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debian/catacomb2: Add missing symbol version entries.
[catacomb] / symm / ocb3.h
1 /* -*-c-*-
2  *
3  * The OCB3 authenticated encryption mode
4  *
5  * (c) 2018 Straylight/Edgeware
6  */
8 /*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9  *
10  * This file is part of Catacomb.
11  *
12  * Catacomb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
13  * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
14  * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15  * (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * Catacomb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * Library General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
23  * License along with Catacomb.  If not, write to the Free Software
24  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
25  * USA.
26  */
28 /*----- Notes on OCB3 -----------------------------------------------------*
29  *
30  * OCB3 was designed in 2011 by Phillip Rogaway and Ted Krovetz, building ten
31  * years of earlier work by Rogaway, Bellare, and Black, and refining Jutla's
32  * pioneering work on IACBC and IAPM.  OCB3 is an efficient `authenticated
33  * encryption with associated data' (AEAD) scheme which requires only one
34  * blockcipher application per message block.
35  *
36  * The patent situation on these efficient authenticated encryption schemes
37  * is fraught.  IBM hold two patents on Jutla's pioneering work on `IACBC'
38  * and `IAPM' which can apply (a third was filed at least six years too
39  * late), and Virgil Gligor and Pompiliu Donescu hold patents on their `XECB'
40  * and `XCBC' modes; these may or may not apply to OCB.  Rogaway himself
41  * holds US patents on various versions of OCB, but has issued free licences
42  * for free (`open source') software, and for all non-military use.  I think
43  * Catacomb's implementation of OCB falls within the scope of the former
44  * licence.
45  *
46  * OCB3 has optimized for short messages with `similar' nonces, where
47  * `similar' means `all but the low bits in the last byte are equal'; exactly
48  * how many bits depends on the block length in a rather complicated manner.
49  * This implementation supports this optimization through @pre_ocb3reinit@
50  * (which compares the new nonce against the old one to see whether it can
51  * make use of the similarity), and, more directly, through @pre_ocb3step@,
52  * which (effectively) advances the nonce as a big-endian counter.
53  *
54  * OCB3 was originally defined only for 128-bit blockciphers, and extending
55  * it to other sizes is nontrivial, but this has been done by Ted Krovetz in
56  * I-D draft-krovetz-ocb-wideblock-00 (following initial prompting from, err,
57  * me).
58  *
59  * OCB3 is a fairly well-behaved AEAD mode.  It doesn't require
60  * precommentment to the header or message lengths, but does require
61  * precommitment to the tag length.  It permits header data to be processed
62  * independently of any message.  It only accepts nonces the same size as the
63  * underlying blockcipher's block size, and it buffers up to a whole block's
64  * worth of data internally, which somewhat complicates streaming.
65  */
67 #ifndef CATACOMB_OCB3_H
68 #define CATACOMB_OCB3_H
70 #ifdef __cplusplus
71   extern "C" {
72 #endif
74 /*----- Header files ------------------------------------------------------*/
76 #include <stddef.h>
78 #include <mLib/bits.h>
79 #include <mLib/buf.h>
82 #  include "gaead.h"
83 #endif
85 #ifndef CATACOMB_OCB_H
86 #  include "ocb.h"
87 #endif
89 /*----- Macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
91 /* --- @OCB3_DECL@ --- *
92  *
93  * Arguments:   @PRE@, @pre@ = prefixes for the underlying block cipher
94  *
95  * Use:         Creates declarations for OCB3 message-authentication mode.
