# *You Can Lead Horsingas to Water* ---- ## Summary *The Stonehenge Tribunal attempts to eliminate the troublesome Covenant of Horsingas once and for all* ## Timing This story ran from [[26th June 1228|Date/1228/06/26]] until [[5th July 1228|Date/1228/07/05]]. It was in sessions: * [[Session/Ilanin004]] ## Cast * Storyguide * [[Users/Ilanin]] * Magi * [[Alexios|Characters/Schola/Magi/AlexiosKaloethes]] * [[Angelo|Characters/Schola/Magi/AngeloExMercere]] * [[Johannes|Characters/Schola/Magi/JohannesExGuernicus]] * Consors * [[Fergus|Characters/Schola/Consors/FergusmacÓengus]] * [[Gaius|Characters/Schola/Consors/GaiusValeriusCorvus]] * Grogs * [[Grex Romanus|Characters/Schola/Covenfolk/Turb/Romanus]] * [[Grex Aegyptus|Characters/Schola/Covenfolk/Turb/Aegyptus]] ## Detail *Having been charged with raiding the Horsingas covenant to confiscate stolen property and recover any other evidence of wrongdoing, Johannes gathers his forces - recruiting the assisstance of the Armstrong clan [allies of Goliard] to counter Horsingas's allies the Nixons, Kirist and Gregorius, and sets off from Carlisle towards Horsingas, just north of Hadrian's Wall. They evolve a plan which creates a couple of distractions for the Nixon outriders and therefore dodge most of the clan's response, but still face a skirmish with some 20 or so Nixons. Fergus leads a charge to deal with the main body while Gaius cuts off a group going for reinforcements using his Raven form and gores them with his Bull form. The party dodge most of the illusions at Horsingas, fight off the remaining grogs, and prevent the maddened oldest member of the covenant from dropping the roof on their heads - but are unable to prevent him inundating the covenant with the Tyne. They recover what they can, including a confused young child, and get out before everything floods.*