#!/usr/bin/speedy -w -- -t100 -M1 use strict qw(vars); use CGI::SpeedyCGI qw/:standard -no_xhtml/; use CGI qw/:standard -no_xhtml/; sub fail ($) { print(header(-status=>500), start_html('Error'), h1('Error'), escapeHTML($_[0]), end_html()); exit 0; } our (@sections, %section_groups, %group_elems, %graphs); #---------- initialisation code, run once - graphs setup ---------- BEGIN { our $R= '/var/lib/collectd/rrd/chiark.greenend.org.uk'; our $SELF= '/home/ijackson/things/rrd-graphs'; our @timeranges= (3600, map { $_*86400 } qw(1 7 28), 13*7+1, 366); sub graph_of_group ($$$$$) { my ($section, $group, $elem, $basis, $args) = @_; $basis->{Args}= $args; $basis->{Slower}= 0 unless exists $basis->{Slower}; $basis->{TimeRanges} ||= \@timeranges; $graphs{$section,$group,$elem}= $basis; if (!exists $group_elems{$section,$group}) { # new group then if (!exists $section_groups{$section}) { # new section even push @sections, $section; } push @{ $section_groups{$section} }, $group; } push @{ $group_elems{$section,$group} }, $elem; } sub graph ($$$$) { my ($section, $gname, $basis, $args) = @_; graph_of_group($section, $gname,'', $basis, $args); } graph('General', 'Load and processes', { }, [ "DEF:load=$R/load/load.rrd:shortterm:AVERAGE", (map { "DEF:$_=$R/processes/ps_state-$_.rrd:value:AVERAGE" } qw(blocked running stopped paging sleeping zombies)), "AREA:running#88f:running:STACK", "AREA:blocked#8f8:disk wait:STACK", "AREA:paging#f88:paging:STACK", "LINE:load#000:load", ]); graph('General', 'Processes', { }, [ (map { "DEF:$_=$R/processes/ps_state-$_.rrd:value:AVERAGE" } qw(blocked running stopped paging sleeping zombies)), "CDEF:busy=0".(join '', map { ",$_,+" } qw(running blocked paging)), "AREA:sleeping#ccc:sleeping:STACK", "AREA:stopped#00f:stopped:STACK", "AREA:zombies#ff0:zombie:STACK", "AREA:busy#000:busy:STACK", ]); graph('General', 'CPU', { Units => '[%]' }, [ (map { my $thing= $_; (map { "DEF:$thing$_=$R/cpu-$_/cpu-$thing.rrd:value:AVERAGE" } (0..7)), "CDEF:$thing=0".join('', map { ",$thing$_,+" } (0..7)).",8.0,/"; } qw(idle interrupt nice softirq steal system user wait)), "CDEF:allintr=softirq,steal,+,interrupt,+", "AREA:allintr#ff0:interrupt:STACK", "AREA:system#88f:system:STACK", "AREA:user#00f:user:STACK", "AREA:nice#ccc:nice:STACK", "AREA:wait#f00:wait:STACK", ]); graph('General', 'Memory', { }, [ '-b',1024, (map { "DEF:swap_$_=$R/swap/swap-$_.rrd:value:AVERAGE" } qw(free used cached)), (map { "DEF:mem_$_=$R/memory/memory-$_.rrd:value:AVERAGE" } qw(buffered free used cached)), "CDEF:c_swap_used=0,swap_used,-", "CDEF:c_swap_cached=0,swap_cached,-", "CDEF:c_swap_free=0,swap_free,-", "AREA:c_swap_used#000:used swap", "AREA:c_swap_cached#888:\"cached\" swap:STACK", # "AREA:c_swap_free#88f:free swap:STACK", "AREA:mem_used#ff0:used memory", "AREA:mem_buffered#00f:page cache:STACK", "AREA:mem_cached#008:buffer cache:STACK", "AREA:mem_free#ccc:unused memory:STACK", ]); graph('General', 'Network', { Units => '[/sec; tx +ve; errs x1000]' }, [ (map { ("DEF:tx_$_=$R/interface/if_$_-eth0.rrd:tx:AVERAGE", "DEF:rx_$_=$R/interface/if_$_-eth0.rrd:rx:AVERAGE", "CDEF:mrx_$_=0,rx_$_,-") } qw(octets