#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Carp; our $us = $0; $us =~ s#.*/##; our $usage = <<'END'; usage: $us [] update |@[domain] [] [] $us [] assign |@[domain] $us [] list $us [] some } will generate aliases $us [] range -|+ } as necessary opts: -G generator/lister program -N do not generate more aliases -l.., -d.., -F.., -m.. passed to generator notes: Always use $us to edit the comment of a pregen alias; otherwise we may lose track of the next number alias to pregenerate and reuse numbers. must always start with #, and you will need to quote the whole comment to protect it from your shell END sub fail { die "$us: @_\n"; } sub badusage { fail "bad usage: @_"; } sub failstdout () { fail "stdout: $!"; } our $generator; our $no_generate=0; our @genopts; our %by_localpart; our @by_number; our $min_number; our $comment_pattern = '### PREGEN '; our $comment_re; sub comment_make ($) { my ($num) = @_; my $r = $comment_pattern; ($r =~ s/\/$num/) == 1 or confess "$r ?"; return $r; } sub run_generator { my @genargs = @_; open P, "-|", $generator, @genargs or fail "fork $generator: $!"; while (

) { my ($alias,$comment); if (m/^\# user/) { next; } elsif (m/^\# reject (\S+) (\#.*)$/) { ($alias,$comment) = ($1,$2); } elsif (m/^\#/) { next; # future extension } elsif (m/^([^#: ]+)\: [^#]* (\#.*)$/) { ($alias,$comment) = ($1,$2); } else { die "generator output $_ ?"; } my $localpart = $alias; $localpart =~ s/\@.*//; my $row = { Alias => $alias, LocalPart => $localpart }; if ($comment =~ m/^$comment_re$/o) { $row->{Number}= $1; } $by_localpart{$row->{LocalPart}} = $row; if (defined $row->{Number}) { $by_number[$row->{Number}] = $row; $min_number = $row->{Number} if (!defined $min_number) || $min_number > $row->{Number}; } } $?=0; $!=0; close P or fail "$generator $genargs[0] failed ($! $?)\n"; } sub fetch_list () { run_generator qw(list); } sub perhaps_generate ($) { my ($num) = @_; my $alias = $by_number[$num]; return $alias if $alias; return undef if $no_generate; return undef unless $num > $#by_number; run_generator qw(create), (comment_make $num); $alias = $by_number[$num]; confess "$num ?" unless $alias; return $alias; } sub parse_target { @ARGV or badusage "missing specification for alias to change"; my $spec = shift @ARGV; my $target; if ($spec =~ m/^(\d{1,9})$/) { $target = $by_number[$spec]; fail "no alias number $target" unless $target; } elsif ($spec =~ m/^(.*)\@[^\@]*/) { $target = $by_localpart{$1}; fail "no alias with local part \`$1'" unless $target; fail "incorrect or unchecked domain: \`$target->{Alias}' != \`$spec'" unless $spec eq $target->{Alias} || $spec eq $target->{LocalPart}.'@'; } else { badusage "bad specification for alias to change"; } } sub report ($) { my ($alias) = @_; confess unless $alias; print $alias->{Number}, ' ', $alias->{LocalPart}, "\n" or failstdout; } sub action_update { my $target = parse_target; @ARGV or badusage "missing update info\n"; if (defined $target->{Number} && $target->{Number} == $#by_number) { my $wanted = $#by_number + 1; perhaps_generate $wanted or print STDERR <{Alias}, @ARGV or fail "exec $generator: $!"; } sub action_assign { (@ARGV==2 && $ARGV[1] =~ m/^#/) or badusage "invalid arguments to assign - forgot to quote it properly?"; action_update; } sub action_list { @ARGV==0 or badusage "invalid arguments to list"; my $num = $min_number; $num ||= 0; for (; $num <= $#by_number; $num++) { my $alias = $by_number[$num]; report $alias if $alias; $num++; } } sub action_some { (@ARGV==1 && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^(\d+)$/s) or badusage "invalid arguments to some"; my ($count) = $1; my $num = $min_number; $num ||= 0; while ($count > 0) { my $alias = perhaps_generate $num; if ($alias) { report $alias; $count--; } else { if ($num > $#by_number) { print STDERR <'(0|[1-9]\d{0,8})'g) == 1 #' or badusage "comment pattern (\`$comment_pattern')". " must contain \`' exactly once"; @ARGV or badusage "missing action"; my $action = shift @ARGV; fetch_list(); $action =~ y/-/_/; my $actionsub; { no strict qw(refs); $actionsub = \&{"action_$action"}; } defined $actionsub or badusage "unknown action $action"; $actionsub->(); close STDOUT or failstdout;