chiark / gitweb /
progs/cc-sig.c: Initialize hash context properly for RSA-PSS.
[catacomb] / progs / key.1
d03ab969 1.\" -*-nroff-*-
052b36d0 t \{\
8404fd75 3. if \n(.g \{\
4. fam P
5. \}
052b36d0 6. ds ss \s8\u
7. ds se \d\s0
1476eebc 8. ds us \s8\d
9. ds ue \u\s0
8404fd75 10. ds *b \(*b
052b36d0 11.\}
12.el \{\
13. ds ss ^
14. ds se
1476eebc 15. ds us _
8404fd75 16. ds ue
17. ds *b \fIbeta\fP
052b36d0 18.\}
c65df279 VS
20.sp 1
23.ft B
24.. VE
26.ft R
29.sp 1
d07dfe80 31.TH key 1 "5 June 1999" "Straylight/Edgeware" "Catacomb cryptographic library"
d03ab969 32.SH NAME
33key \- simple key management system
35.B key
36.RB [ \-k
37.IR keyring ]
38.I command
41.I command
42is one of:
c65df279 44.B help
45.RI [ command ...]
47.B show
48.RI [ item ...]
d03ab969 50.B add
4e67e30b 51.RB [ \-lqrLKS ]
052b36d0 52.RB [ \-a
53.IR alg ]
54.RB [ \-b | \-B
d03ab969 55.IR bits ]
052b36d0 56.RB [ \-p
57.IR param ]
d07dfe80 58.RB [ \-R
052b36d0 59.IR tag ]
c65df279 62.RB [ \-A
63.IR seed-alg ]
64.RB [ \-s
65.IR seed ]
66.RB [ \-n
67.IR bits ]
d03ab969 70.RB [ \-e
71.IR expire ]
052b36d0 72.RB [ \-t
73.IR tag ]
d03ab969 74.RB [ \-c
75.IR comment ]
eb31b00e 76.RB [ \-C
77.IR curve ]
d03ab969 80.I type
81.IR attr ...
83.B expire
052b36d0 84.IR tag ...
86.B delete
052b36d0 87.IR tag ...
89.B tag
90.I tag
91.RI [ new-tag ]
93.B comment
94.I tag
95.RI [ comment ]
97.B setattr
052b36d0 98.I tag
d03ab969 99.IR attr ...
e9be047b 101.B getattr
102.I tag
103.I attr
052b36d0 105.B lock
106.I qtag
108.B unlock
109.I qtag
d03ab969 111.B list
052b36d0 112.RB [ \-uqv ]
113.RB [ \-f
114.IR filter ]
115.RI [ tag ...]
117.B fingerprint
118.RB [ \-f
119.IR filter ]
120.RB [ \-p
121.IR style ]
b817bfc6 122.RB [ \-a
123.IR hash ]
052b36d0 124.RI [ tag ...]
58507325 126.B verify
127.RB [ \-f
128.IR filter ]
129.RB [ \-p
130.IR style ]
58507325 131.RB [ \-a
132.IR hash ]
133.I tag
134.I fingerprint
d03ab969 136.B tidy
138.B extract
052b36d0 139.RB [ \-f
140.IR filter ]
d03ab969 141.I file
052b36d0 142.RI [ tag ...]
144.B merge
145.I file
148.B key
149command performs useful operations on Catacomb keyring files. It
150provides a number of subcommands, by which the various operations may be
151carried out.
152.SS "Global options"
153Before the command name,
154.I "global options"
155may be given. The following global options are supported:
c65df279 157.BR "\-h, \-\-help " [ \fIcommand ...]
d03ab969 158Writes a brief summary of
159.BR key 's
160various options to standard output, and
c65df279 161returns a successful exit status. With command names, gives help on
162those commands.
d03ab969 163.TP
164.B "\-v, \-\-version"
165Writes the program's version number to standard output, and returns a
166successful exit status.