packets errors)), (map { ("CDEF:${_}_kb=${_}_octets,1024,/", "CDEF:${_}_errsx=${_}_errors,1000,*") } qw(mrx tx)), "AREA:tx_kb#080:kby", "LINE:tx_packets#0f0:pkts", "LINE:tx_errsx#000:errs", "AREA:mrx_kb#008:kby", "LINE:mrx_packets#00f:pkts", "LINE:mrx_errsx#444:errs", ]); graph('General', 'Users', { }, [ "DEF:users=$R/users/users.rrd:users:AVERAGE", "LINE:users#008:users" ]); foreach my $src (<$R/df/df-*.rrd>) { my $vol= $src; $vol =~ s,\.rrd$,, or next; $vol =~ s,.*/,,; $vol =~ s,^df-,,; graph('Disk space', $vol, { Slower => 1, }, [ '-A','-l',0,'-r', qw(-b 1024 -l 0), (map { "DEF:$_=$src:$_:AVERAGE" } qw(free used)), "AREA:used#000:used:STACK", "AREA:free#88f:free:STACK", ]); } our %news_name_map; if (!open NM, '<', "$SELF/data/news/name-map") { die unless $!==&ENOENT; } else { while () { s/^\s*//; s/\s+$//; next unless m/^[^\#]/; m/^(\S+)\s+(in|out|\*)\s+(\S+)$/ or die; if ($2 eq '*') { $news_name_map{$1,$_}= $3 foreach qw(in out); } else { $news_name_map{$1,$2}= $3; } } } sub news_name_sortkey { return join '.', reverse split /\./, $_[0]; } foreach my $src (sort { news_name_sortkey($a) cmp news_name_sortkey($b) } <$SELF/data/news/*.rrd>) { my $site= $src; $site =~ s,\.rrd$,, or next; $site =~ s,.*/,,; $site =~ s,_(in|out)$,,; my $inout= $1; $site =~ s/^([-.0-9a-z]+)_//; my $us= $1; # all very well but we ignore it my $newsite= $news_name_map{$site,$inout}; $site= $newsite if defined $newsite; next if $site eq '-'; graph_of_group("News", $site, $inout, { Units => '[art/s]', TimeRanges => [ map { $_*86400 } qw(1 7 31), 366, 366*3 ] }, $inout eq 'out' ? [ (map { "DEF:$_=$src:$_:AVERAGE" } qw(missing deferred unwanted accepted rejected body_missing)), "AREA:accepted#00f:ok", "AREA:body_missing#ff0:miss:STACK", "AREA:rejected#f00:rej:STACK", "AREA:unwanted#aaa:unw:STACK", "AREA:deferred#ddd:defer:STACK", ] : [ (map { "DEF:$_=$src:$_:AVERAGE" } qw(accepted refused rejected duplicate)), (map { ("DEF:bytes_$_=$src:${_}_size:AVERAGE", "CDEF:kb_$_=bytes_$_,1024,/") } qw(accepted duplicate)), "AREA:accepted#00f:ok:STACK", "AREA:rejected#f00:rej:STACK", "AREA:duplicate#000:dupe:STACK", "AREA:refused#aaa:unw:STACK", "CDEF:kb_accepted_smooth=kb_accepted,,TREND", "LINE:kb_duplicate#ff0:kb dupe", "LINE:kb_accepted_smooth#008:~kb", ]); } } #---------- right, that was the initialisation ---------- our $self= url(-relative=>1); if (param('debug')) { print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"; } our @navsettings; sub navsetting ($) { my ($nav) = @_; my $var= $nav->{Variable}; $$var= param($nav->{Param}); $$var= $nav->{Default} if !defined $$var; die $nav->{Param} unless grep { $_ eq $$var } @{ $nav->{Values} }; push @navsettings, $nav; } our $section; navsetting({ Desc => 'Section', Param => 'section', Variable => \$section, Default => $sections[0], Values => [@sections], Show => sub { return $_[0]; } }); sub num_param ($$$$) { my ($param,$def,$min,$max) = @_; my $v= param($param); return $def if !defined $v; $v =~ m/^([1-9]\d{0,8})$/ or die; $v= $1; die unless $v >= $min && $v <= $max; return $v + 0; } our $group= param('graph'); our $elem= param('elem'); if (defined $elem) { my $g= $graphs{$section,$group,$elem}; die unless $g; my $width= num_param('w',370,100,1600); my $height= num_param('h',200,100,1600); my $sloth= param('sloth'); die unless defined $sloth; $sloth =~ m/^(\d+)$/ or die; $sloth= $1+0; my $end= $g->{TimeRanges}[$sloth]; die unless defined $end; my $cacheid= "$section!