Correspondences take two forms; brief correspondance (probably Story Related) and ongoing correspondance on a particular subject. Corresponders are assumed to keep a copy of their own letters. If you are having an ongoing correspondance: * on a theme that relates to your _research_ or _reading_ * in which you have read all the previous letters * which you have received a letter in during the current season then you may take an additional xp in that season. Only one extra xp may be taken this way. If you have an ongoing correspondance: * which has lasted for two years since you last produced a bound volume * at least 24 letters have been exchanged in that time then you can [[group the letters together|WritingBooks]] for production of a book of correspondance. In general, since we're at a Mercere House, the mimumum time for a letter round trip will be one month. Magi are assumed to have one active correspondance at the start of play. If you want you may exchange correspondance with your sodales; provided all the communication on the topic is in writing. | Party #1 | Party #2 |Com| Topic | Start | End | Language | Rate | # Letters | |:---------|:------------------------|:--|:---------------------------------------------------------|:------------|:----|:------------|:--------|:----------| | Alexios | Georgios of Bologna |+3 | Art and Beauty (Artes Liberales) | Autumn 1216 | | Cl. Greek | monthly | ongoing | | Alexios | Maximianus of Nigrasaxa |+3 | Corpus | Autumn 1217 | | Latin | Seasonal| ongoing | | Alexios | Flavius of Ungulus | | [[On the enchanted items of Ungulus (Verditius Cult Lore)|EnchantedItemsOfUngulus]]| Summer 1222 | | Latin | | ongoing | | Alexios | Johannes |+2 | Rego | Summer 1222 | | Latin | monthly | ongoing | | Alexios | Tanis |+4 | Intellego | Summer 1222 | | Latin | monthly | ongoing | | Alexios | Mathieus of Paris |+2 | Art and Beauty (Philosophiae) | Spring 1222 | | Classical Greek | monthly | ongoing | | Alexios | Alden ex Criamon | | [[Approaching the Criamon (Magic Theory)|CriamonApproach]] | Summer 1222 | | Latin | Seasonal | Ongoing | | Angelo | Pietro of the Mutantes | | Muto | Autumn 1216 | | Latin | monthly | ongoing | | Angelo | Jean Ex Criamon | | Creo | Autumn 1218 | | Latin | 2/Season| ongoing | | Johannes | Otto Horn (ex Guernicus)|+2 | Common Law | Autumn 1216 | | Low German | monthly | ongoing | | Johannes | Verena Ex Criamon |+2 | Intellego | Autumn 1218 | | Latin | 2/Season| ongoing | | Johannes | Alexios |+3 | Rego | Summer 1222 | | Latin | monthly | ongoing | | Tanis | Vitenka the Fox |+1 | Imaginem | Autumn 1216 | | Latin | monthly | ongoing | | Tanis | Various Members of House Merinita | | [[Followers of Pendule|FollowersOfPendule]] | Autumn 1218 | | Latin | | brief | | Tanis | Stonehenge Merinitae | | [[Merinita Overtures|MerinitaOvertures]] | Summer 1222 | | Latin | | brief | | Alexios | Maximianus | | [[Corpus Book|CorpusBook]] | Autumn 1216 | | Latin | | brief | | Alexios | Junius | | [[Vertidius and Terram|VertidiusApproach]] | Summer 1217 | | Latin | | brief | | Alexios | Imanitosi | | [[Verditius Approach|VerditiusPrimaApproach]] | Summer 1218 | | Latin | | brief | | Alexios | Claudine | | [[Area Lore: Greece Books|AreaLoreGreeceBooks]] | Autumn 1218 | | Latin | | brief | | Robert | William de Dovre | | [[Lighthouse at Enys Samson|EnysSamsonLighthouse]] | Autumn 1218 | | Anglo-Norman| | brief | | Alexios | Georgios of Bologna | | [[Arabic Script Book|ArabicScriptBook]] | Spring 1221 | | Romaic Greek| | brief | | Alexios | Georgios of Bologna | | [[De Poetica and Parens|DePoeticaGeorgios]] | Spring 1222 | | Romaic Greek| | brief | | Alexios | Mathieus of Paris | | [[De Poetica and Paris|DePoeticaMathieus]] | Spring 1222 | | Romaic Greek| | brief | | Alexios | All Stonehenge Junior Magi| | [[Magic Theory Study Group|MagicTheoryStudy]] | Summer 1222 | | Latin | | brief | | Johannes | Findabair Ex Misc | | [[Events in Cad Gadu|CadGaduEvents]] | Winter 1222 | | Latin | | brief | | Johannes | Findabair Ex Misc |-1 | Imaginem | Winter 1223 | | Latin |sometimes†| ongoing | | Johannes | Mathieus of Paris | | [[Marriage|AskingAboutMarriage]] | Spring 1223 | | Latin | | brief | | Johannes | Iudicium ex Guernicus | | [[Report on an Abandoned Apprentice|AbandonedApprentice]]| Spring 1224 | | Latin | | brief | | Alexios | House Ex Misc | | [[Election|Election]] | Autumn 1223 | | Latin | | brief | | |||||||| † Average of once per season