chiark / gitweb /
Initial commit.
[collect-bench] / bench.lisp
1;;; -*-lisp-*-
3(defpackage #:bench
4 (:use #:common-lisp))
5(in-package #:bench)
7(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
8 (cffi:define-foreign-library benchspt
9 (t (:default "libbenchspt")))
10 (let ((cffi:*foreign-library-directories*
11 (append (mapcar (lambda (p)
12 (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil
13 :defaults p))
14 (asdf:output-files 'asdf:compile-op
15 (asdf:find-component "bench"
16 "benchspt")))
17 cffi:*foreign-library-directories*)))
18 ;; sorry about that
19 (cffi:use-foreign-library benchspt)))
21(export '(get-errno strerror))
22(cffi:defcfun ("get_errno" :library benchspt) :int)
23(cffi:defcfun ("strerror" :library benchspt) :string (err :int))
25(export '(system-error
26 system-error-message system-error-errno system-error-string))
27(define-condition system-error (error)
28 ((message :type string
29 :initarg :message
30 :reader system-error-message)
31 (errno :type fixnum
32 :initarg :errno
33 :initform (get-errno)
34 :reader system-error-errno)))
35(defgeneric system-error-string (error)
36 (:method ((error system-error)) (strerror (system-error-errno error))))
37(defun system-error (message &optional (errno (get-errno)))
38 (error 'system-error :message message :errno errno))
39(defmethod print-object ((error system-error) stream)
40 (format stream "~A: ~A~%"
41 (system-error-message error)
42 (system-error-string error)))
44(export '(open-cycle-counter close-cycle-counter))
45(cffi:defcfun (%open-cycle-counter "open_cycle_counter" :library benchspt)
46 :pointer)
47(defun open-cycle-counter (&key fail-softly)
48 (let ((counter (%open-cycle-counter)))
49 (cond ((not (cffi:null-pointer-p counter)) counter)
50 ((not fail-softly) (system-error "Failed to open cycle counter"))
51 (t nil))))
52(cffi:defcfun (close-cycle-counter "close_cycle_counter" :library benchspt)
53 :void
54 (cy :pointer))
56(export '(with-cycle-counter* with-cycle-counter))
57(defun with-cycle-counter* (thunk &key fail-softly)
58 (let ((counter (open-cycle-counter :fail-softly fail-softly)))
59 (unwind-protect (funcall thunk counter)
60 (close-cycle-counter counter))))
61(defmacro with-cycle-counter
62 ((counter &rest keys &key fail-softly) &body body)
63 (declare (ignore fail-softly))
64 `(with-cycle-counter* (lambda (,counter) ,@body) ,@keys))
66(export 'cycles)
67(cffi:defcfun (%cycles "cycles" :library benchspt) :int
68 (cy :pointer) (count (:pointer :uint64)))
69(defun cycles (counter)
70 (cffi:with-foreign-object (count :uint64)
71 (unless (zerop (%cycles counter count))
72 (system-error "Failed to read cycle counter"))
73 (cffi:mem-ref count :uint64)))
75(export 'cycles-)
76(defun cycles- (a b)
77 (mod (- a b) #.(ash 1 64)))
79(export '(thread-clock thread-clock-as-float))
80(cffi:defcstruct (clock :class clock-struct)
81 (sec :int64)
82 (nsec :uint32))
83(defmethod cffi:translate-from-foreign (clock (type clock-struct))
84 (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((sec nsec) clock (:struct clock))
85 (+ (* 1000000000 sec) nsec)))
86(cffi:defcfun (%thread-clock "thread_clock" :library benchspt) :int
87 (clk (:pointer (:struct clock))))
88(defun thread-clock ()
89 (cffi:with-foreign-object (clk '(:struct clock))
90 (unless (zerop (%thread-clock clk))
91 (error "Failed to read thread clock: ~A" (strerror (get-errno))))
92 (cffi:mem-ref clk '(:struct clock))))
93(defun thread-clock-as-float (&optional (clock (thread-clock)))
94 (* clock 1.0d-9))
96(export '(measure* measure))
97(declaim (inline measure*))
98(defun measure* (func &key reps (per-rep 1))
99 (with-cycle-counter (cc :fail-softly t)
100 (flet ((run (reps)
101 #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
102 #+ccl (ccl:gc)
103 #+(or clisp ecl) (ext:gc t)
104 #+cmu (ext:gc :full t :verbose nil)
105 ;;#+abcl (ext:gc) -- very slow!
106 (let ((t0 (thread-clock))
107 (c0 (and cc (cycles cc))))
108 (funcall func reps)
109 (let ((c1 (and cc (cycles cc)))
110 (t1 (thread-clock)))
111 (values (and cc (cycles- c1 c0))
112 (thread-clock-as-float (- t1 t0)))))))
113 (multiple-value-bind (cy clk)
114 (cond (reps
115 (run reps))
116 (t
117 (setf reps 1)
118 (loop (multiple-value-bind (cy clk) (run reps)
119 (when (> clk 0.71d0) (return (values cy clk)))
120 (setf reps (floor reps clk))))))
121 (let ((all (float (* reps per-rep) 1.0d0)))
122 (values (and cc (/ cy all)) (/ clk all)))))))
124(defmacro measure
125 (form
126 &key (reps nil repsp) (per-rep nil per-rep-p)
127 (optimize '((speed 3) (space 0) (debug 0) (safety 0))))
128 (let ((i (gensym "I"))
129 (n (gensym "N"))
130 (hunoz (gensym "HUNOZ-")))
131 `(measure* (lambda (,n)
132 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) ,n)
133 ,@(and optimize `((optimize ,@optimize)))
134 #+sbcl (sb-ext:muffle-conditions style-warning))
135 (dotimes (,i ,n)
136 (let ((,hunoz ,form))
137 (declare (ignore ,hunoz)))))
138 ,@(and repsp `(:reps ,reps))
139 ,@(and per-rep-p `(:per-rep ,per-rep)))))