### The Golden Circle ###
*Queen Moire is dead, and Queen Meinwen (Martin's daughter) is to be crowned Queen of Rebma. You have been looking forward to the coronation for weeks - it will be the social event of the decade, and everyone who is anyone will be there.*
*Except, it seems, you.*
*Instead of attending the coronation, you are being sent off on an errand that isn't important enough for anyone more senior to be saddled with...*
#### Basic Information ####
* Welcome to The Golden Circle, run by Senji and Shadow.
* All the books are considered to be loosely canonical.
* All characters should be people who would be invited to the coronation of Queen Meinwen of Rebma.
* The game will mainly be set within the Golden Circle.
* The characters will be divided into two teams, and there will be competition between those teams.
* Characters **must** be created before the con.
* The sooner you can send us your choice of grandparent and a trump image for your character, the better.
#### Details ####
* [[Character Creation]]
* [[Teams]]
* Other