chiark / gitweb /
[ArtibusWiki.git] / Setting / MercerePortals.mdwn
1 This is a map of the Mercere Portal network:
3 [[!graph prog="fdp" src="""
4         size="10,10";        
5         splines=true;
7         subgraph cluster_ga {
8                 Valnastium [ href=[[Locations/Alps/Valnastium]] ];
9                 label="Greater Alps";
10                 graph[style=dotted];
11                 bgcolor=yellow;                
12         }
13         subgraph cluster_hi {
14                 "Circulus Ruber" [ href=[[Locations/Hibernian/CirculusRuber]] ];
15                 Vigil [ href=[[Locations/Hibernian/Vigil]] ];
16                 label="Hibernian";
17                 graph[style=dotted];
18                 bgcolor=pink;               
19         }
20         subgraph cluster_ib {
21                 Barcelona ;
22                 Unnamed4;
23                 label="Iberian";
24                 graph[style=dotted];
25                 bgcolor=MediumPurple;               
26         }
27         subgraph cluster_le {
28                 "Al-Arama";
29                 Foothold;
30                 "The Hermetic Embassy";
31                 label="The Levant";
32                 graph[style=dotted];
33                 bgcolor=yellow;               
34         }
35         subgraph cluster_ll {
36                 Unnamed1;
37                 label="Loch Legean";
38                 graph[style=dotted];
39                 bgcolor="#ff8888";               
40         }                
41         subgraph cluster_no {
42                 Fudarus;
43                 label="Normandy";
44                 graph[style=dotted];
45                 bgcolor="#ff8888";               
46         }
47         subgraph cluster_nv {
48                 "Priapet Maior";
49                 "Rodnya (ex)" [bgcolor=grey];
50                 "Three Lakes";
51                 label="Novgorod";
52                 graph[style=dotted];
53                 bgcolor="#ff8888";               
54         }
55         subgraph cluster_pr {
56                 Unnamed3;
57                 label="Provençal";
58                 graph[style=dotted];
59                 bgcolor=cyan;               
60         }
61         subgraph cluster_rh {
62                 Crintera;
63                 Durenmar;
64                 Irencillia;
65                 label="Rhine";
66                 graph[style=dotted];
67                 bgcolor=LightBlue;               
68         }
69         subgraph cluster_ro {
70                 Harco;
71                 Magvillus;
72                 Unnamed2;
73                 "Vardian's Tomb";
74                 Verdi;
75                 label="Roman";
76                 graph[style=dotted];
77                 bgcolor=brown2;               
78         }
79         subgraph cluster_st {
80                 "Magnantrum (ex)" [bgcolor=grey];
81                 "Schola Pythagorus" [ href=[[Locations/Stonehenge/Schola]] ];
82                 label="Stonehenge";
83                 graph[style=dotted];
84                 bgcolor=green;               
85         }
86         subgraph cluster_th {
87                 Hedyosmos;
88                 Xylinites;
89                 "Moero's Garden";
90                 label="Thebes";
91                 graph[style=dotted];
92                 bgcolor=cyan;               
93         }
94         subgraph cluster_tr {
95                 Coeris;
96                 label="Transylvanian";
97                 graph[style=dotted];
98                 bgcolor=green;               
99         }
101         "Coeris" -- "Unnamed4";
102         "Crintera" -- "Rodnya (ex)";
103         "Fudarus" -- "Foothold";
104         "Fudarus" -- "Hedyosmos";
105         "Harco" -- "Durenmar";
106         "Harco" -- "Magnantrum (ex)";
107         "Harco" -- "Valnastium";
108         "Harco" -- "Three Lakes";
109         "Magvillus" -- "The Hermetic Embassy";
110         "Schola Pythagorus" -- "Circulus Ruber";
111         "Schola Pythagorus" -- "Unnamed1";
112         "Unnamed2" -- "Coeris";
113         "Unnamed3" -- "Crintera";
114         "Unnamed3" -- "Irencillia";
115         "Valnastium" -- "Barcelona";
116         "Valnastium" -- "Moero's Garden";
117         "Valnastium" -- "Schola Pythagorus";
118         "Valnastium" -- "Xylinites";
119         "Vardian's Tomb" -- "Verdi";
120         "Vardian's Tomb" -- "Al-Arama";
121         "Vigil" -- "Priapet Maior" [label="Merinita"];
122 """]]
124 [[!table file="Setting/mercereportals.dsv"]]