chiark / gitweb /
gremlin/ (JPEGFormat): Fix property name in docstring.
[autoys] / flaccrip / flaccrip-slide
1#! /usr/bin/tcc -run
2/* -*-c-*- */
4/* A simple progrem to compute AccurateRip checksums for a sliding window
5 * over a stream. The algorithm is based on an observation by Jon Lund
6 * Steffensen (
7 *
8 * The basic checksum is c = SUM_i (i + i) S_i, where 0 <= i < n ranges over
9 * the sample numbers, and S_i is the data for the sample point, expressed as
10 * a single element of Z/2^{32}Z (a cheesy notational device which avoids me
11 * having to write `(mod 2^{32})' everywhere).
12 *
13 * Steffensen's observation is this: if T_i = S_{i+1} for 0 <= i < n - 1 then
14 * we can compute the checksum c' over the T_i given only a small quantity of
15 * data. Indeed,
16 *
17 * c' - c = SUM_{0<=i<n} (i + 1) T_i - SUM_{0<=i<n} (i + 1) S_i
18 * = SUM_{0<=i<n-1} (i + 1) S_{i+1} + n T_{n-1} -
19 * SUM_{0<i<n} (i + 1) S_i - S_0
20 * = SUM_{0<i<n} i S_i + n T_{n-1} -
21 * SUM_{0<i<n} (i + 1) S_i - S_0
22 * = n T_{n-1} - SUM_{0<=i<n} S_i
23 *
24 * The term SUM_{0<=i<n} S_i can be computed while we're summing up the
25 * initial window. Obviously, maintaining it is trivial.
26 *
27 * The final track is dealt with specially by clobbering the last five frames
28 * with silence. Since silent samples contribute nothing to the checksum, we
29 * can instead consider the final track to be truncated at this point.
30 *
31 * Life gets a little bit more complicated when we deal with the special
32 * rules for the first track: rather than simply starting (almost) five
33 * frames in, we silence the initial segment. So when we advance our window,
34 * we must take off m S_0 rather than simply S_0.
35 */
37#include <errno.h>
38#include <stdio.h>
39#include <stdlib.h>
40#include <string.h>
42#include <getopt.h>
44int main(int argc, char *argv[])
46 unsigned long ns, ck, tot, i0, o = 0, x, y;
47 FILE *fp, *fs;
48 unsigned long *tv;
49 int i;
50 const char *quis = argv[0];
51 unsigned char b[4];
52 unsigned f = 0;
53#define F_DEBUG 1u
55 for (;;) {
56 int o = getopt(argc, argv, "di:");
57 if (o == EOF) break;
58 switch (o) {
59 case 'd': f |= F_DEBUG; break;
60 case 'i': i0 = strtoul(optarg, 0, 0); break;
61 default: exit(1);
62 }
63 }
64 argv += optind; argc -= optind;
66 if (argc < 6) {
67 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s flaccrip-slide NSAMPLES CHECKSUM SUM "
68 "PREFIX SUFFIX TARGET ...\n", quis);
69 exit(1);
70 }
71 ns = strtoul(argv[0], 0, 0);
72 ck = strtoul(argv[1], 0, 16);
73 tot = strtoul(argv[2], 0, 0);
74 if ((fp = fopen(argv[3], "rb")) == 0) {
75 fprintf(stderr, "%s: open %s: %s\n", quis, argv[3], strerror(errno));
76 exit(1);
77 }
78 if ((fs = fopen(argv[4], "rb")) == 0) {
79 fprintf(stderr, "%s: open %s: %s\n", quis, argv[4], strerror(errno));
80 exit(1);
81 }
82 argv += 5; argc -= 5;
84 if ((tv = malloc(argc * sizeof(*tv))) == 0) {
85 fprintf(stderr, "%s: malloc: %s\n", quis, strerror(errno));
86 exit(1);
87 }
88 for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
89 tv[i] = strtoul(argv[i], 0, 16);
91 for (;;) {
93 if (f & F_DEBUG) {
94 fprintf(stderr, "%s: DEBUG: offset = %lu, ck = %08lx, tot = %lu\n",
95 quis, o, ck, tot);
96 }
98 ck &= 0xffffffff;
99 for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
100 if (ck == tv[i]) {
101 printf("%lu %08lx\n", o, ck);
102 break;
103 }
104 }
106 if (!fread(b, 4, 1, fp)) {
107 if (ferror(fp)) {
108 fprintf(stderr, "%s: read prefix: %s\n", quis, strerror(errno));
109 exit(1);
110 }
111 break;
112 }
113 x = (b[0] << 0) | (b[1] << 8) | (b[2] << 16) | (b[3] << 24);
115 if (!fread(b, 4, 1, fs)) {
116 if (ferror(fs)) {
117 fprintf(stderr, "%s: read suffix: %s\n", quis, strerror(errno));
118 exit(1);
119 }
120 break;
121 }
122 y = (b[0] << 0) | (b[1] << 8) | (b[2] << 16) | (b[3] << 24);
124 if (f & F_DEBUG)
125 fprintf(stderr, "%s: DEBUG: prefix = %08lx, suffix = %08lx\n",
126 quis, x, y);
128 ck += ns*y - tot - i0*x;
129 tot += y - x;
130 o++;
131 }
133 return (0);