Areas of Magic * *Symbolic connection range* Minor * Allows the mafe to learn the symbolic connection range * Orrery * Can produce an individual planet component * Improvements to Bonisagus' Theory of Magic * Unknown * The Elemental Harnesses (all of them count as one source of insight) * Produce a magic item that can be connected to an elemental

* *Regio connection and manipulation* * Allows the permanent connection of any two places that have magical auras and are astrologically favourable * Improvements to Bonisagus' Theory of Magic * Connect a location in a magical aura in the mundane world to an astrologically compatible location in a magical regio * Scribing the Starry Way of Magic * Unknown * Connect the nth level of a magical regio to the n-1th or n+1th level of another astrologically compatible magical regio * Her Ways are Ways of Pleasantness **result of original research by a crazy Bonisagus** * Create a path into a regio that is not normally accessible from the current location at an astrologically favourable time * The Nabatean Book * Allows you to connect any level of a regio with any other level of the same regio directly * ??

* *Improvement using Astrology* * This does.. * Improvements to Bonisagus' Theory of Magic * Tint a Magic aura to resonates especially well with certain Personality Traits and everything in the aura is influenced by those Traits * What is Man That Thou Art Mindful of Him * The Planet's Blessing spell **result of original research by a crazy Bonisagus** * Give a person +relevant personality trait to $associated affinity (see table) * To Each According to his Nature * Undiscovered * Create an area in which magi can work together despite the effects of the Gift

* *Elemental Familiars* Major * The Elementals (one each) * Fire ((Speak to Elementals - Intellego Elemental (Intellego with all four elemental requisites)) * Earth * Air Nabatean Initiation Script * Gain a Minor Virtue * You have the ability to find magical places nearby through the use of a crystal pendant and your own intuition * You concentrate on the thing to be found, and hold the pendant so it can swing freely. * The pendant moves towards the nearest example of what you are looking for * Based on Dowsing (p64), but: * Only works on magical places (auras, regiones, strong enough spells with a target of at least room size (depending on your roll)) * Can be done using a map (though the Ease Factors will be much higher) * You can roll Perception + Virtue to gain magical information about the found place (for example: the strength of the aura, the level of the regio, whether there are other regio levels) * Script * Target is 15 * 6 (presence plus cult lore) + 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 * Minor Ordeal (3) * You gain the minor flaw Oversensitive * The character becomes Oversensitive to something relating to their birth element (for example, a mage whose birth element is fire becomes unable to tolerate colder temperatures). * Travel to a special place at a special time (3) * Has to be done at the top of a regio series containing at least 5 levels (including zero) to whch you have travelled without using any magic * Can only be done when the Trine of your birth sign is dominant (see * Sacrifice (1) * You have to collect four gems; one must be your zodiacal birthstone. The other three must represent the other three elements; the candidate must choose appropriately to produce balance. * During the initiation, the other three gems are destroyed, that their influences bring the birthstone to harmony as a tool * Symbolically Appropriate (2)