@stdhead{login} @stdmenu{login}


@if{@ne{@error}{}} {@# Error reporting from some earlier operation


} @if{@ne{@status}{}} {@# Some action succeeded


} @if{@eq{@user}{guest}} {@# Guest user, allow login and registration

Existing users

If you have a username, use this form to log in.


If you've forgotten your password, use this form to request an email reminder. A reminder can only be sent if you registered with your email address, and if a reminder has been sent too recently then it won't be possible to send one.

Logging in will set a cookie. This cookie is only used for authentication purposes. Do not log in if you do not consent to this cookie being set. The cookie should be deleted when you log out, and will eventually expire in any case.


New Users

If you do not have a login enter a username, a password and your email address here. You will be sent an email containing a URL, which you must visit to activate your login before you can use it.

@label{login.username} @label{login.registerusernameextra}
@label{login.email} @label{login.registeremailextra}
@label{login.password1} @label{login.registerpassword1extra}
@label{login.password2} @label{login.registerpassword2extra}
} }{@# not the guest user, allow change of details and logout

Logged in as @user


Use this form to change your email address and/or password.

@label{login.email} @label{login.edituseremailextra}
@label{login.newpassword} @label{login.edituserpassword1extra}
@label{login.newpassword} @label{login.edituserpassword2extra}
} @credits @discard{ Local variables: mode:sgml sgml-always-quote-attributes:nil sgml-indent-step:1 sgml-indent-data:t indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:79 End: }@#