96  */
98 #define OCB3_NSZMAX(PRE) (PRE##_BLKSZ - (PRE##_BLKSZ <= 16 ? 1 : 2))
100 #define OCB3_DECL(PRE, pre)                                             \
101                                                                         \
102 typedef struct pre##_ocb3key {                                          \
103   pre##_ctx ctx;                        /* Underlying cipher context */ \
104   uint32 lstar[PRE##_BLKSZ/4];          /* Partial-block mask */        \
105   uint32 ldollar[PRE##_BLKSZ/4];        /* Checksum mask */             \
106   uint32 lmask[OCB_NCALC][PRE##_BLKSZ/4]; /* Precalculated masks */     \
107 } pre##_ocb3key;                                                        \
108                                                                         \
109 typedef struct pre##_ocb3aadctx {                                       \
110   pre##_ocb3key k;                      /* Processed key material */    \
111   uint32 o[PRE##_BLKSZ/4];              /* Current offset */            \
112   uint32 a[PRE##_BLKSZ/4];              /* Accumulator state */         \
113   octet b[PRE##_BLKSZ];                 /* Input buffer */              \
114   unsigned long i;                      /* Block counter */             \
115   unsigned off;                         /* Offset into buffered data */ \
116 } pre##_ocb3aadctx;                                                     \
117                                                                         \
118 typedef struct pre##_ocb3ctx {                                          \
119   pre##_ocb3key k;                      /* Processed key material */    \
120   unsigned nix, tsz;                    /* Nonce index and tag size */  \
121   uint32 nbase[PRE##_BLKSZ/2];          /* Current base nonce */        \
122   uint32 nstretch[PRE##_BLKSZ/2];       /* Stretched nonce material */  \
123   uint32 o[PRE##_BLKSZ/4];              /* Current offset */            \
124   uint32 a[PRE##_BLKSZ/4];              /* Accumulator state */         \
125   octet b[PRE##_BLKSZ];                 /* Input buffer */              \
126   unsigned long i;                      /* Block counter */             \
127   unsigned off;                         /* Offset into buffered data */ \
128 } pre##_ocb3ctx;                                                        \
129                                                                         \
130 extern const octet pre##_ocb3noncesz[], pre##_ocb3tagsz[];              \
131                                                                         \
132 /* --- @pre_ocb3setkey@ --- *                                           \
133  *                                                                      \
134  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3key *key@ = pointer to key block to fill in    \
135  *              @const void *k@ = pointer to key material               \
136  *              @size_t ksz@ = size of key material                     \
137  *                                                                      \
138  * Returns:     ---                                                     \
139  *                                                                      \
140  * Use:         Initializes an OCB3 key block.                          \
141  */                                                                     \
142                                                                         \
143 extern void pre##_ocb3setkey(pre##_ocb3key */*key*/,                    \
144                              const void */*k*/, size_t /*ksz*/);        \
145                                                                         \
146 /* --- @pre_ocb3aadinit@ --- *                                          \
147  *                                                                      \
148  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3aadctx *aad@ = pointer to AAD context          \
149  *              @const pre_ocb3key *key@ = pointer to key block         \
150  *                                                                      \
151  * Returns:     ---                                                     \
152  *                                                                      \
153  * Use:         Initializes an OCB3 AAD (`additional authenticated      \
154  *              data') context associated with a given key.  AAD        \
155  *              contexts can be copied and/or reused, saving time if    \
156  *              the AAD for number of messages has a common prefix.     \
157  *                                                                      \
158  *              The @key@ doesn't need to be kept around, though        \
159  *              usually there'll at least be another copy in some OCB3  \
160  *              operation context because the AAD on its own isn't much \
161  *              good.                                                   \
162  */                                                                     \
163                                                                         \
164 extern void pre##_ocb3aadinit(pre##_ocb3aadctx */*aad*/,                \
165                               const pre##_ocb3key */*key*/);            \
166                                                                         \
167 /* --- @pre_ocb3aadhash@ --- *                                          \
168  *                                                                      \
169  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3aadctx *aad@ = pointer to AAD context          \
170  *              @const void *p@ = pointer to AAD material               \
171  *              @size_t sz@ = length of AAD material                    \
172  *                                                                      \
173  * Returns:     ---                                                     \
174  *                                                                      \
175  * Use:         Feeds AAD into the context.                             \
