// -*- C -*- // print Stem and Wingnut on High Detail // but adjust shell thickness to 2mm // others on Standard include include include positive_dia = inch * 3/8. - 0.375; positive_l = inch * 1/2.; positive_blank_dia = 9.0; blank_taper = 1.0; stem_l = 40; stem_dia = 12; stem_th = 3; stem_ceil = 2; stem_base_th = 4; stem_base_dia = 25; stem_inner_l = 15; thread_nom = 8; thread_pitch = 1.25; thread_act = thread_nom + 0.600; clamp_l = 40; clamp_top_th = 7; clamp_bot_th = 10; clamp_bot_tooth_h = 2.5; clamp_bot_tooth_d = 10; clamp_bot_collar = 20; clamp_bot_collar_th = 3.0; clamp_reg_sz1 = 3; clamp_reg_sz2 = 5; clamp_w = 15; clamp_max_table_th = 35; clamp_hole_dia = thread_nom + 0.30; clamp_reg_clear_x = 2.5; clamp_reg_clear_y = 0.75; // each side clamp_reg_extra_x = 4; //ct_h = 7; wingnut_th = 5; wingnut_wall = 4; wingnut_wing_mindia = 17.0; wingnut_wing_xrad = 8; wingnut_wing_xh = 5; wingnut_wing_th = 3; $test= true; ///$test= false; //$fa= 3; //$fs= 0.2; // calculated wingnut_cnr = wingnut_wing_th/2 -0.1; clamp_reg_bot_x_min = -stem_base_dia/2 -clamp_reg_clear_x -clamp_reg_sz2; clamp_collar_r = thread_nom/2 + clamp_bot_collar_th; module OurThread(l){ translate([0,0,-0.01]) metric_thread(diameter=thread_act, pitch=thread_pitch, leadin=3, internal=true, test=$test, length=l); } module StemWith(){ translate([0,0, stem_l -0.1]) children(); difference(){ union(){ cylinder(r= stem_dia/2 * 1/(0.5 * sqrt(3)), h = stem_l, $fn=6); cylinder(r= stem_base_dia/2, h = stem_base_th); } OurThread(stem_inner_l); } } module Stem(){ ////toplevel StemWith() english_thread(diameter=positive_dia/inch, threads_per_inch=16, leadin=1, test=$test, length= (positive_l + 0.1) / inch); } module StemBlankPart(){ hull(){ cylinder(h = positive_l + 0.1 - blank_taper, r = positive_blank_dia/2); cylinder(h = positive_l + 0.1, r = positive_blank_dia/2 - blank_taper); } } module BlankStem(){ ////toplevel StemWith() StemBlankPart(); } module Wingnut(){ ////toplevel difference(){ union(){ cylinder(r= (thread_nom+wingnut_wall)/2, h= wingnut_th); minkowski(){ sphere(r= wingnut_cnr); translate([0,0, wingnut_cnr*0.5]) linear_extrude(height= wingnut_wing_xh + wingnut_th - wingnut_cnr*1.5) square([wingnut_wing_mindia + wingnut_wing_xrad*2 - wingnut_cnr*2, wingnut_wing_th - wingnut_cnr*2], center=true); } } translate([0,0, wingnut_th]) linear_extrude(height= wingnut_wing_xh+1) square(wingnut_wing_mindia, center=true); translate([0,0, wingnut_th]) rotate([180,0,0]) OurThread(wingnut_th+3); mirror([0,0,1]) linear_extrude(height=5) square(center=true, wingnut_wing_mindia*2); } } module ClampCollarPlan(){ circle(r= clamp_collar_r); } module ClampHolePlan(){ circle(r= clamp_hole_dia/2); } module ClampArmPlan(){ r = clamp_collar_r; hull(){ rectfromto([r, -clamp_w/2], [clamp_l, +clamp_w/2]); ClampCollarPlan(); } } module ClampTop(){ ////toplevel linear_extrude(height = clamp_top_th, convexity=4) { difference(){ union(){ ClampArmPlan(); ClampCollarPlan(); } ClampHolePlan(); } } linear_extrude(height = clamp_reg_sz1, convexity=4) { difference(){ for (m=[0,1]){ mirror([0,m,0]) translate([0, clamp_reg_sz2/2 + clamp_reg_clear_y, 0]) rectfromto([clamp_reg_bot_x_min - clamp_reg_extra_x, 0 ], [0, clamp_reg_sz1 ]); } ClampHolePlan(); } } } module ClampBot(){ ////toplevel linear_extrude(height = clamp_bot_th, convexity=4) { difference(){ ClampArmPlan(); ClampHolePlan(); } } translate([clamp_l, 0, clamp_bot_th-0.1]) linear_extrude(height = clamp_bot_tooth_h +0.1) rectfromto([ -clamp_bot_tooth_d, -clamp_w/2 ], [ 0, +clamp_w/2 ]); translate([0,0, clamp_bot_th]) mirror([0,0,1]) linear_extrude(height = clamp_bot_collar) difference(){ ClampCollarPlan(); ClampHolePlan(); } translate([0, 0, clamp_bot_th]) { linextr(-clamp_reg_sz2, clamp_max_table_th+clamp_reg_sz2) { translate([clamp_reg_bot_x_min, 0]) { rectfromto([ 0, -clamp_reg_sz2/2 ], [ clamp_reg_sz2, +clamp_reg_sz2/2 ]); } } linextr(-clamp_reg_sz2, 0) { difference(){ rectfromto([ clamp_reg_bot_x_min, -clamp_reg_sz2/2 ], [ 0, +clamp_reg_sz2/2 ]); ClampHolePlan(); } } } } module StemBlankTest(){ ////toplevel StemBlankPart(); linextr(-1.5,0) square(center=true, [10,35]); } module Demo(){ ////toplevel color("blue") translate([0,0, clamp_top_th+0.5]) BlankStem(); color("red") ClampTop(); color("grey") translate([0,0, -(clamp_bot_th + 5)]) ClampBot(); translate([0,0, -(clamp_bot_collar +10)]) rotate([180,0,0]) Wingnut(); } //Wingnut(); //Stem();