#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX; our $which = shift @ARGV; sub xdata ($) { my ($cb) = @_; return unless $which eq 'Base'; foreach my $count (qw(1 2 3)) { foreach my $nspots (qw(1 2 3 4)) { $_ = $cb->($count,$nspots)."\t".$_; } } } $_=; chomp or die; xdata sub { my ($xcount,$xnspots) = @_; "${xcount}x". (qw(X One Two Three Four)[$xnspots]); }; our @names = split /\t/, $_; our %count; foreach my $nspots (qw(1 2 3 4 0)) { $_=; chomp or die; xdata sub { my ($xcount,$xnspots) = @_; $xnspots == $nspots and "$xcount+0"; }; my @l = split /\t/, $_; foreach my $i (0..$#names) { $_ = $l[$i] || '0+0'; $_ ||= 0; m/\+/ or die "$which $nspots ?"; $count{$names[$i]}{$nspots} = $which eq 'All' ? $` + $' : $which eq 'Base' ? $` : $which eq 'Witches' ? $' : die "$which ?"; } } $_ = Dumper(\%count); s{^}{// }mg; #print STDERR; our $name; our $total_count; our $total_real_count; our $max_nrows=0; our $max_rowsz=0; sub wrtoplevel () { my $cs = $count{$name}; my $total = 0; $total += $_ foreach values %$cs; return unless $total; print "module ${which}_$name(){ ////toplevel\n"; my $rowsz = ceil(sqrt($total)); my $nrows = ceil($total / $rowsz); $total_count += $total; $total_real_count += $total if $name =~ m/^[A-Z][a-z]+$/; $max_nrows = $nrows if $nrows > $max_nrows; $max_rowsz = $rowsz if $rowsz > $max_rowsz; my $ix = 0; printf "// %s %-10s total=%2d rowsz=$rowsz nrows=$nrows\n", $which, "$name", $total; foreach my $nspots (sort keys %$cs) { my $c = $cs->{$nspots}; print <error and die $!; __DATA__ White Green Blue Red Yellow Purple Black Orange WhiteSpare 20+6 15+10 14+8 12+6 13+6 15+8 18+8 20+12 1+0 8+3 10+5 10+5 8+5 6+5 1+0 4+2 1+0 13+5 10+5 10+5 10+5