# Something lost behind the Ranges ---- ## Summary *A summary of the events of the chapter go here.* ## Timing This chapter ran on [[21st October 1216|Date/1216/10/21]] and [[5th June 1217|Date/1217/06/05]] - [[12th June 1217|Date/1217/06/05]]. It was in sessions: * [[Session/Shadow001]] ## Cast * Storyguide * [[Users/Shadow]] * Magi * [[Tanis|Characters/Schola/Magi/TanisKatsakisTanithou]] * [[Alexios|Characters/Schola/Magi/AlexiosKaloethes]] * Consors * [[Gaius|Characters/Schola/Consors/GaiusValeriusCorvus]] * [[Robert|Characters/Schola/Consors/RobertDeDovre]] * [[Maui|Characters/Schola/Consors/TomBlack]] * Grogs * [[Grex Romanus|Characters/Schola/Covenfolk/Turb/Romanus]] ## Detail *While work was being done on the Junior Magi's house, a further underground room was discovered. This led into some areas associated with the mythraeum. A diary was found that led the magi to a site on the Isle of Eels, to be known as Elverdell.* *The following items were found at Elverdell:* 1. A book in a tongue like Arabic 2. A manual on caring for the orrery 3. A summa on Astrology, which is also a tractatus on unknown organisation lore 4. A scroll of observations, ending in AD600 5. A map of the secret waterways 6. A spell: Planets' Blessing 7. A partially destroyed scroll 8. An elemental associated with Ignem 9. Probably an ignem vis source 10. An orrery 11. A complex mechanism 12. A Tractatus on Astronomy 13. A mosaic of the planets and their properties