;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; various definitions for clock variation radix dec ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; for serial port at 9600 ; according to table in datasheet top right p186 if mclock==32000 serial_brgh equ (1< 0 else error "unsupported clock speed (serial_spbrg)" endif movlw serial_spbrg movwf SPBRG,0 endm ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; for i2c at 50kbit/s i2c_sspadd equ (mclock/(50*4)) - 1 ; 50kbit/s ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NMRA at 50us per division ; ... uh, this isn't going to work at 1MHz because that's only 12.5 ; insns per NMRA division ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; busy-wait delay loop, originally from flasher.asm implement_busywait_delay macro tclock ; we always leave each loop when its counter has reached 0, so on ; entry we assume it's already 0. For the loops which want to ; count all the way (256 iterations) that's good. ; set a bit which says how fast the led ; should flash and count down from 2^(that bit) if tclock >= 3915 local fast=1 local medium_cycles=198000 else local fast=0 local medium_cycles=768 endif ; now 1/(medium_period in ms) ; = tclock / (medium_cycles*4) movlw 50 * tclock / medium_cycles ; 200ms movwf delay_countslow, 0 local delayslow_loop local delaymedium_loop delayslow_loop delaymedium_loop if fast local delayfast_loop delayfast_loop decfsz delay_countfast, 1, 0 ; 1 cycle goto delayfast_loop ; 2 cycles (skipped or not) ; exited delayfast_loop ; total: 3 * 256 = 768 cycles endif decfsz delay_countmedium, 1, 0 ; 1 cycle goto delaymedium_loop ; 2 cycles (skipped or not) ; exited delaymedium_loop ; total: ~198000 cycles ; or ~768 cycles (no fast) decfsz delay_countslow, 1, 0 goto delayslow_loop ; exited delayslow_loop endm define_busywait_delay macro delay implement_busywait_delay clock return endm