168.B "\-u, \-\-usage"
169Writes a very terse command line summary to standard output, and returns
170a successful exit status.
c9e31e42 172.BI "\-k, \-\-keyring " file
d03ab969 173Names the keyring file which
174.B key
175is to process. The default keyring, used if this option doesn't specify
176one, is the file named
177.B keyring
178in the current directory. The keyring must be stored in a regular file:
179pipes, sockets, devices etc. are not allowed.
181.B key
182program attempts to lock the keyring before accessing it, using
183.BR fcntl (2)
184locking. It will however time out after a short while (10 seconds) and
185report a failure.
186.SS Concepts
187In addition to the actual key data itself, a Catacomb key has a number
188of other pieces of information attached to it:
052b36d0 190.B "keyid"
191Every key has a 32-bit identifying number, written in hexadecimal.
192Keyids are not actually related to the key contents: they're generated
193randomly. Applications use keyids to refer to specific keys; users are
194probably better off with tags and types. A
d03ab969 195.I deleted
196key cannot be looked up by keyid.
052b36d0 198.B "tag"
199A key's tag is a unique string which can be used by users and
200applications to identify the key. Tag strings may not contain spaces,
201colons or dots. A
202.I deleted
203key cannot be looked up by tag. Whenever a tag name is wanted, a hex
204keyid or key type string can be given instead.
206.B "type"
d03ab969 207A key's type string describes what the key may be used for. The type
208string is arbitrary, except that it may not contain whitespace
052b36d0 209characters, dots or colons. Applications use key types to obtain an
210arbitrary but suitable key for some purpose. An
d03ab969 211.I expired
052b36d0 212key cannot be looked up by type, but may be looked up by keyid or tag.
214.B "key encoding"
215There are a number of different ways in which keys can be represented,
216according to the uses to which the key will be put. Most symmetric
217algorithms use
218.I binary
219keys. Keys used with number-theoretic systems (like most common
220public-key systems) use
221.I "multiprecision integer"
8404fd75 222keys. Elliptic curve systems use
223.I "curve point"
224keys, which are either a pair of integers representing field elements,
225or a `point at infinity'. Algorithms which require several key
226constituents (again, like most public-key systems) use
052b36d0 227.I structured
8404fd75 228keys, which consist of a collection of named parts. It's possible to
229store an
230.I "ASCII string"
231as a key, though this is usually done as a component of a structured
232key. Finally, keys (including structured keys) can be encrypted.
052b36d0 233.TP
234.B "filter"
235Keys and key components may be selected by a filter expression, a
236sequence of flag names separated by commas. Flags are:
237.BR binary ,
238.BR integer ,
8404fd75 239.BR struct ,
240.BR ec ,
241.BR string ,
052b36d0 242or
243.B encrypt
244(describing the key encoding);
245.BR symmetric ,
246.BR private ,
8404fd75 247.BR public ,
052b36d0 248or
249.B shared
250(describing the category of key);
251.B burn
252and its negation
253.B \-burn
254(whether the key should be erased from memory after use); and
255.B secret
256and its negation
257.B \-secret
258(whether the key is safe to divulge).
260.B "qualified tag"
261A key component may be identified by the key's tag (or keyid, or type).
262Subcomponents of structured keys are identified by following the tag by
263a dot and the name of the subcomponent.
d03ab969 264.TP
265.B "expiry time"
266Most keys expire after a certain amount of time. Once a key has
267expired, it will no longer be chosen as a result of a lookup by key
268type. However, it is not deleted until its deletion time is also
271.B "deletion time"
272A key's deletion time is the latest expiry time of any of the objects
273which require that key. For example, a key used for authenticating
274cryptographic cookies should have its deletion time set to the longest
052b36d0 275expiry time of any of the cookies it can authenticate. Once a key's
276deletion time is passed, it can no longer be referred to by
d03ab969 277applications, and will be removed from the keyring next time it's
278written to disk.
