// -*- C -*- include // Dimensions of the main GPS body outerw = 120 + 2.5; outerh = 75 - 0.2; outert = 15 - 1.0; outerbackbevel = 3; // Dimensions of the bezel area round the edges bezelw = 11 - 0.5; bezelboth = 11 - 0.5; bezeltoph = 7 - 0.5; // Dimensions of the speaker at the back spkrdia = 22; spkr2bot = 19; spkr2rhs = 25; // Dimensions of the plug and wire plugw = 12; plugh = 9; plug2bot = 11; plug2lhs = 11; plugtotald = 15; pluggapd = 5; // Dimensions of the hole in the tray // width and height (vertical) at the top nestleh = 53; nestlew = 55.4 - 0.5; // depths (back to front distance): nestledl = 38.8 - 0.5; nestledr = 42.7 - 0.5; // differences in width, depth, at bottom: nestledwl = 3.0; nestledwr = 2.4; nestleddf = 4.0; nestleddbl = 3.3; nestleddbr = 3.6; nestlewallmin = 4; nestleceilmin = 4; // Adjustment for the GPS attitude gpsazimuth = 45; gpsrightwardoffset = 5; gpsrearwardoffset = 2; // Amount of wire protrusion to allow for plugwiremoreh = 25; // Slops and steps etc. plugslop = 0.5; plughstep = 1.5; bodylhsrhsslop = 0.5; // Dimensions for strength only screent = 1.0; plugstrutw = 4; plugstrutt = min(outert, 5); nestledoveclipw = 20; module GpsPlugPlug(slop){ effhslop = slop - plughstep; effplugw = plugw + slop*2; effplugh = plugh + effhslop*2; translate([plug2lhs-slop, plug2bot-effhslop, -1]) cube([effplugw, effplugh, outert+2]); } module GpsBodyOuterBevel(len){ translate([0,-1,0]) { rotate([-90,0,0]) { linear_extrude(height=len+2) { polygon([[-outerbackbevel, 0], [ 0, outerbackbevel], [outerbackbevel, 0], [ 0, -outerbackbevel]]); } } } } module GpsBody() { ////toplevel difference(){ union(){ difference(){ cube([outerw, outerh, outert]); translate([bezelw, bezelboth, screent]) cube([outerw-bezelw*2, outerh-bezelboth-bezeltoph, outert]); translate([outerw-spkr2rhs, spkr2bot, -1]) cylinder(r=spkrdia/2, h=outert+2); } translate([plug2lhs+plugw/2, plug2bot+plugh/2, 0]) cylinder(r=(plugw+plugh)/2, h=outert); for (x=[plug2lhs-plugstrutw, plug2lhs+plugw]) translate([x, 0.1, 0]) cube([plugstrutw, outerh-0.2, plugstrutt-0.10]); } GpsPlugPlug(0); for (x=[0,outerw]) translate([x,0,0]) GpsBodyOuterBevel(outerh); for (y=[0,outerh]) translate([0,y,0]) rotate([0,0,-90]) GpsBodyOuterBevel(outerw); } } module GpsPlug() { plugwireh = plug2bot + plugwiremoreh; translate([-plugslop,0,0]) GpsPlugPlug(-plugslop); mirror([0,0,1]) translate([plug2lhs, plug2bot, 0]) { cube([plugw, plugh, plugtotald-0.05]); translate([0, -plugwireh, pluggapd]) cube([plugw, plugwireh+0.05, plugtotald-pluggapd]); } } lhsteethu = 2; module GpsLHSMask(xslop=0){ translate([plug2lhs + plugw+plugh+plugstrutw, 0, -50]) { for (iter=[-100/lhsteethu : 100/lhsteethu]) { translate([0, iter*lhsteethu*2, 0]) { linear_extrude(height=100) { polygon([[-300, 0], [ 0, 0], [lhsteethu,lhsteethu], [ 0, lhsteethu*2], [-300, lhsteethu*2+0.1]]); } } } } } module GpsAssembled(){ ////toplevel GpsBody(); GpsPlug(); } module GpsBodyLT(){ intersection(){ GpsBody(); GpsLHSMask(); } } module GpsBodyRT(){ difference(){ GpsBody(); GpsLHSMask(bodylhsrhsslop); } } module GpsPlugT(){ ////toplevel rotate([0,-90,0]) GpsPlug(); } module NestleCubeCutout(ca,cb,d){ dist = cb - ca; mirror([0,1,0]){ rotate([90,0,0]){ linear_extrude(height=d){ polygon([[ca, -nestleh-1], [ca, -dist/2], [(ca+cb)/2, 0], [cb, -dist/2], [cb, -nestleh-1]]); } } } } module NestleCube(){ midw = nestlew/2; midd = min(nestledl,nestledr); midddb = max(nestleddbl,nestleddbr); based0 = nestleddf; based1 = midd - midddb; basew0 = -nestledwr; basew1 = +nestledwl-nestlew; cutd0 = based0 + nestlewallmin; cutd1 = based1 - nestlewallmin; cutw0 = basew0 - nestlewallmin; cutw1 = basew1 + nestlewallmin; translate([-(basew0+basew1)/2, -(based0+based1)/2, 0]) difference(){ polyhedron (points=[[ +0 , +0, 0], // 0 [ +0 , +nestledr, 0], // 1 [ -midw , +midd, 0], // 2 [ -nestlew, +nestledl, 0], // 3 [ -nestlew, +0, 0], // 4 [-nestledwr+0 , +nestleddf +0, -nestleh], // 5 [-nestledwr+0 , -nestleddbr+nestledr, -nestleh], // 6 [ -midw , -midddb +midd, -nestleh], // 7 [+nestledwl-nestlew, -nestleddbl+nestledl, -nestleh], // 8 [+nestledwl-nestlew, +nestleddf +0, -nestleh]], // 9 triangles=[[0,1,6],[6,5,0], [1,2,7],[7,6,1], [2,3,8],[8,7,2], [3,4,9],[9,8,3], [4,0,5],[5,9,4], [4,3,2],[2,1,0],[0,4,2], [7,8,9],[5,6,7],[7,9,5]], convexity=3); intersection(){ NestleCubeCutout(cutw1, cutw0, max(nestledl,nestledr)); rotate([0,0,90]) NestleCubeCutout(cutd0, cutd1, nestlew); } } translate([gpsrightwardoffset,-gpsrearwardoffset,0]) rotate([0,0,gpsazimuth]) translate([nestledoveclipw/2,0,DoveClip_depth()-0.5]) rotate([0,-90,0]) DoveClipPairSane(count=3, h=nestledoveclipw); } //GpsPlugT(); //GpsAssembled(); //GpsBody(); NestleCube();