[[!template id=character name="Alexios Constantine Commenes Kaloethes" house="Ex Miscellanea" job="Lecturer" rank="Magus" appage=32 born=1165/03/21 updated=1216/10/13 covenant="Schola Pythagoranis" parens="Georgios Ex Miscellanea Orbus Verditius" origin="Constantinople" ethnicity="Graeco-Roman" religion="Orthodox" age=51 image=""" [[!img Alexios.png size="200x" alt="Alexios.png"]] """]] ## Alexios Constantine Commenes Kaloethes ---- [[Main|AlexiosKaloethes]] / [[Magic|AlexiosKaloethes/Magic]] / [[Skills|AlexiosKaloethes/Skills]] / [[Stats|AlexiosKaloethes/Stats]]/ [[Additional Detail|AlexiosKaloethes/AdditionalDetail]] ---- ### Created Items >*Alexios’ Grimoire* >>Description: This appears to be a large treasure book box filled with pages of the finest calf vellum with covers of apple and hawthorn wood. The covers themselves are plated with gold which has been worked with patterns of trowels worked in jet and sapphire, doorways made of opals and wizard’s staves made of ivory and sapphire. The corners and lock of the book is bronze and worked in patterns of horseshoes. >>Pages: the book includes 100 pages. Each attunement or power require the completion of at least one page. However, it also has cunning bronze locks that hold additional pages. These can be opened so the pages can be reordered. These pages can in themselves be enchanted items (charged or lesser normally and are not part of the book). Alexios also includes pages that are casting tools for each of his known formulaic spells. >>Enchantments (Opened 24 pawns, used 3): >>* *Wizard’s Lectern*: The talisman floats in the air where it is left, holding itself open at the same page and constantly maintains itself within touching distance of the wizard wherever he moves. It also holds itself open at the page he left it. (Base 5 + 5 (concentration) + 10 (unlimited) + 5 (maintain concentration) = 25) >>Current Attunements: >>* Magical Transportation: +5 (Doorways, initial attunement) >>* Control Things at a Distance: +4 ( Staves, attuned with Wizard's Lecturn) >*Illuminated Page of Seven League Travel* >>This is a page designed to be bound within a large book. It is beautifully illuminated attic Greek text and its magic can only be used by someone who can read this language (or at least has been taught how to parrot them). Someone who reads the words inscribed on the page can teleport up to seven leagues to somewhere he can see or has an arcane connection to. This item can be used three times per day and has penetration 0. >>(Lesser Enchantment Base 30 + uses 2 + Touch 5 = 37 >>(Lab Total: Rego 17 + Corpus (10*2 = 20) + Magic Theory 5 + Inventive Genius 6 + Philosophiae 5 + Craft (Illumination 4) + Picture of Flight magnitude 6 + Magical Aura 0 + Risk Modifier 3 + Simple Die 9 = 75 (10 on Extraordinary Results table = Discovery) >*Enchanted Book: A Transport of Delight* >>Slim applewood bound book with beautiful illumination. The book itself is a copy of Alexios Kaloethes’ translation and translation notes of De Poetica by Aristotle (and as such counts as a quality 12 tractatus on Artes Liberales (Literature) and a second, quality 9, tractatus on Artes Liberales (Translation). The middle page of the book has a short poem in Latin and another in Greek by Alexios, designed to show off the rules laid out in De Poetica. A user who holds the book in one hand and an arcane connection to another place in the other and reads either of the poems aloud is transported immediately to the location of the arcane connection (along with the book). If the book’s power is triggered without an arcane connection then it defaults to using the person holding it as an arcane connection and the user is teleported to the exact same spot as he was standing in. The book can be used three times per day and has a Penetration score of 6. >>Lesser Enchanted Item, Rego Corpus 49 >>(Base: 35 + R: Touch 5 + D: Mom 0 + T: Ind + 3 (Penetration 6) + 1 (2 uses per day) = 44) > *Sphere of the Dry Covenant* >> Description: A sphere the size of a large fist made of bluish-white marble with golden lettering, in the greek alphabet that translates to hermetic spells to control and banish water, illuminated with pictures of Poseidon, that seem to swim just under the surface of the marble. >> Effect: If placed in such a way that it touches water, the item exerts a forceful but gentle pressure to move it out of the relevant area. The item continues to concentrate until there is no water left and then retriggers if water returns. This can retrigger up to 50 times per day. >> Base 4. Range Touch. Target Part. Duration Concentration. Trigger. Maintains Concentration. 50 uses = 34