chiark / gitweb /
Never use the value attribute of <button> to encode anything we care
[disorder] / templates / choose.html
2 <!--
3 This file is part of DisOrder.
4 Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Richard Kettlewell
6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
19 USA
20 -->
21 <html>
22  <head>
23 @include:stdhead@
24   <title>@label:choose.title@</title>
25  </head>
26  <body>
27 @include{topbar}@
28    <h1 class=title>@label:choose.title@</h1>
30   @#{always have the first-letter bar, if choosealpha enabled}@
31   @if{@eq{@label:sidebar.choosewhich@}{choosealpha}@}{
33    <p class=choosealpha>
34     <a class=choosealpha
35     title="Directories starting with 'a'"
36     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?a">A</a> |
37     <a class=choosealpha
38     title="Directories starting with 'b'"
39     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?b">B</a> |
40     <a class=choosealpha
41     title="Directories starting with 'c'"
42     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?c">C</a> |
43     <a class=choosealpha
44     title="Directories starting with 'd'"
45     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?d">D</a> |
46     <a class=choosealpha
47     title="Directories starting with 'e'"
48     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?e">E</a> |
49     <a class=choosealpha
50     title="Directories starting with 'f'"
51     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?f">F</a> |
52     <a class=choosealpha
53     title="Directories starting with 'g'"
54     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?g">G</a> |
55     <a class=choosealpha
56     title="Directories starting with 'h'"
57     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?h">H</a> |
58     <a class=choosealpha
59     title="Directories starting with 'i'"
60     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?i">I</a> |
61     <a class=choosealpha
62     title="Directories starting with 'j'"
63     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?j">J</a> |
64     <a class=choosealpha
65     title="Directories starting with 'k'"
66     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?k">K</a> |
67     <a class=choosealpha
68     title="Directories starting with 'l'"
69     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?l">L</a> |
70     <a class=choosealpha
71     title="Directories starting with 'm'"
72     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?m">M</a> |
73     <a class=choosealpha
74     title="Directories starting with 'n'"
75     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?n">N</a> |
76     <a class=choosealpha
77     title="Directories starting with 'o'"
78     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?o">O</a> |
79     <a class=choosealpha
80     title="Directories starting with 'p'"
81     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?p">P</a> |
82     <a class=choosealpha
83     title="Directories starting with 'q'"
84     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?q">Q</a> |
85     <a class=choosealpha
86     title="Directories starting with 'r'"
87     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?r">R</a> |
88     <a class=choosealpha
89     title="Directories starting with 's'"
90     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?s">S</a> |
91     <a class=choosealpha
92     title="Directories starting with 't'"
93     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(?!the [^t])t">T</a> |
94     <a class=choosealpha
95     title="Directories starting with 'u'"
96     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?u">U</a> |
97     <a class=choosealpha
98     title="Directories starting with 'v'"
99     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?v">V</a> |
100     <a class=choosealpha
101     title="Directories starting with 'w'"
102     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?w">W</a> |
103     <a class=choosealpha
104     title="Directories starting with 'x'"
105     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?x">X</a> |
106     <a class=choosealpha
107     title="Directories starting with 'y'"
108     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?y">Y</a> |
109     <a class=choosealpha
110     title="Directories starting with 'z'"
111     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^(the )?z">Z</a> |
112     <a class=choosealpha
113     title="Directories starting with anything else"
114     href="@url@?action=choose&#38;regexp=^[^a-z]">*</a>
115    </p>
116   }@
118    @if{@ne{@arg:directory@}{}@}{
119    <p class=directoryname>@navigate{@arg:directory@}{/<a
120    class=thisdirectory
121    href="@url@?action=choose&#38;directory=@urlquote{@fullname@}@&#38;nonce=@nonce@">@basename@</a>}@:</p>
122    }@
124    @if{@isdirectories@}{
125    <div class=directories>
126     <p class=directories>
127      @label:choose.directories@
128     </p>
129     @choose{directories}{
130     <p class=directory>
131      <a class=directory
132      href="@url@?action=choose&#38;directory=@urlquote{@file@}@&#38;nonce=@nonce@"
133      title="">
134      <img class=button
135       src="@image:directory@"
136       alt="">
137       @transform{@file@}{dir}{display}@
138      </a>
139     </p>
140     }@
141    </div>
142    }@
143    @if{@isfiles@}{
144    <div class=files>
145     <p class=files>
146      @label:choose.files@
147     </p>
148     @choose{files}{
149     <p class=file>
150     @right{prefs}{<a class=imgprefs
151      href="@url@?action=prefs&#38;0_file=@urlquote{@resolve{@file@}@}@&#38;nonce=@nonce@"
152      ><img class=button
153       src="@image:edit@"
154       title="@label:choose.prefsverbose@"
155       alt="@label:choose.prefs@"></a>}@
156      <a class=file
157      href="@url@?action=play&#38;file=@urlquote{@file@}@&#38;back=@urlquote{@thisurl@}@&#38;nonce=@nonce@"
158      title="">@transform{@file@}{track}{display}@</a>
159      @if{@eq{@trackstate{@file@}@}{playing}@}{[<b>playing</b>]}@
160      @if{@eq{@trackstate{@file@}@}{queued}@}{[<b>queued</b>]}@
161     </p>
162     }@
163     <p class=allfiles>
164      @right{prefs}{<a class=imgprefs
165      href="@url@?action=prefs&#38;directory=@urlquote{@arg:directory@}@&#38;nonce=@nonce@&#38;back=@urlquote{@thisurl@}@"
166      ><img class=button 
167       src="@image:edit@"
168       title="@label:choose.allprefsverbose@"
169       alt="@label:choose.allprefs@"></a>}@
170      <a class=allfiles href="@url@?action=play&#38;directory=@urlquote{@arg:directory@}@&#38;nonce=@nonce@&#38;back=@urlquote{@thisurl@}@">
171       @label:choose.playall@
172      </a>
173     </p>
174    </div>
175    }@
177 @include{topbarend}@
178  </body>
179 </html>
180 @@
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