From Alexios, Summer 1222 > To the learned [name] of House Criamon, Alexios of the Schola Pythagoranis in Cambridge, England, sends greetings and respects. > I hope that my approach does not offend, but your name was mentioned to me by colleagues within the Stonehenge Tribunal as another magus who might be interested in some of the same matters that I am. As such, I venture to approach you in the spirit of academic and hermetic comradeship and the desire not to offend but to forge a friendship of mutual respect and knowledge. > There are too matters in which I hope to engage your interest, the first is that one my main areas of research is the intersection of beauty, thought and magic. One area of this that I am especially interested in and upon which I wondered if I might enter into regular correspondence with you, is that of wisdom and the beauty of thought itself, especially in relation to its impact on magic. From the admittedly, very limited, understanding I have of your house, I believe there may be an intersection between my interests and yours which might benefit both of us to discuss. > _[several paragraphs of details of Alexios' interests - this basically comes down to coorespondence in either Magic Theory or Enigmatic Wisdom]_ > The second matter I wanted to ask you about is the enclosed page. I understand it to be an ancient form of language related to Hebrew and Arabic but beyond that, I was unable to discover. I wondered if you recognise it given the reputation of the Spanish peninsula in the academic pursuit of knowledge in these languages. > I look forward to your response and will await it in trust and amity, Alexios.