s' (%s) begins\n", now, $tag, $type; flush LOG or fail "write ($asset.log): $!"; ## Run the dump helper. if ($NOACT) { $? = 0; } else { defined (my $kid = fork) or fail "fork: $!"; unless ($kid) { open STDOUT, ">&", LOG and open STDERR, ">&", LOG or fail "dup: $!"; exec "$C{bkp}/bkp.$type", "$tag", @args; fail "exec (bkp.$type): $!"; } waitpid $kid, 0 or fail "waitpid: $!"; } ## Deal with the aftermath. if ($?) { printf LOG "%s: Dump tag `%s' failed (%s)\n", now, $tag, decodewait $?; printf STDERR "%s: %s: Dump asset `%s' tag `%s' FAILED\n", $QUIS, now, $asset, $tag; $lose++; } elsif ($NOACT) { printf LOG "%s: Dump tag `%s' not performed (--noact)\n", now, $tag; } else { printf LOG "%s: Dump tag `%s' ok\n", now, $tag; } } ## Report completion of the asset. printf LOG "%s: Dump of asset `%s' completed %s\n", now, $asset, $lose == 0 ? "successfully" : "with $lose failures"; error LOG and fail "write ($asset.log): $!"; close LOG or fail "close ($asset.log): $!"; ## Copy the log to the server and commit it. unless ($NOACT) { run "scp $asset.log", "scp", "$asset.log", "$C{host}:$target/$asset.log"; bkpadmin $lose ? "fail" : "commit", $asset; } }; ## If anything failed above, then try to mark the asset as a failure and ## abort. if ($@) { try { bkpadmin "fail", $asset; }; fail $@; } } ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------