176  */                                                                     \
177                                                                         \
178 extern void pre##_ocb3aadhash(pre##_ocb3aadctx */*aad*/,                \
179                               const void */*p*/, size_t /*sz*/);        \
180                                                                         \
181 /* --- @pre_ocb3init@ --- *                                             \
182  *                                                                      \
183  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3ctx *ctx@ = pointer to OCB3 context            \
184  *              @const pre_ocb3key *key@ = pointer to key block         \
185  *              @const void *n@ = pointer to nonce                      \
186  *              @size_t nsz@ = size of nonce                            \
187  *              @size_t tsz@ = tag length                               \
188  *                                                                      \
189  * Returns:     Zero on success, @-1@ if the nonce or tag length is     \
190  *              bad.                                                    \
191  *                                                                      \
192  * Use:         Initialize an OCB3 operation context with a given key.  \
193  *                                                                      \
194  *              The original key needn't be kept around any more.       \
195  */                                                                     \
196                                                                         \
197 extern int pre##_ocb3init(pre##_ocb3ctx */*ctx*/,                       \
198                           const pre##_ocb3key */*k*/,                   \
199                           const void */*n*/, size_t /*nsz*/,            \
200                           size_t /*tsz*/);                              \
201                                                                         \
202 /* --- @pre_ocb3reinit@ --- *                                           \
203  *                                                                      \
204  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3ctx *ctx@ = pointer to OCB3 context            \
205  *              @const void *n@ = pointer to nonce                      \
206  *              @size_t nsz@ = size of nonce                            \
207  *              @size_t tsz@ = tag length                               \
208  *                                                                      \
209  * Returns:     Zero on success, @-1@ if the nonce or tag length is     \
210  *              bad.                                                    \
211  *                                                                      \
212  * Use:         Reinitialize an OCB3 operation context, changing the    \
213  *              nonce and/or tag length.                                \
214  */                                                                     \
215                                                                         \
216 extern int pre##_ocb3reinit(pre##_ocb3ctx */*ctx*/,                     \
217                             const void */*n*/, size_t /*nsz*/,          \
218                             size_t /*tsz*/);                            \
219                                                                         \
220 /* --- @pre_ocb3step@ --- *                                             \
221  *                                                                      \
222  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3ctx *ctx@ = pointer to OCB3 context            \
223  *                                                                      \
224  * Returns:     ---                                                     \
225  *                                                                      \
226  * Use:         Reinitialize an OCB3 operation context, stepping to     \
227  *              the `next' nonce along.                                 \
228  */                                                                     \
229                                                                         \
230 extern void pre##_ocb3step(pre##_ocb3ctx */*ctx*/);                     \
231                                                                         \
232 /* --- @pre_ocb3encrypt@ --- *                                          \
233  *                                                                      \
234  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3ctx *ctx@ = pointer to OCB3 operation context  \
235  *              @const void *src@ = pointer to plaintext message chunk  \
236  *              @size_t sz@ = size of the plaintext                     \
237  *              @buf *dst@ = a buffer to write the ciphertext to        \
238  *                                                                      \
239  * Returns:     Zero on success; @-1@ on failure.                       \
240  *                                                                      \
241  * Use:         Encrypts a chunk of a plaintext message, writing a      \
242  *              chunk of ciphertext to the output buffer and updating   \
243  *              the operation state.                                    \
244  *                                                                      \
245  *              Note that OCB3 delays output if its input is not a      \
246  *              whole number of blocks.  This means that the output     \
247  *              might be smaller or larger the input by up to the block \
248  *              size.                                                   \
249  */                                                                     \
250                                                                         \
251 extern int pre##_ocb3encrypt(pre##_ocb3ctx */*ctx*/,                    \
252                              const void */*src*/, size_t /*sz*/,        \
