This is a page to talk about character ideas! [[!toc ]] # Senji I have three Mage ideas; they're all going to depend some what on whether people are going to be happy running certain bits of background/plotty stuff. Scottish student harmonist otter Bjornaer Mystery Cultist : Will depend on someone being happy to run mystery cult plots in downtime (which are likely to be fundamentally solo type stuff) ::*Zavier: I'd happily run mystery cult stuff : Also someone to take control of Loch Legean Tribunal Graeco-Roman Faerie-blooded Merinita : Would require someone to basically handle all the Faeries (there's nothing more ridiculous than a Merinita who can't go on Merinita plots!) ::*Zavier: I'd certainly be amused to be the Storyteller of Faerie though i warn you I'd be taking the courts seriously : Might require some mystery cult stuff too; but much less than the above. Transylvanian Tremere : Would require someone to run basically all the rest of House Tremere, including the Blackthorn covenant in Stonehenge. ::*Zavier: am i allowed to recanonise vampires if i did this? I don't have companion ideas, but depending on what people are happy to run plots for I might well recycle parts of unused ideas from above. ---- Note to Zavier: That's a [[definition list|]]. It doesn't have levels like that :-p