## Alexios Constantine Commenes Kaloethes ---- ###Alexios' Laboratory (see [[Alexios|Characters/Schola/Magi/AlexiosKaloethes/]] ) |Lab|Score| |---:|:------------------------------------------------:| |Size| +3| |Free Points|1| |Refinement| 3| |Occupied Size| +2| Alexios' lab is a beautifully decorated one storey stone building with four small, decorative turrets and a large dome with a skylight. It is set behind the main schola building within the regio. Byzantine statues of the muses are placed in niches around the edges. There are four entrances. The one on the left goes to staircases up to the second floor. The one on the right goes down to space designed for an apprentice. The door at the back is a servant's entrance to the lab. The front door is a grand entrance with beautifully crafted Grecian columns that leads into a magnificent studio and library. Here are prominently displayed a small number of books and illuminated papers and panels as well as a number of beautiful paintings; the work of three painters predominate; one has an obvious fondness for paintings that combine cats and geometry, the second has a tendency to classical themes which use proportion to express a sense of elegance and the third tends to landscapes. The third is the least prominently displayed. Inside, the lab is warm, well-lit and beautifully and palatially decorated. The walls, shutters and ceiling are covered in thick gold leaf and Eastern carpets, bought in Constantinople, have been hung on the walls. The floor is decorated with a beautiful mosaic floor depicting the 12 Olympian gods. A number of beautifully carved lecterns are spread around the room and around the sides are chests made of rare woods. One of these is carefully designed to store arcane connections separately and without contaminating each other, two are heavily locked and most of the rest appear to be either book chests or chests of drawers for storing pens, inks, magical materials and tools. In one corner, alchemist's equipment appears to be carefully shining beams of light that can enter through a shuttered skylight through specially coloured pieces of glass onto mirrors and eventually onto a small phial of gold. In one of the corners next to that one, a number of large cushions filled with sheep's wool are carefully arranged next to a small low table carved and gilded with signs of the zodiac and astrological notations, this is obviously placed so that it can easily see through the skylight to make celestial observations. Along the side is an observation gallery, carved and gilded, filled with comfortable cushions for students to sit on and prominently in the middle is a huge, comfortable and cushions throne with gilded patterns of Greek lettering and a trio of gilded wooden lecterns. The throne is placed where it can keep a commanding eye on the other side of the room, which is set up as a scriptorium and also easily lecture any student in the gallery. This lab is tidy and well-ordered, with everything neatly set in its place and kept tideies away in chests or drawers. It is kept spotlessly clean by Peter Ericsson, who is permanently assigned to cleaning, repairing and keeping the lab stocked.There is normally a butterfly somewhere if Alexios is in residence. He is to be found either flitting around and occasionally ordering humans to do things; normally things they were just about to do, or perched on one of the lecterns reading a book. There is also a black cat, called Ftunu, who is also often to be found perched on a lectern and reading. If he is not there, he can probably be found somewhere within the cushions, blissfully asleep. Upstairs the space around the dome is divided into 4 small bed chambers arranged around the dome, each of which has a turret on top as a second small room. One is assigned to Alexios' lab servant Peter, one to his secretary Raffaelo, one to his Forge Companion Rose and the final one Alexios uses himself if he decides to stay overnight. Downstairs, the staircase leads to a hallway that opens onto a semi underground suite of rooms designed for an apprentice with high windows that let in light through thick shuttered panes of glass. One room is a bed chamber, one is designed to be used as a studio which lets into a lab that is shaped carefully into a dodecagon. | Size | | GQ | Up | Safe | Warp | Heal | Æsth | Int. | Rego | Ment | Imag | Teaching | Texts | |---:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------|:--:|:----:|:----:|:----------:|:-------:|:------:|:----:|:------:|:-----:|:---------:|:--------:|:--------------:| | +1 | Gallery | | | +1 | | | +1 | | | | | +1 | | | +3 | Throne (Greater Feature) | | | | | | +2 | | +3 | | | | | | -3 | Throne (Greater Focus) | -2 | | | | | | | +4 | | | | | | +1 | Skylight (Lesser Feature) | | | | | | +1 | +1 | | | | | | | +3 | Palatial | +1 | +3 | | | +2 | +4 | | +1 | | | +2 | | | +1 | Lab Guardian ([[Ftunu|/Characters/Schola/Covenfolk/Cats/Ftunu/]]) | | | +1 | | | | | +1 | | | | | | -1 | Missing Equipment (Vis Ext., Long. Rit.) | | -1 | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | Superior Equipment | +1 | +2 | +1 | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | Precious Ingredients | +1 | +2 | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | Missing Ingredient (Perdo) | | -1 | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | Magical Superior Heating | | | | | +1 | +1 | | | | | | | | 0 | Magical Superior Lighting | | | | | | +1 | | | | +1 | | +1 | | 0 | Studio | | | | | | +2 | | | | | | | | 0 | Dedicated Building | | +1 | | | | +1 | | +1 | | | | | | 0 | Grand Entrance | | | | | | +2 | | | | | | | | 0 | Superior Construction | | | +1 | | | +1 | | | | | | | | 0 | Servant | | | +2 | | | +1 | | | +1 | | | | | 0 | Highly Organised | +1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | Spotless | | | | | +1 | +1 | | | | | | | | 0 | Base Safety (Refinement - Occupied Size) | | | +1 | | | | | | | | | | |   |||||||||||||| | +5 | **Totals** | +2 | +6 | +7 | | +4 | +18 | +1 | +10 | +1 | +1 | +3 | +1 | |   |||||||||||||| | 0 | Familiar | +13| | +3 | | | | | | | | | | |   |||||||||||||| | +3 | **Totals with familiar** | +15| +6 | +10 | | +4 | +18 | +1 | +10 | +1 | +1 | +3 | +1 | |   |||||||||||||| [Lab Details] _Specialities not used:_ * Ignem +1 (Magical Superior Heating) * Vis Extraction +1 (Superior Equipment) * Longevity Ritual +1 (Precious Ingredients) * Creo + 1 (Spotless)