This is a big table for recording primary activity for seasons. The table is in two parts; one for seasons in the past, one for seasons in the future (obviously future seasons are subject to change!) Key: * ⚚ season spent making enchanted items * ‡ seasons spent in Esk * † other seasons of covenant service * ⁂ season spent supporting self in usual work | | Alexios | Daoud | Angelo | Fergus | Gaius |Johannes | Maui | Robert | Tanis | Edward |Astrolabe |Claudine | Nicholas | |----------:|:----------------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:| |Autumn 1216| Lab Work | Lab Assist|Lab Work | N/A |Adventure ⁂| Study |Teaching †|Adventure⁂ |Lab Work | Rector | Teaching | Travel |Johannes ⁂| |Winter 1216|Lecture † |Adventure |Adventure | N/A |Adventure ⁂|Adventure |Adventure ⁂|Adventure |Reading ‡| Teaching | Writing | |Lecture | |Spring 1217| Lab Text |Lab Assist |Lab Work †| N/A |Teaching †| Lecture |Teaching †| English |Lab Text ‡| Writing | Lab Work | |Johannes ⁂| |Summer 1217|Reading (Aq Sum) | Adventure |Reading ‡| N/A |Adventure ⁂| Lab Work |Training ⁂|Occupation⁂ |Lab Text | Lab Work | Lab Work | |Practice | |Autumn 1217|Reading (Int Sum) | English |Reading | Lecture ⁂ |Turb Man ⁂| Study | Lecture | English |Reading | Rector | Teaching | |Johannes ⁂| |Winter 1217|Reading (Aq Sum) | English |Lecture | Wpn Pract |Wpn Pract | Vis Lab †| Mousing ⁂| Reading |Teaching †| Teaching | Writing | |Lecture | |Spring 1218|Lecture † | English |Reading | Lecture ⁂ | Teaching †| Reading | Teaching † | Occupation⁂ |Learning ‡| Writing | Lab Work | |Johannes ⁂| |Summer 1218|Reading (Int Sum) ‡| |Adventure †| | |Adventure †|Adventure ⁂|Adventure ⁂|Lab Work ‡| Lab Work | Lab Work | |Graduate | |Autumn 1218|Lab Work |Lab Assist |Reading ‡| Study ⁂ | | Study | Teaching † | | | Rector | Teaching | |Johannes ⁂| |Winter 1218|Lab Work |Lab Assist |Reading ‡|Lecture ⁂ | | Salle † | Teaching ⁂ | | | Teaching | Writing | |Lecture | |Spring 1219|Lecture † | | | Wpn Pract | Teaching †| Salle † | Teaching † | | | Writing | Lab Work | |Johannes ⁂| |Summer 1219|Reading (Roma Latin tract) ‡ | | | | Familiar | | | | | Lab Work | Lab Work | |Practice | |Autumn 1219| | | | | | | | | | Rector | Teaching | |Johannes ⁂| |Winter 1219| | | | | | | | | | Teaching | Writing | |Lecture | |Spring 1220|Lecture † | | | | | | | | | Writing | Lab Work | |Johannes ⁂| |Summer 1220| | | | | | | | | | Lab Work | Lab Work | |Practice | | |||||||||||||| [Downtime Activities]