// -*- C -*- include include ply_th = 18; ply_hole_dia = 15; ply_edge_min = 10; tile_th = 3; post_dia = 8; post_shorter = 1; screw_dia = 2.2; screw_big_dia = 3.6; screw_big_len = 4.0; round_edge_rad = 2.0; round_cnr_rad = 10; interlock_dia = 10; interlock_fine = 0.66; interlock_fine_slope = 1.0; interlock_fine_lenslop = 1.0; demo_slop = 0.1; // cutout cutout_l_end_y_front_slop = 0.5; cutout_l_end_y_rear_slop = 0.5; cutout_l_end_x_slop = 0.25; cutout_l_end_x = 22; cutout_l_end_y = 85; cutout_l_end_curve = 1; cutout_l_end_y_total = cutout_l_end_y + cutout_l_end_y_front_slop + cutout_l_end_y_rear_slop; tile01_tr = [250, 0]; cutout_tile01_y = 170 - 147 + cutout_l_end_y_front_slop; cutout_tile11_x = cutout_l_end_x + cutout_l_end_curve; cutout_tile11_y = cutout_l_end_y_total - cutout_tile01_y; // rear curve rearedge_len = 170; rearcurve_rad = 25.4; rearcurve_strt_len = 65; rearcurve_total_len = 84; rearcurve_rad_slop = 0.5; // calculated TEST = false; ply_edge_hole_dist = ply_edge_min + ply_hole_dia/2; echo(str("HOLES IN PLY ctr dist from PLY edge = ", ply_edge_hole_dist)); hole_slop = (ply_hole_dia - post_dia)/2; tile_hard_edge_hole_dist = ply_edge_hole_dist + hole_slop; echo(str("HOLES IN PLY ctr dist from TILE HARD edge = ", tile_hard_edge_hole_dist)); echo(str("HOLES IN PLY ctr dist from TILE ROUND edge = ", tile_hard_edge_hole_dist + round_edge_rad)); thehd = [ tile_hard_edge_hole_dist, tile_hard_edge_hole_dist ]; thehd_tr = thehd; thehd_tl = [ -thehd_tr[0], thehd_tr[1] ]; thehd_bl = -thehd_tr; thehd_br = -thehd_tl; interlock_rad = interlock_dia/2; interlock_negative_rad = interlock_rad + 0.125; interlock_sq_adj = 0.2; // arbitrary module Post(){ mirror([0,0,1]) { difference(){ cylinder(r= post_dia/2, h= tile_th + ply_th - post_shorter); translate([0,0, tile_th]) { cylinder(r= screw_big_dia/2, h= screw_big_len); cylinder(r= screw_dia/2, h= ply_th, $fn=20); } } if (TEST) { tsz = tile_hard_edge_hole_dist - test_edge + 1; translate([0,0, tile_th/2]) { cube([post_dia, tsz*2, tile_th], center=true); cube([tsz*2, post_dia, tile_th], center=true); } } } } module Posts(posts) { for (p= posts) { translate(concat(p, [0])) Post(); } } module TileBase(botleft, topright){ size = topright - botleft; botleft_post = botleft + thehd_tr; topright_post = topright + thehd_bl; difference(){ mirror([0,0,1]) translate(concat(botleft, [0])) cube(concat(size, [tile_th])); if (!TEST) { translate( concat(botleft_post, [ -tile_th ]) + 0.5 * [ post_dia, post_dia, 0 ] ) Commitid_BestCount_M( topright_post-botleft_post + [-post_dia,-post_dia] + [0, thehd[1]]); } if (TEST) { translate( concat(botleft + [thehd[0], 0], [0]) ) Commitid_BestCount([ size[0] - thehd[0]*2, thehd[1] ]); difference(){ mirror([0,0,1]) { translate(concat(botleft + [test_edge,test_edge], [test_tile_th])) cube(concat(size - [test_edge,test_edge]*2, [tile_th])); translate(concat(botleft_post, [-1])) cube(concat(topright_post-botleft_post, [tile_th+2])); } minkowski(){ Machine(); cube(max(test_edge, tile_hard_edge_hole_dist)*2, center=true); } } } } } m4_dnl INREFFRAME(left_cnr, right_cnr, morevars) { body; } m4_define(`INREFFRAME',` length_vec = ($2) - ($1); length = dist2d([0,0], length_vec); length_uvec = length_vec / length; ortho_uvec = [ -length_uvec[1], length_uvec[0] ]; m = [ [ length_uvec[0], ortho_uvec[0], 0, ($1)[0], ], [ length_uvec[1], ortho_uvec[1], 0, ($1)[1], ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1, ] ]; $3 multmatrix(m) ') m4_dnl INREFFRAME(left_cnr, right_cnr, morevars) m4_dnl INREFFRAME_EDGE { body; } m4_define(`INREFFRAME_EDGE',` translate([0,0, -round_edge_rad]) ') module RoundEdge(left_cnr, right_cnr) { INREFFRAME(left_cnr, right_cnr) INREFFRAME_EDGE { difference(){ rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r= round_edge_rad, h= length, $fn=50); translate([-1, 0, -20]) cube([length+2, 20, 20]); } } } module RoundCornerCut(ci) { // ci should be [this_cnr, right_cnr] // where right_cnr is to the right (ie, anticlockwise) this_cnr = ci[0]; right_cnr = ci[1]; offr= round_cnr_rad - round_edge_rad; INREFFRAME(this_cnr, right_cnr) INREFFRAME_EDGE { difference(){ cube(offr*2 - 0.1, center=true); translate([offr, offr, 0]) cylinder(center=true, h=20, r= offr); } } } module RoundCornerAdd(ci) { this_cnr = ci[0]; right_cnr = ci[1]; bigr = round_cnr_rad - round_edge_rad; INREFFRAME(this_cnr, right_cnr) INREFFRAME_EDGE { intersection(){ cube(bigr*2 + 0.1, center=true); translate([bigr, bigr, 0]) rotate_extrude(convexity=10, $fn=50) translate([bigr, 0]) difference(){ circle(r= round_edge_rad, $fn=50); mirror([1,1]) square([20,20]); } } } } module InterlockLobePlan(negative) { r = negative ? interlock_negative_rad : interlock_rad; ymir = negative ? 0 : 1; dx = sqrt(3) * r; $fn= 80; translate([thehd[0], 0]){ mirror([0,ymir]){ circle(r=r); difference(){ translate([-dx, -0.1]) square([ dx*2, r/2 + 0.1 ]); for (xi = [-1, 1]) { translate([ xi*dx, r ]) circle(r=r); } } } } } module InterlockEdgePlan(negative, nlobes, length, dosquare=true) { for (lobei = [ 0 : nlobes-1 ]) { lobex = (length - thehd[0]*2) * (lobei ? lobei / (nlobes-1) : 0); translate([lobex, 0, 0]) { InterlockLobePlan(negative); } } if (dosquare) { iadj = 0; slotshorter = negative ? -0.1 : interlock_fine_lenslop; mirror([0, negative]) translate([slotshorter, iadj]) square([length - slotshorter*2, interlock_fine + iadj*2]); } } module InterlockEdge(left_cnr, right_cnr, negative=0, nlobes=2) { plusth = negative * 1.0; protr = interlock_fine + interlock_sq_adj; z2 = -tile_th/2; z1 = -tile_th/2 - protr / interlock_fine_slope; z3 = -tile_th/2 + protr / interlock_fine_slope; negsign = negative ? -1 : +1; yprotr = negsign * protr; INREFFRAME(left_cnr, right_cnr) { for (vsect = [ // zs0 zs1 ys0, ys1 [ -tile_th-plusth, plusth, 0, 0], [ z1, z2, 0, yprotr], [ z2, z3, yprotr, 0], ]) { zs0 = vsect[0]; zs1 = vsect[1]; zsd = zs1-zs0; ys0 = vsect[2]; ys1 = vsect[3]; ysd = ys1-ys0; sl = ysd/zsd; m = [ [ 1,0, 0, 0 ], [ 0,1, -sl, -ys0 + negsign*interlock_sq_adj ], [ 0,0, 1, zs0 ], [ 0,0, 0, 1 ] ]; multmatrix(m) linear_extrude(height=zsd, convexity=10) InterlockEdgePlan(negative, nlobes, length, !!ysd); } } } function TestPiece_holes2corners(holes) = [ holes[0] + thehd_bl, holes[1] + thehd_br, holes[1] + thehd_tr, holes[0] + thehd_tl ]; module TestPiece1(){ ////toplevel holes = [ [-100, 0], [ 0, 0] ]; corners = TestPiece_holes2corners(holes); rcs = [corners[0], corners[1]]; difference(){ union(){ TileBase(corners[0], corners[2]); Posts(holes); RoundEdge(corners[0], corners[1]); RoundEdge(corners[3], corners[0]); } InterlockEdge(corners[1], corners[2], 1, nlobes=1); RoundCornerCut(rcs); } RoundCornerAdd(rcs); } module TestPiece2(){ ////toplevel holes = [ [ 0, 0], [ 50, 0] ]; corners = TestPiece_holes2corners(holes); TileBase(corners[0], corners[2]); Posts(holes); RoundEdge(corners[0], corners[1]); InterlockEdge(corners[3], corners[0], 0, nlobes=1); } module TestDemo(){ ////toplevel translate([ -thehd[0], 0 ]) color("blue") TestPiece1(); translate([ +thehd[0] + demo_slop, 0 ]) TestPiece2(); } module Machine_Arm(){ ysz = cutout_l_end_y_total; // assume the round end is arc of a circle chordlen = dist2d([0,0], [ cutout_l_end_y, cutout_l_end_curve ]); endrad = cutout_l_end_y / cutout_l_end_curve * chordlen; translate([0,0,-30]) linear_extrude(height=60) { translate(tile01_tr + [0, (-cutout_tile01_y + cutout_tile11_y)/2]) { intersection(){ translate([-100, -ysz/2]) square([400, ysz]); translate([ endrad - cutout_tile11_x - cutout_l_end_x_slop, 0 ]) circle(r=endrad, $fa=0.01,$fd=5); } } } } module Machine_Rear(){ big_rad = rearcurve_total_len - rearcurve_strt_len + rearcurve_rad; small_rad = rearcurve_rad + rearcurve_rad_slop; translate([ 250 + rearedge_len - cutout_l_end_y + big_rad, cutout_tile11_y, 0 ]){ translate([ 0, 0, -rearcurve_rad ]){ rotate([0,-90,0]){ cylinder(r = small_rad, h= rearcurve_strt_len); } } translate([ 0, 0, big_rad - rearcurve_rad ]) { intersection(){ rotate([90,0,0]){ rotate_extrude(convexity=10) { translate([ big_rad, 0 ]) circle(r= small_rad); } } mirror([0,0,1]) cube([100,100,100]); } } } } module Machine(){ ////toplevel Machine_Arm(); Machine_Rear(); } function Rectangle_corners(c0, sz) = // returns the corners of a rectangle from c0 to c0+sz // if sz is positive, the corners are anticlockwise starting with c0 [ c0 + [ 0, 0 ], c0 + [ sz[0], 0 ], c0 + [ sz[0], sz[1] ], c0 + [ 0, sz[1] ] ]; function Rectangle_corners2posts(c) = [ c[0] + thehd_tr, c[1] + thehd_tl, c[2] + thehd_bl, c[3] + thehd_br ]; module Rectangle_TileBase(c) { TileBase(c[0], c[2]); } function Posts_interpolate_one(c0,c1) = [c0, (c0+c1)/2, c1]; m4_dnl R_EDGE(c,ix) m4_dnl c is from Rectangle_corners and m4_dnl ix is a corner number m4_dnl expands to two comma-separated corners: m4_dnl that denoted by ix, and the next one anticlockwise m4_define(`R_EDGE',`$1[$2],$1[(($2)+1)%4]') module Tile02(){ ////toplevel sz = [100,170]; c0 = -sz; c = Rectangle_corners(c0, sz); posts = Rectangle_corners2posts(c); rcs = [R_EDGE(c,0)]; difference(){ union(){ Rectangle_TileBase(c); Posts(posts); RoundEdge(R_EDGE(c,0)); RoundEdge(R_EDGE(c,3)); InterlockEdge(R_EDGE(c,2), 0); } InterlockEdge(R_EDGE(c,1), 1); RoundCornerCut(rcs); } RoundCornerAdd(rcs); } module Tile12(){ ////toplevel sz = [100,250]; c0 = [-sz[0], 0]; c = Rectangle_corners(c0, sz); posts = Rectangle_corners2posts(c); rcs = [R_EDGE(c,3)]; difference(){ union(){ Rectangle_TileBase(c); Posts(posts); RoundEdge(R_EDGE(c,2)); RoundEdge(R_EDGE(c,3)); } InterlockEdge(R_EDGE(c,0), 1); InterlockEdge(R_EDGE(c,1), 1); RoundCornerCut(rcs); } RoundCornerAdd(rcs); } tile_01_11_cnr = [250, 0] + [-cutout_tile11_x, 0]; tile_11_10_cnr = [250, 0] + [0, cutout_tile11_y]; module Tile11(){ ////toplevel sz = [250,250]; c0 = [0,0]; c = Rectangle_corners(c0, sz); cnr_posts = Rectangle_corners2posts(c); posts = concat( Posts_interpolate_one(cnr_posts[0], cnr_posts[1] - [cutout_tile11_x, 0]), [ cnr_posts[1] + [0, cutout_tile11_y], cnr_posts[2], cnr_posts[3] ]); difference(){ union(){ Rectangle_TileBase(c); Posts(posts); RoundEdge(R_EDGE(c,2)); InterlockEdge(R_EDGE(c,3)); } InterlockEdge(c[0], tile_01_11_cnr, 1); InterlockEdge(tile_11_10_cnr, c[2], 1); Machine(); } } tile_01_00_cnr = [250, 0] + [0, -cutout_tile01_y]; module Tile01(){ ////toplevel sz = [250,170]; c0 = [0,-sz[1]]; c = Rectangle_corners(c0, sz); cnr_posts = Rectangle_corners2posts(c); posts = concat( Posts_interpolate_one(R_EDGE(cnr_posts,0)), [ cnr_posts[2] + [0, -cutout_tile01_y] ], Posts_interpolate_one(cnr_posts[2] - [cutout_tile11_x, 0], cnr_posts[3]) ); difference(){ union(){ Rectangle_TileBase(c); Posts(posts); RoundEdge(R_EDGE(c,0)); InterlockEdge(tile_01_11_cnr, c[3]); InterlockEdge(R_EDGE(c,3)); } InterlockEdge(c[1], tile_01_00_cnr, 1); Machine(); } } module Demo(){ ////toplevel translate(demo_slop*[-2,1]) color("blue") Tile12(); translate(demo_slop*[-2,0]) color("red") Tile02(); translate(demo_slop*[-2,1]) color("orange") Tile11(); translate(demo_slop*[-2,0]) color("purple") Tile01(); %Machine(); } //TestPiece1(); //TestPiece2(); //Demo();