// -*- C -*- include sandingframe_gap = 0.3; // to be added to radius sandingframe_nw = 3; sandingframe_nl = 5; sandingframe_th = thick*2/3; module Demo(){ ////toplevel $nspots = 3; color("red") { Token_L3(); } color("white") { Token_L1(); Token_L5(); } color("black") { Token_L2(); Token_L4(); } } module SandingFrame(){ ////toplevel stridel = token_dia + 5; nl = sandingframe_nl; nw = sandingframe_nw; stridew = stridel * cos(30); stride = [stridel,stridew]; linear_extrude(height = sandingframe_th) { difference(){ translate((token_dia/2 + stridel) * 0.5 * [-1,-1]) square([ stridel * (nl + 0.5), stridew * (nw + 0.5) ]); for (j = [0 : nw-1]) { eo = j % 2; for (i = [0 : nl-1-eo]) { translate([stridel * (i + 0.5 * eo), stridew * j]) circle(r = token_dia/2 + sandingframe_gap); } } } } }