052b36d0 280.B "comment"
d03ab969 281A key may be given a comment when it's created. The comment is for the
282benefit of users, and isn't interpreted by applications at all.
052b36d0 285.B "attributes"
286A key has zero or more name/value pairs. The names and values are
287arbitrary strings, except that they may not contain null bytes. Some
d03ab969 288attributes may have meaning for particular applications or key types;
289others may be assigned global meanings in future.
c65df279 291.SS help
293.B help
294command behaves exactly as the
295.B \-\-help
296option. With no arguments, it shows an overview of
297.BR key 's
298options; with arguments, it describes the named subcommands.
299.SS show
301.B show
302command prints various lists of tokens understood by
303.BR key .
304With no arguments, it prints all of the lists; with arguments, it prints
305just the named lists, in order. The recognized lists can be enumerated
306using the
308key show list
310command. The lists are as follows.
312.B list
313The lists which can be enumerated by the
314.B show
317.B hash
318The hash functions which can be used with the
319.B fingerprint
58507325 320and
321.B verify
c65df279 323.TP
324.B ec
325The built-in elliptic curves which can be used with the
326.B add \-a ec
329.B dh
ef3b232f 330The built-in Diffie\(enHellman groups which can be used with the
c65df279 331.B add \-a dh
334.B keygen
335The key-generation algorithms which are acceptable to the
336.B \-a
337option of the
338.B add
341.B seed
342The pseudorandom generators which are acceptable to the
343.B \-s
344option of the
345.B add
348.B fpres
349Fingerprint presentation styles, as used by the
350.B fingerprint
352.B verify
d03ab969 354.SS add
356.B add
357command creates a new key and adds it to the keyring. The command
358accepts the following options:
052b36d0 360.BI "\-a, \-\-algorithm " alg
361Selects a key generation algorithm. The default algorithm is
362.BR binary ;
c65df279 363the different algorithms are described below. The command
364.B key show keygen
365lists the recognized key-generation algorithms.
052b36d0 366.TP
c9e31e42 367.BI "\-b, \-\-bits " bits
d03ab969 368The length of the key to generate, in bits. The default, if this option
052b36d0 369is not supplied, depends on the key-generation algorithm.
371.BI "\-B, \-\-qbits " bits
372The length of the subsidiary key or parameter, in bits. Not all
373key-generation algorithms have a subsidiary key size.
375.BI "\-p, \-\-parameters " tag
376Selects a key containing parameter values to copy. Not all
4739c68a 377key-generation algorithms allow the use of shared parameters. A new key
378also inherits attributes from its parameter key.
d03ab969 379.TP
c65df279 380.BI "\-A, \-\-seedalg " seed-alg
381Use the deterministic random number generator algorithm
382.I seed-alg
383to generate the key. Use
384.I before
386.B \-s
388.B \-n
389options; without one of these,
390.B \-A
391has no effect. The default algorithm is
392.BR rmd160-mgf .
393The command
394.B key show seed
395shows a list of recognized seeding algorithms. The seeding algorithm
396used to generate a key is recorded as the key's
397.B seedalg
400.BI "\-s, \-\-seed " seed
401Generate the key deterministically using the given
402.IR seed ,
403which should be a Base64-encoded binary string. This is mainly useful
404for parameters keys (types
405.BR dsa-param
407.BR dh-param ),
408to demonstrate that a set of parameters has been generated in an honest
409fashion. The
410.B dsarand
411generation algorithm can be used to generate
412.B dsa-param
413keys as required by FIPS186. The requested seed is recorded,
414Base64-encoded, as the new key's
415.B seed
418.BI "\-n, \-\-newseed " bits
419Generate a new seed, with the given length in
420.IR bits .
421The generated seed is recorded, Base64-encoded, as the new key's
422.B seed
c9e31e42 425.BI "\-e, \-\-expire " expire
d03ab969 426The expiry date for the generated key. This may be the string
427.RB ` forever '
428if the key should never expire automatically, or any date acceptable to
430.BR getdate (3)
431library function. Briefly,
432.B getdate
433understands absolute dates such as
434.RB ` 1999-08-02 '
436.RB ` "August 2nd, 1999" ',
437and (perhaps more usefully) relative dates such as
438.RB ` "+2 weeks" '.
