./adhoc-test [] see nmra-packets.h ./adhoc-test [] nmra_bytes ./adhoc-test [] nmra_raw ./adhoc-test [] command options -s eg -s/dev/ttyS0 normally necessary -w usleep; 0 = no usleep; default is -1 = don't repeat at all -i default is -1 = infinite; 0 or 1 means do only once -f usleep; each character; default is 0 = no usleep Eg, ./adhoc-test -s/dev/ttyS0 -w10000 -i1000 nmra_bytes 0348 to tell decoder 3 to go speed 13 backwards every 10ms for 1000 times, ie 10s (on norway this means it actually happens every 20ms, ie for 20s, which makes it a bit of a fudge really) ff ff 80 e4 c1 17 output bytes 11111111 11111111 10000000 11100100 11000001 00010111 as bits >1111111 >1111111 >0000000 >1100100 >1000001 $0010111 top bit: >/$ for pic 1111111 1111111 0 00000011 0 01001000 0 01001011 1 reorg bits for nmra: preamble (14) S 0AAAAAAA P 01DCSSSS 0 EEEEEEEE 1 03 (+) 48 = 4b ok To test: ./adhoc-test -st nmra_bytes 0348 && binview t