// -*- C -*- cubez = 12; shaftz = cubez; // shaftdia recessdia tests = [[2 + 0.5, 6 + 1.0, 0, 0 ], [3 + 0.5, 9 + 1.0, 0, 10 ], [4 + 0.5, 10 + 1.0, 0, 25 ], [5 + 0.5, 10 + 1.0, 15, 5 ], [6 + 0.5, 12 + 1.0, 15, 20 ]]; last_test = tests[len(tests)-1]; blockminx = -5; blockminy = -5; blockmaxx = 25; blockmaxy = 20; cubexy = 20; module RecessScrewCutout_RecessCylinder(recessdia,zbelow, h){ translate([0,0,-zbelow]) cylinder(r=recessdia/2, h=h+1, $fn=40); } RecessedScrewCutout_defaultrecessdepth_flat = -0.35; RecessedScrewCutout_defaultrecessdepth_hex = -0.70; function RecessedScrewCutout_recessdepth(recessdia, recessdepth_arg) = recessdepth_arg >= 0 ? recessdepth_arg : -recessdepth_arg * recessdia; function RecessedScrewCutout_totaldepth(recessdia, recessdepth_arg) = RecessedScrewCutout_recessdepth(recessdia, recessdepth_arg) + + 0.5*recessdia + 0.1; module RecessedScrewCutout(shaftdia, recessdia, shaftlen, zbelow=1, recessdepth_arg=RecessedScrewCutout_defaultrecessdepth_flat) { // pass recessdepth_arg=-1 for the default for flat heads // pass recessdepth_arg=-1 for the default for flat heads recessdepth = RecessedScrewCutout_recessdepth(recessdia, recessdepth_arg); recesstopz = RecessedScrewCutout_totaldepth(recessdia, recessdepth_arg); translate([0,0,-zbelow]) cylinder(r=shaftdia/2, h=shaftlen+zbelow, $fn=20); RecessScrewCutout_RecessCylinder(recessdia,zbelow, recessdepth); intersection(){ cube([recessdia + 1, shaftdia + 0.1, recesstopz*2 + 1], center=true); translate([0, -recessdia, recesstopz]) rotate([0,135,0]) cube([recessdia, recessdia*2, 10]); RecessScrewCutout_RecessCylinder(recessdia,zbelow, recesstopz+1); } } module Block(){ translate([blockminx, blockmaxx, 0]) cube([blockmaxx-blockminx, blockmaxy-blockminy, cubez]); } module Test(){ difference(){ Block(); union(){ for (t = tests) { RecessedScrewCutout(t[0],t[1], shaftz+1); } } } } module Holes(){ for (t = tests) { translate([t[2], t[3], 0]) RecessedScrewCutout(t[0],t[1], shaftz+1); } } module Demo(){ Block(); %Holes(); } Demo(); //Test(); //Hole(); //Holes();