/* -*- fundamental -*- */ %{ #include "record-i.h" %} %option warn %option batch %option noyywrap %option yylineno %option prefix="record_yy" %option header-file="record-l.h" %{ #define STRT record_yylval.name= record_tempzone_strdup(yytext); return %} %% train { STRT TRAIN; } seg { STRT SEG; } feature { STRT FEATURE; } is { STRT IS; } at { STRT AT; } has { STRT HAS; } inverted { STRT INVERTED; } step { STRT STEP; } stops { STRT STOPS; } home { STRT HOME; } end { STRT END; } /* new keywords must be added to %token and ident: in record-y.y */ [A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9]+ { STRT IDENT; } [0-9]{0,8} { record_yylval.num= strtoul(yytext,0,10); return NUM; } [0-9]{9} { record_yyerror("number too long"); } [0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]* { record_yylval.dbl= strtod(yytext,0); return DBL; } [-+:=~/] { record_yylval.name= 0; return yytext[0]; } \#.*\n|\n { record_yylval.name= 0; return NL; } [ \t] { } . { record_yyerror("lexically invalid input"); }