Raven - Rank 1 Initiation Script * Grants Strong-Willed minor virtue * Grants Dutybound (Syndexioi) minor flaw * Requires a Presence + Syndexioi Lore of 7 * Wears Orange * Script requires a quest which involves a difficult journey to deliver a message to a member of the Syndexioi + 1 season of harsh training + a ceremony including a binding oath and drinking a sacred and very bitter drink made of secret herbs and spices Bride - Rank 2 Initiation Script * Grants Clear-Thinker minor virtue * Requires a Presence + Syndexioi Lore 5 * Wears Green * Script requires a quest to investigate some matter of concern to the cult + 1 season of tuition by the mystagogue (which takes a full season for others) + a ceremony to marry Mithras Soldier - Rank 3 Initiation Script * unknown Lion - Rank 4 Initiation Script * Grants * Requires a Presence + Syndexioi Lore * Wear Deep Blue and often a Golden Lion Badge * Base Script requires: ** a quest leading soldiers on a mission of vital importance to the order ** a quest to prove your wisdom and/or good judgement ** living at a Temple (serving as an initiator and developig the strength of the order ** a ritual symbolically being reborn as a servant of the order that involves being buried alive