@RULE Bedbugs Standard Conway life with smoothing inspired by the Mullard SAA5050 character generator (aka BBC "MODE 7"). Alternately applies a smoothing transition function and the standard Conway transition function, so every step of Conway takes twice as long. This two-step nature means this is a bit fiddly to use: set View > Show Cell Icons; set Control > Set Base Step to 2; press '+' to set the step to 2^1; draw your pattern using states 0 and 1; press 'Space' to perform a single step and apply the smoothing; then press 'Tab' for every Conway step you want, doing 2 steps at once and only displaying the smoothed version. Editing should only be done in the 2-state phase; mixing smoothed and unsmoothed states will probably confuse the current rules. The smoothing algorithm comes from Ben Harris' "Bedstead" font generator, . The idea of applying it to cellular automata is due to Simon Tatham. Implementation is by Jacob Nevins. Website: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~jacobn/git/bedbugs.git/ @TABLE n_states:34 neighborhood:Moore symmetries:none # Bedsteadisation rules generated by bedbugs.c # FIXME: vars to allow edit in off states? @@BEDSTEAD # Conway rules (autogenerated) @@mungedlife.table @COLORS @@COLORS @ICONS @@ICONS