From Alexios, Spring 1222 > To the revered Archmage Mathieus ex Jerbiton of Paris, Alexios of the Schola Pythagoranis sends his greetings and respects. > Sir, some time ago, you were kind enough to allow me to study in your library, and also to extend your hospitality to my daughter. > I thought you would perhaps be interested in the fruits of the work I was undertaking at the time. Enclosed with this note is a copy of my translation of De Poetica, a work by Aristotle recently discovered by my sodales and my own notes on the translation. > *[a could of paragraphs of text explaining the discovery and work done]* > I found this a fascinating text both from academic and hermetic perspectives. As we discussed before, much of my own research involves the impact of artistic endeavour on the world. The perfect curve of an arch is both aesthetic in nature and creates a natural strength. An imperfect arch fails both to stand up to the weight necessary and is also less than beautiful. Aristotle's work demonstrates the potential strength in language which may have relevance to Bonisagus' theory of magic which uses language as one means to control magic. > *[a couple of paragraphs expanding on Alexios' points]* > As you perhaps can tell, I am fascinated by this potential link between the thinking of the ancient Greek scholars and the modern day thinking of mages, especially those interested in the melding of art and magic. From our previous conversations, it seemed likely to match your own interests and I wondered if you would be interested in entering into regular correspondence on it, with the idea of later publication of the letters to the Order. > I remain, sir, your affectionate and respectful servant, Alexios. > *Enclosures: A bound and illuminated copy of Alexios's [[translation of and notes on Poetics|/Characters/Schola/Magi/AlexiosKaloethes/AlexiosLibrary/T.ArL.K06/]] is enclosed with the letter. _In response, Alexios received a letter in early Summer 1222 stating that Mathieus was no longer studying magic but would be happy to correspond on mundane matters. It also contained an invitation to join House Jerbiton._ From Alexios, Summer 1222 > To the worshipful Archmage Mathieus of Paris, Alexios of the Schola Pythagoranis sends his affection and respects. > My sincerest thanks for your response and my deepest gratitude for the honours you have offered me. My pen's readiness appears to have deserted me as I try to describe the pleasure that they brought me. > _[a couple of paragraphs more that seem to give the lie to his pen's lack of readiness]_ > Firstly, let me say that I would be delighted to correspond with you on the subject of beauty and art. My knowledge of these is philosophical questions of largely in the field of architecture and Greek philosophers and I would be delighted to understand more of the viewpoint that you have on this. > _[Another pair of paragraph's of elegantly crafted Latin on the viewpoint he brings to this.]_ > Finally, to the flattering offer that you made to me that you would be willing to sponsor me to the society of the mages ex Jerbiton. I am truly honoured by this and would very much like to accept. The house's ideals as you explained them to me resonate very much with my own views on the world, as you know. > Before I finally accept, as I would not wish to later cause offence, I would have to raise one scruple. The first is that of my work as a crafter, as you know, much of my magical interests are to do with the fusion of art with magic. As such, my imperfect knowledge of the arts of the Verditius is a source of frustration to me since everything I do know points to the fact that they more than any others know how to use beauty to strengthen magic (even if they do not realise this). I have previously reached out to them to ask if I might be initiated further into their secrets and their response was to suggest conditions, the complete refutation of my parens being only one of them, that I could and will never accept. Still, if they were to allow me this knowledge without such conditions, I would be desirous of taking them up. > As with relationship with my parens, if I were to accept place in your society, I would stand there proudly and refuse to give it up simply for the sake of magical power. However, in all honesty, the conditions of House Verditius have left so sour a taste in my mouth that I wanted to ask if the Society of Jerbiton has the same or similar views before I accept, with the alacrity that I would wish to. I have little fellowship with my current house, indeed, like my parens, I barely recognise myself as part of it, beyond the simple gratitude that it's acceptance of him allowed him to survive. But if I were to join yours then I would be committing myself to a bind of fellowship that I would wish to maintain and so, I would wish to know if you would expect me to avoid all further entanglements and bonds with other houses. > Despite this concern, I am, as I said before, proud and flattered that you are willing to bestow this honour upon me and remain your servant, Alexios Kaloethes.