439The default is to allow a 2 week expiry, which isn't useful.
c9e31e42 441.BI "\-c, \-\-comment " comment
d03ab969 442Sets a comment for the key. The default is not to attach a comment.
052b36d0 443.TP
eb31b00e 444.BI "\-C, \-\-curve " curve-spec
445Use the elliptic curve described by
446.I curve-spec
447when generating elliptic curve parameters.
052b36d0 449.BI "\-t, \-\-tag " tag
450Selects a tag string for the key. The default is not to set a tag. It
451is an error to select a tag which already exists.
d07dfe80 453.BI "\-r, \-\-retag"
454If a
455.B \-t
456option is given, remove this tag from any key which already has it.
458.BI "\-R, \-\-rand-id " tag
052b36d0 459Selects the key to use for the random number generator. Catacomb's
460random number generator can be
461.IR keyed ,
462so that, even if the inputs to the generator are compromised, knowledge
463of the key is also necessary to be able to predict the output. By
464default, the latest-expiring key with type
465.B catacomb-rand
466is used, if present; if not, no key is used.
468.BI "\-l, \-\-lock"
469Requests that the secret parts of the newly-generated key be encrypted
470using a passphrase.
472.BI "\-q, \-\-quiet"
473Suppresses the progress indication which is usually generated while
474time-consuming key generation tasks are being performed.
1476eebc 475.TP
4e67e30b 476.BI "\-L, \-\-lim-lee"
477When generating Diffie\(enHellman parameters, generate a Lim\(enLee
478prime rather than a random (or safe) prime. See the details on
479Diffie\(enHellman key generation below.
1476eebc 480.TP
4e67e30b 481.BI "\-K, \-\-kcdsa"
482When generating Diffie\(enHellman parameters, generate a KCDSA-style
483Lim\(enLee prime rather than a random (or safe) prime. See the details
484on Diffie\(enHellman key generation below.
486.BI "\-S, \-\-subgroup"
487When generating Diffie\(enHellman parameters with a Lim\(enLee prime,
488choose a generator of a prime-order subgroup rather than a subgroup of
490.RI ( p "\ \-\ 1)/2."
d03ab969 491.PP
492The key's type is given by the required
493.I type
494argument. Following the type are zero or more attributes, which are
495attached to the key in the same way as for the
496.B setattr
052b36d0 499The key-generation algorithms supported are as follows:
501.B "binary"
502Generates a plain binary key of the requested length. If the requested
503key length is not a multiple of eight, the high-order bits of the first
504octet of the key are zeroed. The default key length is 128 bits.
506.B "des"
507Generates a DES key, with parity bits. The key length must be 56, 112
508or 168; the default is 56. The low-order bit of each octet is ignored by
509the DES algorithm; it is used to give each octet odd parity.
511.B "rsa"
512Generates a public/private key pair for use with the RSA algorithm.
514The key components are
515.I p
517.IR q ,
518a pair of prime numbers;
519.IR n ,
520the product of
521.I p
523.IR q ;
524.IR e ,
525the public exponent;
526.IR d ,
527the private exponent, chosen such that
ef3b232f 528.IR ed \~\(==\~1
052b36d0 529(mod
ef3b232f 530.RI lcm( p "\~\-\~1, " q \~\-\~1));
052b36d0 531and some other values useful for optimizing private-key operations:
532.IR q "\*(ss\-1\*(se mod " p ,
533.IR d "\~mod " p \~\-\~1,
052b36d0 534and
ef3b232f 535.IR d "\~mod " q \~\-\~1.
052b36d0 536The values
537.I n
539.I e
540constitute the public key; the rest must be kept secret. The key size
541requested by the
542.B \-b
543option determines the size of the modulus
544.IR n ;
545the default is 1024 bits.
