// -*- C -*- // should rename this to actual name of the product include mount_lip_height = 2.0 - 0.15; mount_lip_depth = 2.5 /*?*/ - 0.30; mount_neck_width = 26.5 - 0.55; mount_neck_length = 1.5 + 0.50; mount_slope = .65; mount_extra_slope = 3; mount_demo_ceil = 4; // calculated mnep0 = [0,0]; mnep1 = mnep0 + [0,1] * mount_neck_length; mnep7 = mnep0 + [1,0] * mount_lip_depth; mnep2 = [ mnep7[0] + mount_extra_slope, mnep1[1] + mount_slope * (mnep7[0] + mount_extra_slope - mnep1[0]) ]; mnep3 = mnep2 + [0, 0.1]; mnep4 = [ mnep0[0]-1, mnep3[1] ]; mnep6 = mnep7 + [0,-1] * mount_lip_height; mnep5 = [ mnep4[0], mnep6[1] ]; mnepm = [ mnep0[0], mnep3[1] ]; mount_total_height = mnep2[1] - mnep6[1]; mnep_z_offset = -mnep2[1]; mnep_side_offset = [ mount_neck_width/2, mnep_z_offset ]; module MountNeckEdgePlan() { polygon([ mnep0, mnep1, mnep2, mnep3, mnep4, mnep5, mnep6, mnep7 ]); } module MountNeck() { intersection_for (r=[0,90]) { rotate([0,0,r]){ linextr_y_xz(-100,100,convexity=10){ for (m=[0,1]) { mirror([m,0]) { translate(mnep_side_offset) MountNeckEdgePlan(); rectfromto([-0.1, -mount_total_height], mnep_side_offset + mnepm); } } } } } } module MountDemoCeil() { c = mount_demo_ceil + mount_extra_slope; linextr(0, 0.8) { square(mount_neck_width + 2*(mount_demo_ceil + mount_extra_slope), center=true); } } module MountDemo(){ MountNeck(); MountDemoCeil(); } //MountNeckEdgePlan(); //MountNeck(); //MountDemoCeil(); MountDemo();