// -*- C -*- include wall = 0.75 * [1,1,1]; wall_bot = 1.0; phone = [ 76.40, 30.96, 6.00 ]; // includes socket phone_button_z = 6.58; minwall = 0.50; expose = 4.00; cutout_dia = 7; cutout_between = 5; button_dz = 1.35; button_dz_centre = 1.35 + 0.75; button_dz_outer = 1.35; button_dy_outer = 28.42; button_dy_inner = 19.05; button_dy_centre = 5.65; nrbutton_brace_x = 37.5; phone_slop = 0.5 * [1,1,0] + 0.5 * [0,0,1]; led = [25.9, 9.44]; // y is from edge led_dia = 4.4; // next values include slop plug_maxw = 10.95 + 0.35; plug_minw= 6.53 + 0.35; plug_sllen= 6.50; plug_totlen = 84.90 + 1.5 - 2.0; // to maxw, including phone plug_h = 6.5; plug_tooth_h = 0.5; plug_tooth_dy = 0.5; keeper_prong = 2; keeper_stalk_basewidth = 6; keeper_stalk_len = 70; keeper_stalk_gap = 1; keeper_stalk_thick = wall_bot; keeper_stalk_base_reinforce_len = 5; keeper_stalk_base_reinforce_thick = 2.0; // calculated top_z = max( phone[2] + wall[2], phone_button_z + minwall ) + phone_slop[2]; plugkeeper_x_maxw = phone[0] - plug_totlen; plugkeeper_p_max = [ 0, plug_maxw/2 ]; plugkeeper_p_min = [ -plug_sllen, plug_minw/2 ];; plugkeeper_d_u = unitvector2d( clockwise2d( vecdiff2d( plugkeeper_p_max, plugkeeper_p_min ) ) ); module MainProfileInnerHalf(){ p = phone + phone_slop; pbc = p[2] + button_dz_centre; pbo = p[2] + button_dz_outer; polygon([[ -2, 0 ], [ p[1]/2, 0 ], [ p[1]/2, p[2] ], [ button_dy_outer/2, p[2] ], [ button_dy_outer/2, pbo ], [ button_dy_inner/2, pbo ], [ button_dy_inner/2, p[2] ], [ button_dy_centre/2, p[2] ], [ button_dy_centre/2, pbc ], [ -2, pbc ]]); } module MainProfile(){ p = phone + phone_slop; difference(){ for (m=[0,1]) mirror([m,0]) { minkowski(){ translate([ -wall[1], -wall_bot ]) square([ wall[1]*2, wall_bot + wall[2] ]); MainProfileInnerHalf(); } } for (m=[0,1]) mirror([m,0]) { MainProfileInnerHalf(); } } } module BraceProfileInitial(){ p = phone + phone_slop; pbo = p[2] + button_dz_outer; pbc = p[2] + button_dz_centre; polygon([[ button_dy_outer/2 + 0.2, p[2] ], [ button_dy_outer/2 + 0.2, pbo + wall[2] ], [ button_dy_outer/2 , pbo + wall[2] ], [ button_dy_outer/2 , p[2] ], ]); } module BraceProfileFinal(){ p = phone + phone_slop; pbo = p[2] + button_dz_outer; pbc = p[2] + button_dz_centre; polygon([[ -1, p[2] ], [ -1, pbc + wall[2] ], [ 0, pbc + wall[2] ], [ 0, p[2] ] ]); } module Brace(){ for (m=[0,1]) mirror([0,m,0]) { hull(){ for (e=[0,1]) { translate([ nrbutton_brace_x + e * phone[1]/2, 0, 0 ]){ rotate([ 90,0,90 ]){ linear_extrude(height= (e==0 ? wall[0] : 0.1)){ hull(){ BraceProfileInitial(); if (e==0) BraceProfileFinal(); } } } } } } } } module BoxMain(){ rotate([0,0,90]) rotate([90,0,0]) { translate([0,0, expose]) linear_extrude(height = phone[0] + wall[0] - expose, convexity=20) MainProfile(); translate([0,0, phone[0]]) linear_extrude(height = wall[0], convexity=20) hull() MainProfile(); } } module PlugKeeperProfileHalf(){ p_max = plugkeeper_p_max; p_min = plugkeeper_p_min; d = plugkeeper_d_u * keeper_prong; translate([ plugkeeper_x_maxw, 0 ]) { polygon([ p_min, p_max, p_max + d, p_min + d ]); } } module PlugKeeperStalkProfile(){ hull(){ for (m=[0,1]) mirror([0,m,0]) PlugKeeperProfileHalf(); translate([ plugkeeper_x_maxw + keeper_stalk_len, 0,0 ]) square([ 0.1, keeper_stalk_basewidth ], center=true); } } module PlugKeeper(){ for (m=[0,1]) mirror([0,m,0]) { translate([0,0, -keeper_stalk_thick]) linear_extrude(height=plug_h + keeper_stalk_thick) PlugKeeperProfileHalf(); translate([0, 0, plug_h - plug_tooth_h]) linear_extrude(height= plug_tooth_h) translate(plugkeeper_d_u * -plug_tooth_dy) PlugKeeperProfileHalf(); } } module Box(){ sidewall_cutout_z = phone[2] + phone_slop[2] + button_dz_outer; difference(){ union(){ BoxMain(); Brace(); } translate([ led[0], phone[1]/2 - led[1], 1 ]) rotate([0,0, 360/8/2]) cylinder(r = led_dia/2 / cos(360/8/2), h= phone[2]*2, $fn=8); for (ys=[-1,+1]) { translate([ -0.1, ys * keeper_stalk_gap, -wall[2]*2]) linear_extrude(height = wall[2]*3) PlugKeeperStalkProfile(); translate([ phone[0] + wall[0], ys * (cutout_between/2 + cutout_dia/2), -10 ]) cylinder( r= cutout_dia/2, h = 50, $fn = 20 ); translate([expose, ys*phone[1]/2, sidewall_cutout_z/2]) rotate([90,0,0]) translate([0,0,-3]) cylinder( r= sidewall_cutout_z/2 - 0.1, h=6 , $fn=20 ); } } PlugKeeper(); translate([0,0, -keeper_stalk_thick]) linear_extrude(height = keeper_stalk_thick) PlugKeeperStalkProfile(); translate([ plugkeeper_x_maxw + keeper_stalk_len + -keeper_stalk_base_reinforce_len/2, -keeper_stalk_basewidth/2, 0 ]) mirror([0,0,1]) cube([ keeper_stalk_base_reinforce_len, keeper_stalk_basewidth, keeper_stalk_base_reinforce_thick ]); } module BoxPrint(){ // This makes' Cura's support more optimal: specifically, // it then doesn't seem to touch the back (bottom) wall translate([0,0,phone[0]]) rotate([0,90,0]) Box(); } //MainProfileInnerHalf(); //MainProfile(); //translate([0,0,1]) color("black") BraceProfileInitial(); //translate([0,0,1]) color("black") BraceProfileFinal(); //Brace(); Box(); //BoxPrint();