# defined since 2.8.3 if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.3) get_filename_component (CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) endif () # Tell the user project where to find our headers and libraries set (NLOPT_INCLUDE_DIRS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/@RELATIVE_NLOPT_INCLUDE_DIRS@") set (NLOPT_LIBRARY_DIRS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/@RELATIVE_NLOPT_LIB_DIR@") # Allows loading NLOPT settings from another project set (NLOPT_CONFIG_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}") # List of compilation flags -DTOTO to export set (NLOPT_DEFINITIONS "@NLOPT_DEFINITIONS@") # Our library dependencies (contains definitions for IMPORTED targets) include ("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/NLoptLibraryDepends.cmake") # These are IMPORTED targets created by NLOPTLibraryDepends.cmake set (NLOPT_LIBRARIES "@NLOPT_LIBRARIES@") if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.3) set (CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR) endif ()