[[!toc levels=4]] # Characters ## Virtues and Flaws ### Magister-in-Artibus For the purposes of the Magister-in-Artibus virtue other scholars consider the Schola to be conspicuously wealthy enough that this will rub off on members and they only need to teach for one season; unless they are conspicuously poor (the Poor flaw). This doesn't recuse non-Wealthy companions from needing to earn their keep in whatever manner is approopriate, but the second season a year could, for instance, be a covenant role less easily visible to outsiders. ### The Gift I can't remember which splat it was, but one of them suggests that it might be possible with mundane Animal Training to train horses to accept a normally gifted rider. If this was true then all magi would ride horses. **Houserule:** you *can* train the horse to be OK with a Gifted magi as passenger in a cart or wagon provided they have a driver/handler who is not Gifted, or otherwise **Inoffensive to Animals**. If you want to ride a horse with the normal gift, then you'll either need to use spells (which may warp the horse, just saying) or tame a magical/fae horse. # Expenses ## Points of Inhabitants I'm using this slightly mashed up chart to replace the one on p63 of *Covenants* to represent the two-tier structure of the Covenant. PCs should be free to argue that they ought to be in a different band *in-character*. Note that for companions this only covers ones supported by the covenant, companions of independant means get LCM as appropriate. [[!table file="Rules/points.dsv"]] ## Writing Materials Academics count towards this cost like scribes and magi. # Mechanics ## Rule of Two If, after rolling a sequence of 1s, a 2 is rolled it may be re-rolled. But only once; if you get another 2 that's fate. ## Target Boundary The upper and lower boundaries of a boundary spell exist and are something appropriate - e.g. a triangle might be a pyramid, a circle might be a dome or a sphere.