$group!$elem!$sloth!$width!$height"; my $cachepath= "cache/$cacheid.png"; my @args= @{ $g->{Args} }; s,\, $end/$1 ,ge foreach @args; unshift @args, qw(--end now --start), "end-${end}s"; my $title= $group; if (length $elem) { $title.= " $elem"; } $title .= " $g->{Units}" if $g->{Units}; unshift @args, '-t', $title, '-w',$width, '-h',$height; unshift @args, qw(-a PNG --full-size-mode); if (param('debug')) { print((join "\n",@args),"\n"); exit 0; } #print STDERR "||| ",(join ' ', map { "'$_'" } @args)." |||\n"; exec(qw(sh -ec), <<'END', 'x', $cachepath, @args); p="$1"; shift rrdtool graph "$p" --lazy "$@" >/dev/null printf "Content-Type: image/png\n\n" exec cat "$p" END die $!; } sub start_page ($) { my ($title) = @_; print header(), start_html($title); my $outerdelim= ''; foreach my $nav (@navsettings) { print $outerdelim; print $nav->{Desc}, ": "; my $delim= ''; my $current= $nav->{Variable}; $current= $$current; foreach my $couldbe (@{ $nav->{Values} }) { print $delim; my $show= $nav->{Show}($couldbe); if ($couldbe eq $current) { print "$show"; } else { my $u= $self; my $delim2= '?'; foreach my $nav2 (@navsettings) { my $current2= $nav2->{Variable}; $current2= $$current2; $current2= $couldbe if $nav2->{Param} eq $nav->{Param}; next if $current2 eq $nav2->{Default}; $u .= $delim2; $u .= "$nav2->{Param}=$current2"; $delim2= '&'; } print a({href=>$u}, $show); } $delim= ' | '; } $outerdelim= "
\n"; } print "\n"; print h1("$title"); } our $detail= param('detail'); if ($detail) { my $elems= $group_elems{$section,$detail}; die unless $elems; start_page("$detail graphs"); foreach my $xsloth (0..5) { foreach my $elem (@$elems) { my $g= $graphs{$section,$detail,$elem}; die unless $g; my $tsloth= $xsloth + $g->{Slower}; my $imgurl= "$self?graph=$detail§ion=$section". "&sloth=$tsloth&elem=$elem"; print a({href=>"$imgurl&w=780&h=800"}, img({src=>$imgurl, alt=>''})); } } print end_html(); exit 0; } our $sloth; navsetting({ Desc => 'Time interval', Param => 'sloth', Variable => \$sloth, Default => 1, Values => [0..3], Show => sub { my ($sl) = @_; return ('Narrower', 'Normal', 'Wider', 'Extra wide')[$sl]; } }); if (param('debug')) { use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\%graphs); exit 0; } start_page("$section graphs"); foreach my $group (@{ $section_groups{$section} }) { print a({href=>"$self?detail=$group§ion=$section"}); my $imgurl= "$self?graph=$group§ion=$section"; print ""; my $elems= $group_elems{$section,$group}; foreach my $elem (@$elems) { my $g= $graphs{$section,$group,$elem}; print img({src=>"$imgurl&elem=$elem&sloth=".($sloth + $g->{Slower}), alt=>''}); } print ""; print "\n"; }