547The key generation algorithm chooses
548.I p
550.I q
551to be
552.I strong
553primes: both
ef3b232f 554.IR p \~\-\~1
052b36d0 555and
556.IR p \~+\~1
557have large prime factors \(en call them
052b36d0 558.I r
560.I s
561respectively \(en and
562.IR r \~\-\~1
052b36d0 563also has a large prime factor;
564.I q
565has similar properties.
567The modulus
568.I n
569cannot be sensibly used as a shared parameter, since knowledge of
570corrssponding public and private exponents is sufficient to be able to
571factor the modulus and recover other users' private keys.
eb31b00e 573.B "dh-param"
ef3b232f 574Generates parameters for use with the Diffie\(enHellman key exchange
052b36d0 575protocol, and many related systems, such as ElGamal encryption and
1476eebc 576signatures, and even DSA. (The separate DSA algorithm uses the
577generator described in FIPS186-1.)
ef3b232f 579The Diffie\(enHellman parameters are a prime modulus
1476eebc 580.I p
052b36d0 581and a generator
582.I g
1476eebc 583of a subgroup of
584.BR Z / \c
585.IB p Z
586of order
587.IR q .
052b36d0 589.B \-b
1476eebc 590option controls the size of the modulus
052b36d0 591.IR p ;
1476eebc 592the default size is 1024 bits.
45c0fd36 594If no
052b36d0 595.I q
1476eebc 596size is selected using the
052b36d0 597.B \-B
ef3b232f 598option and the Lim\(enLee prime options are disabled, then
1476eebc 599.I p
600is chosen to be a `safe' prime (i.e.,
ef3b232f 601.IR p "\~= 2" q \~+\~1,
1476eebc 602with
603.I q
8404fd75 604prime). Finding safe primes takes a very long time. In this case, the
605value of
1476eebc 606.I g
607is fixed as 4.
609If a size is chosen for
610.I q
ef3b232f 611and Lim\(enLee primes are not selected then the prime
1476eebc 612.I q
613is generated and
614.I p
615is chosen so that
ef3b232f 616.IR p \~\-\~1
1476eebc 617is a multiple of
618.IR q .
620If the
621.B \-L
622option was given, Lim\(enLee primes are selected: the parameters are
623chosen such that
624.IR p "\~= 2\~" q \*(us0\*(ue
625.IR q \*(us1\*(ue
626.IR q \*(us2\*(ue\~...\~+\~1,
1476eebc 627where the
ef3b232f 628.IR q \*(us i \*(ue
1476eebc 629are primes at least as large as the setting given by the
630.B \-B
631option (or 256 bits, if no setting was given).
052b36d0 632.IP
1476eebc 633If the
45c0fd36 634.B \-K
ef3b232f 635option was given, KCDSA-style Lim\(enLee primes are selected: the
4e67e30b 636parameters are chosen such that
ef3b232f 637.IR p "\~= 2" qv \~+\~1,
4e67e30b 638where
45c0fd36 639.IR p,
640.I q
642.I v
643are primes.
645If the
1476eebc 646.B \-S
648.B \-K
649options were given, the generator
1476eebc 650.I g
651is chosen to generate the subgroup of order
652.IR q \*(us0\*(ue;
654.I g
655will generate the group of order
656.RI ( p "\~\-\~1)/2\~= " q "\*(us0\*(ue " q \*(us1\*(ue
657.IR q \*(us2\*(ue\~...
8404fd75 658.IP
659Finally, the
660.B \-C
661option can be given, in which case the parameters are taken directly
662from the provided group specification, which may either be the the name
663of one of the built-in groups (say
58507325 664.B "key show dh"
8404fd75 665for a list) or a triple
ef3b232f 666.RI ( p ,\~ q ,\~ g ).
8404fd75 667separated by commas. No random generation is done in this case: the
668given parameters are simply stored.
