/* Printable Filament Spool Spindle, teeth by Ian Jackson License, GPL v2 or later based on Printable Filament Spool Spindle for Reprap by Travis Howse 2011. License, GPL v2 or later Based on: Makerbottable Filament Spool v2.0 by Randy Young 2010, 2011. License, GPL v2 or later **************************************************/ include // Libs.scad is @ http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6021 include // FilamentSpool.scad is @ http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:8317 // WARNING base of this is multiple overlapping surfaces and must be // sliced off module SpindleTeeth(d=0.01, basewidth=12, baseheight=15, baseyoff=0) { translate([-10,-4.5, -d]) difference() { union() { translate([0,-baseheight/2+4+baseyoff,0]) cube([10.03,baseheight,basewidth]); intersection() { translate([0,-2,0]) Spindle(10.5,11,8,0,0,0,5,0,[1.5,18,5]); translate([5,-3,0]) cube([50,15,12]); } } translate([9,3.8,-4]) minkowski(){ cylinder(r=1.5,h=40); cube([20,1,0.1]); } } }