;; Common Lisp bindings for GTK+ v2.x ;; Copyright 2000-2006 Espen S. Johnsen ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ;; the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ;; IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;; CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ;; TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ;; SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;; $Id: gdktypes.lisp,v 1.29 2008/10/27 18:42:01 espen Exp $ (in-package "GDK") (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (init-types-in-library gdk "libgdk-2.0" :prefix ("gdk_" "_gdk_")) (init-types-in-library gdk "libgdk_pixbuf-2.0" :prefix "gdk_")) (defclass color (boxed) ((pixel :allocation :alien :type (unsigned 32)) (red :allocation :alien :accessor color-red :type (unsigned 16)) (green :allocation :alien :accessor color-green :type (unsigned 16)) (blue :allocation :alien :accessor color-blue :type (unsigned 16))) (:metaclass boxed-class) (:packed t)) (deftype point () '(vector int 2)) (deftype segment () '(vector int 4)) (deftype trapezoid () '(vector double-float 6)) (deftype atom () 'unsigned-int) ;; Could this just as well have been a vector? (defclass rectangle (boxed) ((x :allocation :alien :accessor rectangle-x :initarg :x :type int) (y :allocation :alien :accessor rectangle-y :initarg :y :type int) (width :allocation :alien :accessor rectangle-width :initarg :width :type int) (height :allocation :alien :accessor rectangle-height :initarg :height :type int)) (:metaclass boxed-class)) (defclass region (struct) () (:metaclass struct-class) (:ref %region-copy) (:unref %region-destroy)) (register-type 'event-mask '|gdk_event_mask_get_type|) (define-flags-type event-mask (:exposure 2) :pointer-motion :pointer-motion-hint :button-motion :button1-motion :button2-motion :button3-motion :button-press :button-release :key-press :key-release :enter-notify :leave-notify :focus-change :structure :property-change :visibility-notify :proximity-in :proximity-out :substructure :scroll (:all-events #x3FFFFE)) (register-type 'modifier-type '|gdk_modifier_type_get_type|) (define-flags-type modifier-type :shift :lock :control :mod1 :mod2 :mod3 :mod4 :mod5 :button1 :button2 :button3 :button4 :button5 (:release #.(ash 1 30))) (define-types-by-introspection "Gdk" ("GdkFunction" :type gc-function) ("GdkWMDecoration" :type wm-decoration) ("GdkWMFunction" :type wm-function) ("GdkGC" :type gc) ("GdkGCX11" :type gc-x11) ("GdkGCValuesMask" :type gc-values-mask) ("GdkDrawableImplX11" :ignore t) ("GdkWindowImplX11" :ignore t) ("GdkPixmapImplX11" :ignore t) ("GdkGCX11" :ignore t) ("GdkColor" :ignore t) ("GdkEvent" :ignore t) ("GdkRectangle" :ignore t) ("GdkCursor" :ignore t) ("GdkFont" :ignore t) ; deprecated ("GdkEventMask" :ignore t) ; manually defined ("GdkModifierType" :ignore t) ; manually defined ("GdkAppLaunchContext" :ignore t) ; needs GIO ("GdkDisplay" :slots ((name :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_display_get_name" :reader display-name :type (copy-of string)) (screens :allocation :virtual :getter display-screens) (devices :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_display_list_devices" :reader display-devices :type (copy-of (glist device))))) ;; TODO: add unbound options ("GdkDrawable" :slots ((display :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_drawable_get_display" :reader drawable-display :type display) (screen :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_drawable_get_screen" :reader drawable-screen :type screen) (visual :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_drawable_get_visual" :reader drawable-visual :type visual) (colormap :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_drawable_get_colormap" :setter "gdk_drawable_set_colormap" :unbound nil :accessor drawable-colormap :initarg :colormap :type colormap) (depth :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_drawable_get_depth" :reader drawable-depth :type int) (with :allocation :virtual :getter drawable-width) (height :allocation :virtual :getter drawable-height))) ("GdkWindow" :slots ((state :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_state" :reader window-state :type window-state) (parent :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_parent" :reader window-parent :type window) (toplevel :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_toplevel" :reader window-toplevel :type window) (children :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_children" :reader window-children :type (glist window)) (events :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_events" :setter "gdk_window_set_events" :accessor window-events :type event-mask) (group :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_group" :setter "gdk_window_set_group" :unbound nil :accessor window-group :type window) #?(pkg-exists-p "gtk+-2.0" :atleast-version "2.10.0") (type-hint :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_type_hint" :setter "gdk_window_set_type_hint" :accessor window-type-hint :type window-type-hint) #?-(pkg-exists-p "gtk+-2.0" :atleast-version "2.10.0") (type-hint :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_window_get_type_hint" :accessor window-type-hint :type window-type-hint) (decorations :allocation :virtual :getter %window-decoration-getter :setter "gdk_window_set_decoration" :boundp %window-decoration-boundp :accessor window-decorations :type wm-decoration)))) (deftype bitmap () 'pixmap) (defclass cursor (boxed) ((type :allocation :alien :reader cursor-type :type cursor-type) (ref-count :allocation :alien :type unsigned-int) (display :allocation :virtual :getter "gdk_cursor_get_display" :reader cursor-display :type display)) (:metaclass boxed-class) (:ref %cursor-ref) (:unref %cursor-unref)) (defclass geometry (struct) ((min-width :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-min-width :initarg :min-width :type int) (min-height :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-min-height :initarg :min-height :type int) (max-width :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-max-width :initarg :max-width :type int) (max-height :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-max-height :initarg :max-height :type int) (base-width :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-base-width :initarg :base-width :type int) (base-height :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-base-height :initarg :base-height :type int) (width-inc :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-width-inc :initarg :width-inc :type int) (height-inc :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-height-inc :initarg :height-inc :type int) (min-aspect :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-min-aspect :initarg :min-aspect :type double-float) (max-aspect :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-max-aspect :initarg :max-aspect :type double-float) (gravity :allocation :alien :accessor geometry-gravity :initarg :gravity :type gravity)) (:metaclass struct-class)) (deftype native-window () '(unsigned 32))