052b36d0 669.TP
670.B "dh"
ef3b232f 671Generates a public/private key pair for use with offline Diffie\(enHellman,
052b36d0 672ElGamal, DSA or similar discrete-logarithm-based systems. It selects a
673private key
ef3b232f 674.IR x \~<\~ q ,
052b36d0 675and computes the public key
ef3b232f 676.IR y "\~= " g \*(ss x "\*(se mod\~" p .
052b36d0 677.TP
678.B "dsa-param"
679Generates parameters for the DSA algorithm. DSA parameters are also
ef3b232f 680suitable for use with Diffie\(enHellman and ElGamal system.
052b36d0 681.IP
ef3b232f 682The main difference between DSA and Diffie\(enHellman parameter generation
052b36d0 683is thatthe DSA parameter generation
684algorithm creates a
685.I seed
686from which the parameters are derived, and, assuming that the SHA-1 hash
687function is strong, it's not feasible to construct a seed from which
688deliberately weak parameters are derived. The algorithm used is the one
689described in the DSA standard, FIPS\ 186, extended only to allow
690sequential search for a prime
691.I q
692and to allow arbitrary parameter sizes. The seed is stored,
693Base64-encoded, as the value of the attribute
694.BR seed .
696The default lengths for
697.I p
699.I q
700are 768 and 160 bits respectively, since the DSA standard specifies that
701.I q
702be 160 bits, and the choice of 768 bits for
703.I p
704gives commensurate security.
706.B "dsa"
ef3b232f 707Generates a public/private key pair for DSA. As for Diffie\(enHellman
052b36d0 708keys, it selects a
709private key
ef3b232f 710.IR x \~<\~ q ,
052b36d0 711and computes the public key
ef3b232f 712.IR y "\~= " g \*(ss x "\*(se mod\~" p .
052b36d0 713.TP
714.B "bbs"
715Generates a public/private key pair for the Blum-Blum-Shub random-number
716generator, and the Blum-Goldwasser semantically-secure public-key
717encryption system.
719The key components are prime numbers
720.I p
722.IR q ,
ef3b232f 723both congruent to 3 (mod\~4), and their product
052b36d0 724.IR n .
725The public key is simply the modulus
726.IR n ;
727the factors
728.I p
730.I q
731are the private key.
733The key-generation algorithm ensures that the two primes
734.I p
736.I q
738.I strong
739(see the discussion of strong primes above, in the section on RSA keys),
740and that
ef3b232f 741.RI ( p \~\-\~1)/2
052b36d0 742and
ef3b232f 743.RI ( q \~\-\~1)/2
052b36d0 744are relatively prime, giving a maximum possible period length.
746The key size requested by the
747.B \-b
748option determines the length of the modulus
749.IR n ;
750the default length is 1024 bits.
eb31b00e 751.TP
752.B "ec-param"
753Store an elliptic curve specification. If no explicit
754.I curve-spec
755is given (the
756.RB ` \-C '
757option) then a curve is chosen whose order is about the size given by the
758.RB ` \-b '
759option (default is 256 bits).
