// -*- C -*- spoolwidth = 80; // fixme needs to be measured trestleheight = 80; // fixme needs to be checked trestlebase = 80; // fixme needs to be checked include spoolwidthgap = 2; barrad = 7; guidewidth = 3; guiderad = 20; legw = 12; plugl = 20; plugwmin = 3; plugh = 10; plugslope = 0.5; plugwmax = plugwmin + plugh * plugslope * 2; trestlelegw = 10; trestlebaseh = 10; trestleplugd = 1; topblockthick = 4; topblockbasedepth = 5; pinbasew = 5.0; pinminh = 1.5; pinmaxh = 4.5; pindh = 0.50; pindwidth = 0.75; pintaperlen = plugwmax * 0.85; pinstraightlen = 10; module Plug(d=0){ dw = d; dh = d; dhb = d*2; a = atan(plugslope); bdy = -dhb; bdx = dw / cos(a) + bdy * plugslope; tdy = dh; tdx = bdx + tdy * plugslope; translate([-d,0,0]) rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude(height=plugl+0.1+d*2){ polygon([[-(plugwmin/2 + bdx), bdy], [-(plugwmax/2 + tdx), plugh + tdy], [+(plugwmax/2 + tdx), plugh + tdy], [+(plugwmin/2 + bdx), bdy]]); } } module Bar(){ ////toplevel spoolw = spoolwidth + spoolwidthgap*2; barz = barrad * 0.5; biggestw = spoolw + 50; intersection(){ for (mir=[0,1]) { mirror([mir,0,0]) { translate([0,0,barz]) { translate([-1,0,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=barrad, h=spoolw/2+2, $fn=30); translate([spoolw/2,0,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=guiderad, h=guidewidth, $fn=60); } translate([spoolw/2 + guidewidth, 0, 0]) Plug(); } } translate([-biggestw/2, -50, 0]) cube([biggestw, 100, 100]); } } module Trestle(){ ////toplevel legang = atan2(trestlebase/2, trestleheight); eplen = sqrt(trestleheight*trestleheight + trestlebase*trestlebase*0.25); topblockw = plugwmax + trestleplugd*2 + topblockthick*2; pinholebasew = pinbasew + pindwidth*2; pinholeh = pinmaxh + pindh; difference(){ union(){ for (mir=[0,1]) { mirror([mir,0,0]) { rotate([0,0, -90-legang]) ExtenderPillars(length=eplen+trestlelegw, width=trestlelegw, height=legw, baseweb=true); translate([-trestlebase/2, -trestleheight, 0]) cylinder(r=trestlelegw/2*1.2, h=plugl); } } translate([-topblockw/2, -topblockbasedepth, 0]) cube([topblockw, topblockbasedepth + plugh + topblockthick + (pinmaxh - pinminh)*0.6 + pindh, plugl]); translate([-trestlebase/2, -trestleheight, 0]) ExtenderPillars(length=trestlebase, width=trestlebaseh*2, height=legw); } translate([-300, -trestleheight-50, -1]) cube([600, 50, plugl+2]); rotate([-90,-90,0]) Plug(d=trestleplugd); for (rot=[0,180]) { translate([0,0,plugl/2]) rotate([0,rot,0]) translate([0,0,-plugl/2]) { translate([-(topblockw*0.25+1), plugh + pindh - (pinmaxh - pinminh)*0.75, (plugl - pinholebasew*2)/3]) { translate([0,0,pinholebasew/2]) rotate([-90,0,0]) %Pin(); rotate([0,90,0]) { linear_extrude(height = topblockw*1.0+2) { polygon([[-1.0 * pinholebasew, -0.01], [-0.5 * pinholebasew, pinholeh], [ 0 , -0.01]]); } } } } } } } module Pin(){ ////toplevel rotate([90,0,90]) { hull(){ for (mir=[0,1]) { mirror([mir,0,0]) { linear_extrude(height=0.1) { polygon([[-0.01, 0], [-0.01, pinminh], [pinbasew*0.5*(pinminh/pinmaxh), 0]]); } translate([0,0,pintaperlen]) linear_extrude(height=pinstraightlen) { polygon([[-0.01, 0], [-0.01, pinmaxh], [pinbasew*0.5, 0]]); } } } } } } module TestKit(){ ////toplevel translate([30,0,0]) Pin(); translate([30,30,0]) Pin(); translate([0,40,0]) intersection(){ Trestle(); translate([-50,-10,-1]) cube([100,100,100]); } intersection(){ translate([-60,0,0]) Bar(); cube(50,center=true); } } Bar(); //Trestle(); //Pin(); //TestKit(); //Plug(d=1); //ExtenderPillars(80,12,8, baseweb=true);