This is a map of the Mercere Portal network: [[!graph prog="fdp" src=""" size="10,10"; splines=true; subgraph cluster_ga { Valnastium [ href=[[Locations/Alps/Valnastium]] ]; label="Greater Alps"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=yellow; } subgraph cluster_hi { "Circulus Ruber" [ href=[[Locations/Hibernian/CirculusRuber]] ]; Vigil [ href=[[Locations/Hibernian/Vigil]] ]; label="Hibernian"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=pink; } subgraph cluster_ib { Barcelona ; Unnamed4; label="Iberian"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=MediumPurple; } subgraph cluster_le { "Al-Arama"; Foothold; "The Hermetic Embassy"; label="The Levant"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=yellow; } subgraph cluster_ll { Unnamed1; label="Loch Legean"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor="#ff8888"; } subgraph cluster_no { Fudarus; label="Normandy"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor="#ff8888"; } subgraph cluster_nv { "Priapet Maior"; "Rodnya (ex)" [bgcolor=grey]; "Three Lakes"; label="Novgorod"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor="#ff8888"; } subgraph cluster_pr { Unnamed3; label="Provençal"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=cyan; } subgraph cluster_rh { Crintera; Durenmar; Irencillia; label="Rhine"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=LightBlue; } subgraph cluster_ro { Harco; Magvillus; Unnamed2; "Vardian's Tomb"; Verdi; label="Roman"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=brown2; } subgraph cluster_st { "Magnantrum (ex)" [bgcolor=grey]; "Schola Pythagorus" [ href=[[Locations/Stonehenge/Schola]] ]; label="Stonehenge"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=green; } subgraph cluster_th { Hedyosmos; Xylinites; "Moero's Garden"; label="Thebes"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=cyan; } subgraph cluster_tr { Coeris; label="Transylvanian"; graph[style=dotted]; bgcolor=green; } "Coeris" -- "Unnamed4"; "Crintera" -- "Rodnya (ex)"; "Fudarus" -- "Foothold"; "Fudarus" -- "Hedyosmos"; "Harco" -- "Durenmar"; "Harco" -- "Magnantrum (ex)"; "Harco" -- "Valnastium"; "Harco" -- "Three Lakes"; "Magvillus" -- "The Hermetic Embassy"; "Schola Pythagorus" -- "Circulus Ruber"; "Schola Pythagorus" -- "Unnamed1"; "Unnamed2" -- "Coeris"; "Unnamed3" -- "Crintera"; "Unnamed3" -- "Irencillia"; "Valnastium" -- "Barcelona"; "Valnastium" -- "Moero's Garden"; "Valnastium" -- "Schola Pythagorus"; "Valnastium" -- "Xylinites"; "Vardian's Tomb" -- "Verdi"; "Vardian's Tomb" -- "Al-Arama"; "Vigil" -- "Priapet Maior" [label="Merinita"]; """]] [[!table file="Setting/mercereportals.dsv"]]