762.I curve-spec
763can be given explicitly (in which case
764.RB ` \-b '
765is ignored). It can either be the name of a built-in curve (say
58507325 766.B "key show ec"
eb31b00e 767for a list of curve names) or a full specification. The curve is
768checked for correctness and security according to the SEC1
769specification: failed checks cause a warning to be issued to standard
770error (though the program continues anyway). The check can be
771suppressed using the
772.RB ` \-q '
775A curve specification consists of the following elements optionally
776separated by whitespace: a
777.IR "field type" ,
778which is one of
779.BR "prime" ,
780.BR "niceprime" ,
8404fd75 781.BR "binpoly" ,
783.BR "binnorm" ;
eb31b00e 784an optional
785.RB ` : ';
786the field modulus
787.IR p ;
8404fd75 788if the field type is
789.B binnorm
790then an optional
791.RB ` , '
792and the representation of the normal element \*(*b; an optional
20095408 793.RB ` ; ';
eb31b00e 794a
795.IR "curve type" ,
796which is one of
797.BR "prime" ,
798.BR "primeproj" ,
799.BR "bin" ,
801.BR "binproj"
802(the `proj' types currently have much better performance);
803an optional
804.RB ` : ';
805the two field-element parameters
806.I a
45c0fd36 808.IR b
eb31b00e 809which define the elliptic curve
810.IR E ,
811separated by an optional
812.RB ` , ';
813an optional
20095408 814.RB ` ; ';
45c0fd36 815the
eb31b00e 816.IR x -
818.IR y -coordinates
819of the generator point
820.IR G ,
821separated by an optional
822.RB ` , ';
823an optional
824.RB ` : ';
825the order
826.I r
45c0fd36 827of the group generated by
eb31b00e 828.IR G ;
829an optional
830.RB ` * ';
45c0fd36 831and the
eb31b00e 832.I cofactor
833.I h
835.RI # E / r .
837.B "ec"
838Generate a private scalar and a corresponding public point on an
839elliptic curve. See
840.B ec-param
841above for how to specify elliptic curve parameter sets. The scalar
842.I x
843is chosen unformly between 0 and the curve order
844.IR r ;
845the public point is then
846.I x
848.IR G .
052b36d0 849.SS "expire"
d03ab969 850Forces keys to immediately expire. An expired key is not chosen when a
851program requests a key by its type. The keys to expire are listed by
052b36d0 853.IR tag s.
854.SS "delete"
d03ab969 855Deletes keys immediately. The keys to delete are listed by their
052b36d0 856.IR tag s.
d03ab969 857Be careful when deleting keys. It might be a better idea
858to expire keys rather than deleting them.
052b36d0 859.SS "tag"
860Sets, deletes or changes the tag attached to a key. The first tag or
861keyid names the key to be modified; the second, if present specifies the
862new tag to be set. If no second argument is given, the existing tag, if
d07dfe80 863any, is removed and no new tag is set. It is an error to set a tag
864which already exists on another key, unless you give the
865.B \-r
866option, which removes the tag first.
052b36d0 867.SS "setattr"
d03ab969 868Attaches attributes to a key. The key to which the attributes should be
869attached is given by its
052b36d0 870.IR tag .
d03ab969 871Each attribute has the form
872.IB name = value\fR.
873An attribute can be deleted by assigning it an empty value. Although
874the keyring file format is capable of representing an attribute with an
875empty value as distinct from a nonexistant attribute, this interface
876does not allow empty attributes to be set.
e9be047b 877.SS "getattr"
878Fetches a single attribute of a key. The key whose attribute is to be
879read is given by its
880.IR tag .
881The attribute's value is written to standard output followed by a
882newline. If the key or attribute is absent, a message is written to
883standard error and the program exits nonzero.
052b36d0 884.SS "comment"
885Sets, deletes or changes the comment attached to a key. The first
886argument is a key tag or keyid which names the key to be modified; the
887second, if present, is the new comment. If no second argument is given,
888the existing comment, if any, is removed, and no new comment is set.
889.SS "lock"
890Locks a key or key component using a passphrase. If the key is already
891locked, the existing passphrase is requested, and a new passphrase is
893.SS "unlock"
894Unlocks a passphrase-locked key or key component. If the key is not
895locked, an error is reported.
896.SS "list"
d03ab969 897Lists the keys in the keyring. A couple of options are supported:
899.B "\-v, \-\-verbose"
900Increases the amount of information displayed for each key. Repeat for
901a greater effect.
903.B "\-q, \-\-quiet"
904Decreases the amount of information displayed for each key. Each use
905cancels a
906.RB ` \-v '
c9e31e42 908.TP
909.B "\-u, \-\-utc"
910Display key expiry times as UTC rather than using the local time zone.
