// -*- C -*- // todo // various registration marks // protrustions at ends at strap width and middle // grooves on top face at 1/4,1/2,3/4 length and 1/2 width crewpunch_slop = 0.3; holder_min_wall = 2; holder_attach_near_wall = 3; holder_attach_xsz = 5; holder_ctie_width = 4.0 + 0.5; holder_ctie_thick = 3.0 + 0.5; holder_attach_walls = 3; holder_attach_roof = 2.5; jig_interval = 25; strap_width = 26.75 + 0.7; strap_thick = 3; edgewall_width = 3; punch_travel = 8; main_slop = 0.5; jig_max_len = 160; // print diagonally //jig_max_len = 30; registrationgroove_width = 0.8; registrationgroove_depth = 1.2; registrationprotrusion_poke = 3; registrationprotrusion_slope = 0.75; jig_overlap = 1; // from careful measurement crewpunch_shape = [[ 6, [0.6, 6.0], [1.6, 12.3] ], [ 8, [1.1, 6.2], [1.9, 12.5] ], [ 10, [1.6, 6.5], [2.1, 12.8] ], [ 12, [1.8, 6.6], [2.3, 12.7] ], [ 14, [2.1, 6.8], [2.6, 13.0] ], [ 16, [2.4, 6.9], [2.7, 13.2] ], [ 18, [2.5, 7.0], [2.9, 13.3] ], [ 22, [3.1, 7.1], [3.2, 13.4] ], [ 26, [3.3, 7.2], [3.5, 13.6] ], ]; crewpunch_shaft_max_y = 3.5; crewpunch_systematic_size_error = +0.36; crewpunch_smallest_shape = crewpunch_shape[0]; crewpunch_biggest_shape = crewpunch_shape[len(crewpunch_shape)-1]; crewpunch_skew_angle = 3.5; //degrees crewpunch_skew_yoff = -1.1; //mm // computed attach_ysz = holder_attach_walls*2 + holder_ctie_width; holder_block_zsz = crewpunch_biggest_shape[0] - crewpunch_smallest_shape[0]; holder_xsz = crewpunch_biggest_shape[2][0] + crewpunch_biggest_shape[2][1] + holder_min_wall*2; holder_skewangle_yextra = holder_xsz/2 * sin(abs(crewpunch_skew_angle)); holder_front_all = crewpunch_shaft_max_y - crewpunch_biggest_shape[1][0] + attach_ysz + crewpunch_systematic_size_error + crewpunch_skew_yoff + holder_skewangle_yextra; crewpunch_biggest_y = crewpunch_biggest_shape[1][0] + crewpunch_biggest_shape[1][1]; holder_ysz = crewpunch_biggest_y + holder_min_wall + holder_front_all + max(0, -crewpunch_skew_yoff); attach_offset = 0.5 * (holder_front_all - holder_attach_near_wall); jig_main_zsz = holder_block_zsz + punch_travel; jig_ends_extra = 2; //jig_iters = (jig_max_len - jig_ends_extra) / jig_interval; jig_iters=2; echo(jig_iters); // objects module CrewPunch(){ ourslop = crewpunch_slop - crewpunch_systematic_size_error; hull(){ for(layer=crewpunch_shape){ translate([0,0, layer[0]]){ for(xind=[0,1]) //translate([xind?0:1,0,0]) for(yind=[0,1]) //translate([0,yind?0.5:0,0]) mirror([xind?1:0,0,0]) mirror([0,yind?0:1,0]){ translate([-0.1,-0.1,-0.1]) cube([0.1 + layer[2][xind] + ourslop, 0.1 + layer[1][1-yind] + ourslop, 0.2]); } } } } } module PunchHolder(cutouts=true){ translations=[-holder_xsz/2, -holder_ysz + holder_min_wall + crewpunch_biggest_y/2, 0]; translate(translations){ difference(){ translate([0,attach_offset,0]) cube([holder_xsz, holder_ysz - attach_offset, holder_block_zsz]); if (cutouts) translate([0,-crewpunch_skew_yoff]) translate(-translations) rotate([0,0,-crewpunch_skew_angle]) translate(translations) translate([crewpunch_biggest_shape[2][1] + holder_min_wall, crewpunch_biggest_shape[1][1] + holder_front_all, -crewpunch_smallest_shape[0]]) CrewPunch(); } difference(){ translate([holder_xsz/2 - holder_attach_xsz/2, 0, 0]) cube([holder_attach_xsz, attach_ysz, holder_block_zsz + punch_travel + holder_ctie_thick + holder_attach_roof + 1]); if (cutouts) translate([-30, holder_attach_walls, holder_block_zsz + punch_travel]) cube([60, holder_ctie_width, holder_ctie_thick]); } } } module RegistrationGroove(l){ // runs along the +ve X axis for length l but at correct z pos translate([0, 0, jig_main_zsz + 0.1]) { rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude(height=l) polygon([[-registrationgroove_width/2, 0], [ +registrationgroove_width/2, 0], [ 0, -registrationgroove_depth ]]); } } module OneJig(){ difference(){ translate([-(jig_interval/2 + jig_overlap), -(strap_width/2 + edgewall_width) - attach_offset, -strap_thick]) cube([jig_interval + 2, strap_width + edgewall_width*2 + attach_offset, jig_main_zsz + strap_thick]); minkowski(){ cube([main_slop*2, main_slop*2, 50], center=true); PunchHolder(false); } translate([-100, -strap_width/2, -10]) cube([200, strap_width, 10]); translate([-100,0,0]) RegistrationGroove(200); for (xfrac=[-1/4,0,+1/4]) translate([jig_interval * xfrac, -100, 0]) rotate([0,0,90]) RegistrationGroove(200); } } module RegistrationProtrusion(){ // points towards the positive x axis xsz = registrationprotrusion_poke; ysz = registrationprotrusion_poke; diag_sz = xsz * sqrt(2); zsz = diag_sz / registrationprotrusion_slope; hull(){ translate([0, 0, 0.1]){ linear_extrude(height=0.1) polygon([[ 0, -ysz ], [ xsz, 0 ], [ 0, ysz ]]); translate([-0.1, 0, zsz ]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube(0.1); } } } module Jig(){ for(end=[0,1]){ for(yfrac=[-1/2, 0, 1/2]){ translate([ end ? jig_interval * (jig_iters - 0.5) : -jig_interval/2, yfrac * strap_width, 0]) rotate([0,0, end ? 0 : 180]) translate([ jig_overlap, 0, 0 ]) RegistrationProtrusion(); } } for (i=[0:jig_iters-1]) { translate([jig_interval * i, 0, 0]) OneJig(); } } module JigT(){ ////toplevel translate([0,0,jig_main_zsz]) rotate([180,0,0]) Jig(); } module PunchHolderT(){ ////toplevel PunchHolder(true); } module Demo(){ ////toplevel %PunchHolder(); Jig(); } module Kit(){ ////toplevel rotate([0,0,-45]){ JigT(); translate([(jig_iters-1)*jig_interval/2, -strap_width, 0]) PunchHolder(); } } //CrewPunch(); //PunchHolder(); //PunchHolder(false); //OneJig(); //Jig(); Demo(); //JigT(); //RegistrationProtrusion(); //PunchHolderT(); //Kit();