Areas of Magic * *Construction of Complex Mechanisms* * Allows the construction of complex mechanisms from standardised parts * Benefits either one mage (who can make many copies of part A, many copies of part B, etc, then join them together) or a group of mages, each of whom can make one part and later join them up * Orrery * Can produce an individual planet component * Improvements to Bonisagus' Theory of Magic * Unknown * The Elemental Harnesses (all of them count as one source of insight) * Produce a magic item that can be connected to an external power source

* *Regio connection and manipulation* * Allows the permanent connection of any two places that have magical auras and are astrologically favourable * Improvements to Bonisagus' Theory of Magic * Connect a location in a magical aura in the mundane world to an astrologically compatible location in a magical regio * Scribing the Starry Way of Magic * Unknown * Connect the nth level of a magical regio to the n-1th or n+1th level of another astrologically compatible magical regio * Her Ways are Ways of Pleasantness **result of original research by a crazy Bonisagus** * Create a path into a regio that is not normally accessible from the current location at an astrologically favourable time * The Nabatean Book *

* *Improvement using Astrology* * This does.. * Improvements to Bonisagus' Theory of Magic * Tint a Magic aura to resonates especially well with certain Personality Traits and everything in the aura is influenced by those Traits * What is Man That Thou Art Mindful of Him * The Planet's Blessing spell **result of original research by a crazy Bonisagus** * Give a person +relevant personality trait to $associated affinity (see table) * To Each According to his Nature * Undiscovered * Create an area in which magi can work together despite the effects of the Gift

* *The Control of Elementals* * The Elemental Harnesses (all of them count as one source of insight)