052b36d0 911.TP
912.BI "\-f, \-\-filter " filter
913Specifies a filter. Only keys and key components which match the filter
914are listed.
d03ab969 915.PP
916By default, a single line of output is generated for each, showing
917keyids, types, expiry and deletion dates, and comments. Additional
918.RB ` \-v '
919options show more information, such as the exact time of day for expiry
052b36d0 920and deletion, key attributes, and a dump of the actual key data. If the
921verbosity level is sufficiently high, passphrases are requested to
922decrypt locked keys. Make sure nobody is looking over your shoulder
923when you do this!
924.SS "fingerprint"
925Reports a fingerprint (secure hash) on components of requested keys.
58507325 926The following options are supported:
052b36d0 927.TP
928.BI "\-f, \-\-filter " filter
929Specifies a filter. Only keys and key components which match the filter
930are fingerprinted. The default is to only fingerprint nonsecret
b817bfc6 932.TP
933.BI "\-p, \-\-presentation " style
934Write fingerprints in the given
935.IR style .
936See below for a list of presentation styles.
b817bfc6 938.BI "\-a, \-\-algorithm " hash
939Names the hashing algorithm. Run
58507325 940.B key show hash
b817bfc6 941for a list of hashing algorithms. The default is
942.BR rmd160 .
052b36d0 943.PP
944The keys to be fingerprinted are named by their tags or keyids given as
945command line arguments. If no key tags are given, all keys which match
b817bfc6 946the filter are fingerprinted. See
947.BR keyring (5)
948for a description of how key fingerprints are computed.
950The fingerprint may be shown in the following styles.
952.B hex
953Lowercase hexadecimal, with groups of eight digits separated by hyphens
954(`\-'). This is the default presentation style. (On input, colons are
955also permitted as separators.)
957.B base32
958Lowercase Base32 encoding, without `=' padding, with groups of six
959digits separated by colons (`:'). (On input, padding characters are
58507325 961.SS "verify"
962Check a key's fingerprint against a reference copy. The following
963options are supported:
965.BI "\-f, \-\-filter " filter
966Specifies a filter. Only key components which match the filter are
967hashed. The default is to only fingerprint nonsecret components. An
968error is reported if no part of the key matches.
970.BI "\-p, \-\-presentation " style
971Expect the
972.I fingerprint
973to be in the given presentation
974.IR style .
975These match the styles produced by the
976.B fingerprint
977command described above.
58507325 979.BI "\-a, \-\-algorithm " hash
980Names the hashing algorithm. Run
981.B key show hash
982for a list of hashing algorithms. The default is
983.BR rmd160 .
985The fingerprint should be provided in the form printed by the
986.B fingerprint
987command, using the same presentation
988.IR style .
989A little flexibility is permitted: separators may be placed anywhere (or
990not at all) and are ignored; whitespace is permitted and ignored; and
991case is ignored in presentation styles which don't make use of both
992upper- and lower-case characters.
052b36d0 993.SS "tidy"
d03ab969 994Simply reads the keyring from file and writes it back again. This has
995the effect of removing any deleted keys from the file.
052b36d0 996.SS "extract"
997Writes a selection of keys to a file. An option is supported:
999.BI "\-f, \-\-filter " filter
1000Specifies a filter. Only keys and key components which match the filter
1001are written.
1003Keys extracted are written to the file named by the first argument,
d03ab969 1004which may be
1005.RB ` \- '
1006to designate standard output. The keys to extract are listed by their
052b36d0 1007tags; if no tags are given, all keys which match the filter are
1008extracted. The output is a valid keyring file.
1009.SS "merge"
d03ab969 1010Merges the keys from the named
1011.IR file ,
1012which may be
1013.RB ` \- '
1014to designate standard input, with the keyring. Keys already in the
1015keyring are not overwritten: you must explicitly remove them first if
1016you want them to be replaced during the merge.
d03ab969 1017.SH "SEE ALSO"
1018.BR keyring (5).
f387fcb1 1020Mark Wooding, <>