apt-get install gcc libc-dev automake autoconf libtool libgtk2.0-dev \
libgc-dev libgcrypt-dev libpcre3-dev libvorbis-dev \
libao-dev libmad0-dev libasound2-dev libdb4.3-dev \
- libflac-dev
+ libflac-dev vorbis-tools wget
(Use the bzr from backports, the one in etch is obsolete.)
+ On lenny use libdb4.5-deb. libdb4.6 does not work (and configure will
+ refuse to use it).
* On FreeBSD you'll need at least these packages:
- * Compiled versions of configure and the makefiles are including in bzr, so
- if you didn't use a source tarball, you must start as follows:
+ * Compiled versions of configure and the makefiles are not included in bzr,
+ so if you didn't use a source tarball, you must start as follows:
bash ./prepare
./configure -C
branch somewhere I can get at it.
* Please make it clear that your changes can be distributed under DisOrder's
- licence (which is "GPL v2 or later").
+ licence (which is "GPL v3 or later").
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