253                              buf */*dst*/);                             \
254                                                                         \
255 /* --- @pre_ocb3decrypt@ --- *                                          \
256  *                                                                      \
257  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3ctx *ctx@ = pointer to OCB3 operation context  \
258  *              @const void *src@ = pointer to ciphertext message chunk \
259  *              @size_t sz@ = size of the ciphertext                    \
260  *              @buf *dst@ = a buffer to write the plaintext to         \
261  *                                                                      \
262  * Returns:     Zero on success; @-1@ on failure.                       \
263  *                                                                      \
264  * Use:         Decrypts a chunk of a ciphertext message, writing a     \
265  *              chunk of plaintext to the output buffer and updating    \
266  *              the operation state.                                    \
267  *                                                                      \
268  *              Note that OCB3 delays output if its input is not a      \
269  *              whole number of blocks.  This means that the output     \
270  *              might be smaller or larger the input by up to the block \
271  *              size.                                                   \
272  */                                                                     \
273                                                                         \
274 extern int pre##_ocb3decrypt(pre##_ocb3ctx */*ctx*/,                    \
275                              const void */*src*/, size_t /*sz*/,        \
276                              buf */*dst*/);                             \
277                                                                         \
278 /* --- @pre_ocb3encryptdone@ --- *                                      \
279  *                                                                      \
280  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3ctx *ctx@ = pointer to an OCB3 context         \
281  *              @const pre_ocb3aadctx *aad@ = pointer to AAD context,   \
282  *                      or null                                         \
283  *              @buf *dst@ = buffer for remaining ciphertext            \
284  *              @void *tag@ = where to write the tag                    \
285  *              @size_t tsz@ = length of tag to store                   \
286  *                                                                      \
287  * Returns:     Zero on success; @-1@ on failure.                       \
288  *                                                                      \
289  * Use:         Completes an OCB3 encryption operation.  The @aad@      \
290  *              pointer may be null if there is no additional           \
291  *              authenticated data.  OCB3 delays output, so this will   \
292  *              cause any remaining buffered plaintext to be encrypted  \
293  *              and written to @dst@.  Anyway, the function will fail   \
294  *              if the output buffer is broken.                         \
295  */                                                                     \
296                                                                         \
297 extern int pre##_ocb3encryptdone(pre##_ocb3ctx */*ctx*/,                \
298                                  const pre##_ocb3aadctx */*aad*/,       \
299                                  buf */*dst*/,                          \
300                                  void */*tag*/, size_t /*tsz*/);        \
301                                                                         \
302 /* --- @pre_ocb3decryptdone@ --- *                                      \
303  *                                                                      \
304  * Arguments:   @pre_ocb3ctx *ctx@ = pointer to an OCB3 context         \
305  *              @const pre_ocb3aadctx *aad@ = pointer to AAD context,   \
306  *                      or null                                         \
307  *              @buf *dst@ = buffer for remaining plaintext             \
308  *              @const void *tag@ = tag to verify                       \
309  *              @size_t tsz@ = length of tag                            \
310  *                                                                      \
311  * Returns:     @+1@ for complete success; @0@ if tag verification      \
312  *              failed; @-1@ for other kinds of errors.                 \
313  *                                                                      \
314  * Use:         Completes an OCB3 decryption operation.  The @aad@      \
315  *              pointer may be null if there is no additional           \
316  *              authenticated data.  OCB3 delays output, so this will   \
317  *              cause any remaining buffered ciphertext to be decrypted \
318  *              and written to @dst@.  Anyway, the function will fail   \
319  *              if the output buffer is broken.                         \
320  */                                                                     \
321                                                                         \
322 extern int pre##_ocb3decryptdone(pre##_ocb3ctx */*ctx*/,                \
323                                  const pre##_ocb3aadctx */*aad*/,       \
324                                  buf */*dst*/,                          \
325                                  const void */*tag*/, size_t /*tsz*/);  \
326                                                                         \
327 /* --- Generic AEAD interface --- */                                    \
328                                                                         \
329 extern const gcaead pre##_ocb3;
331 /*----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------*/
333 #ifdef __cplusplus
334   }
335 #endif
337 #endif