// -*- C -*- // This file can be used in two ways: // // A. Rectangular boxes // 1. include // 2. assign() values to (xxx these should be $ variables) // $sealingbox_wallthick // $sealingbox_xbox (outer dimension) // $sealingbox_ybox (outer dimension) // $sealingbox_zbox (inner dimension xxx) // $sealingbox_ceilth // $sealingbox_floorth // $sealingbox_wallthick // ts_cnrrad (outer radius of corners, leave at default normall) // xxx default should be in this file // 3. use the modules // SealingBox_RectBox // SealingBox_RectLid // // B. Complicated shapes, but harder work // 1. Be a .m4 file and m4_include sealing-box.scad.m4 // 2. Define your own BoxDoShapeSomething like BoxDoShapeRect // 3. Invoke BoxUseShape // 4. Use the Box and Lid modules generated m4_define(`BoxLocals',` wall = $sealingbox_wallthick; floorth = $sealingbox_floorth; ceilth = $sealingbox_ceilth; xbox = $sealingbox_xbox; ybox = $sealingbox_ybox; zbox = $sealingbox_zbox; ts_cidoff = (ts_cnrrad * (1-.7) + wall * .8) * [1,1]; xbox_lin = xbox - ts_cnrrad*2; ybox_lin = ybox - ts_cnrrad*2; ') m4_dnl Box_Part($1=transl_x,$2=transl_y, $3=rot_z,$4=mirror_xy) m4_dnl $5=kind, $6=kindargs, $7=profile(profileargsargs)) m4_define(`Box_Part',` translate([($1),($2)]) rotate([0,0,($3)]) mirror([($4),0,0]) BoxPart_Extrude_$5($6, $7)') m4_dnl boxpart_d = 0.01; m4_dnl BoxPart_Extrude_Linear(dist, `profile(...);'); m4_define(`BoxPart_Extrude_Linear',` rotate([90,0,0]) translate([0,0, -($1)]) linear_extrude(height= boxpart_d + ($1)) { $2 } ') m4_dnl BoxPart_Extrude_Arc(x0_radius, swept_angle, `profile(...);') m4_dnl arc starting at transl_x, transl_y, moving towards positive m4_dnl y at first and then bending towards negative x, until m4_dnl use negative x0_radius to inciate bending towards positive x m4_dnl swept_angle is reached m4_dnl x0_radius is the radius of the extruded part at x=0, not of the box m4_define(`BoxPart_Extrude_Arc',` translate([-($1),0,0]) intersection(){ translate([0,0,-500]) linear_extrude(height=1000) scale(500) mirror([($1)<0, 0,0]) FArcSegment_mask($2); rotate_extrude(convexity=10, $fs=1, $fn=36) mirror([($1)<0, 0,0]) translate([+($1),0,0]){ $3 } } ') m4_dnl BoxDoShapeRect(`profile(profileargs)'); m4_define(`BoxDoShapeRect',` Box_Part(0, ts_cnrrad, 0,0, Linear,`ybox_lin', `$1' ) Box_Part(0, ybox-ts_cnrrad, 0,0, Arc,`-ts_cnrrad,90' , `$1' ) Box_Part(ts_cnrrad, ybox, -90,0, Linear,`xbox_lin', `$1' ) Box_Part(xbox-ts_cnrrad, ybox, -90,0, Arc,`-ts_cnrrad,90' , `$1' ) Box_Part(xbox, ybox-ts_cnrrad, -180,0, Linear,`ybox_lin', `$1' ) Box_Part(xbox, ts_cnrrad, -180,0, Arc,`-ts_cnrrad,90' , `$1' ) Box_Part(xbox-ts_cnrrad, 0, -270,0, Linear,`xbox_lin', `$1' ) Box_Part(ts_cnrrad, 0, -270,0, Arc,`-ts_cnrrad,90' , `$1' ) ') m4_dnl ' module SealingBox_WallProfile(){ BoxLocals z = zbox - innertube - tubesealrad; translate([0, -0.1]) square([wall, z]); translate([tubesealrad, z]) circle(r=tubesealrad, $fn=20); } module SealingBox_FloorProfile(){ BoxLocals mirror([0,1]) square([wall, floorth]); } module SealingBox_LidProfile(){ BoxLocals rad = tubesealrad + innertube; morex = wall; difference(){ translate([-lidoverlap - innertube, zbox - lidoverhang - innertube]) square([lidoverlap + innertube + wall, lidoverhang + innertube + ceilth]); hull(){ translate([tubesealrad, zbox - innertube - tubesealrad]) for (t=[ [0,0], [morex*2, 0], [0, -zbox] ]) { translate(t) circle(r= tubesealrad + innertube, $fn=20); } } } } module SealingBox_CeilProfile(){ BoxLocals translate([0, zbox]) square([wall*2, ceilth]); } // BoxDoShape(Basename,BoxDoShapeSomething) // generates modules BasenameBox and BasenameLid m4_define(`BoxUseShape',` module $1Box(){ BoxLocals $2(SealingBox_WallProfile();); hull(){ $2(SealingBox_FloorProfile();); } } module $1Lid(){ BoxLocals $2(SealingBox_LidProfile();); hull(){ $2(SealingBox_CeilProfile();); } } ') BoxUseShape(`TestSealBox',`BoxDoShapeRect')