In many respects Rust is a competent but not particularly novel language. Powerful. Reference to Blub languages. B======================================================================B [ MM survey slide ] Firstly, I'm going to go into some detail about Rust's one very novel property: it's approach to memory management. Let us consider, particularly, dynamically allocated memory. Until now there have been basically two approaches: In lower-level languages like C, C++ and assembler, you as the programmer must know whenever memory allocation is occurring, and control when that memory is freed, usually with explicit code. Mistakes lead to bugs - often, bugs which are very hard to track down. There are some static checkers, and coding conventions, which help to reduce the number of these bugs but they are still a big problem even with the most careful software development practices. In higher-level languages, memory allocation is often implicit and deallocation is handled automatically by a garbage collector. This is convenient for the programmer. But it requires support from a language runtime, which is awkward in some environments and makes it hard to interface to other languages. And it costs performance - sometimes, a lot of performance. Traditionally, garbage-collected languages have focused on programmer convenience, or programming language power, rather than performance. [ MM survey slide + Rust ] Rust has a different approach. Each object in a Rust program has exactly one owner; for a local variable that owner is the variable. For an object in a complex data structure, the data structure is the owner (and of course that data structure has, in turn, an owner). In many ways this resembles informal notions of object ownership which programmers have typically used in C and C++ to make their code comprehensible. But in Rust the ownership is known to the language, and the rules surrounding ownership are enforced by the compiler. When an object ceases to have an owner, it is freed. This ownership system is used not only for dynamically allocated objects, but for local variables, and statically allocated objects. [ Borrowing example slide ] To allow an object to be accessed other than through owner, Rust formalises the notion of borrowing. An object can be borrowed by writing the ampersand, giving a reference. The compiler checks that the object will outlive the reference. [ dangling reference error example ] Borrows (that is, references) come in two kinds: mutable and immutable. You can have many immutable references at once. A mutable reference permits modification, and provides exclusive access. [ Borrowing example slide ] That's what the `mut' is doing in that example. You can lend Objects which This ownership is known to the tends to lead to write explicit code allocate memory, and and free allre