The inn is situated on a parcel of land on both sides of the road: including Landbeach lake. There is at least one kelpie in the lake. Land on the lake side of the road is lightly forested, and the other side is fenland. The road and inn itself are raised above the level of 10-year floods. The inn is an old Roman Mansio. The main building is in good repair, but the hypocaust mechanism and bathhouse fell into disrepair centuries ago. The bathhouse has been converted into an ancillary inn with a kosher kitchen for Jewish guests. This version of the inn is modelled as an Income source. The land is held in Copyhold from the Bishopric of Ely as "rent" the inn is required to provide board and change of horses for agents of the Bishopric. There is also another version of the inn in the faerie regio on the site (level 4). This inn is mostly maintained by browies (think enough milk to feed an entire army of hedgehogs, also some lares rites) so the hypocaust (labs count as having Magical Heating) and baths work. The majority of the interior has been converted to labs; and there is an outdoor lab. There are two labs (33'x20',36'x22¼') converted out of storerooms at the front of the building, behind the stables, and the other four (36'2"x17½') are in the sides. The walkways in the courtyard on the sides have been filled in to make auxilliary/bed rooms for those four labs, each of which has two 8½'x10' rooms and three 8½'x5' rooms, one of which forms a small antichamber for the lab itself. The two front labs each have two associated adjacent 17½'x12' rooms (one above the other) off the courtyard, but there is no direct access to them from the labs. In general the walls of the building are about 2' thick stone construction excepting those of the anciliary rooms which have been lightly constructed out of brick. On each side a stair between the front lab's rooms and the side labs provides access to the upstairs walkway. The upper floors of the side labs have been removed to provide full height labs; but the doorways are still there and could be reopened to provide access if desired. The rear range includes kitchens and a dining room, and a number of reception rooms. The kitchens aren't generally used, food being provided from the mundane inn, but are kept maintained in case of emergencies. The bath house has two complete sets of bathing rooms. The regio extends quite a distance; but has a hole where the Dominion in Landbeach reaches level 4; you can walk out but not in at this point -- probably into the church. The Aegis in the regio is a long "sausage" shape in order to include both the inn and the outdoor lab. We could do with floorplans here. The base auras at the inn and the road are: * Faerie 1 * Divine 2 The divine falls off quickly to zero within yards of the road / inn site. The base aura in the regio is Faerie 4. ---- ### Plans * [[External view|inn-3d.pdf]] * [Ground Floor](inn-ground.svg) * [First Floor](inn-first-floor.svg) * [Second Floor](inn-second-floor.svg) * [Third Floor](inn-third-floor.svg)