// -*- C -*- // print on High Detail // but adjust infill to 50%, shell thickness to 2mm include include positive_dia = inch * 3/8. - 0.375; positive_l = inch * 1/2.; negative_l = negative_default_l; negative_wall = 4; midsection = 4; spanner = 12; base_dia = 35; base_th_min = 1; base_th_max = 4; //$test = true; $test = false; $fs=0.1; $fa=5; module Adapter(){ translate([0,0,-0.1]) english_thread(diameter=positive_dia/inch, threads_per_inch=16, leadin=1, test=$test, length= (positive_l + 0.1) / inch); rotate([180,0,0]) { difference(){ union(){ cylinder(r= spanner/2 * 1/(0.5 * sqrt(3)), h = negative_l + midsection, $fn=6); translate([0,0, midsection+negative_l]) { mirror([0,0,1]) { hull(){ cylinder(r= base_dia/2, h = base_th_min); cylinder(r= 0.1, h = base_th_max); } } } } translate([0,0, midsection + negative_l]) CameraMountThread(negative_l); } } } Adapter();