Minimax matchstick dissection

This web page documents my current state of knowledge about a combinatorial problem that occurred to me in the summer of 2013 and intrigued me by having no obviously simple answer. Several people have been kind enough to help me gather data and thoughts on the problem, so I'm putting up a web page collating all of that.

I have so far not heard of any previous work on the problem, although there is a strong possibility that such work exists and I just haven't heard about it. Please send details, if you have any!

The problem

The problem is a one-dimensional dissection. Let m and n be positive integers. Suppose we have m matchsticks, each of length n. We want to turn them into n sticks of length m, by cutting them into shorter fragments and then gluing the fragments back together.

The catch is that we don't like short fragments, and we like them less the shorter they are. So we want all the fragments to be nice and large. Specifically, we want to find a dissection whose shortest fragment length is as long as we can make it.

Obviously, one possible dissection is to cut up every stick into n pieces of length 1, and then stick them all back together in groups of m, giving a shortest fragment of 1. If m and n have a common factor, we can improve on this by cutting them into larger pieces, still all the same size. In general, this gives us a minimum fragment of gcd(m,n). (Another way to achieve this same result would be to glue all the sticks into one long stick and then cut that into n equal pieces. That dissection uses fewer fragments, but the shortest fragment length is still gcd(m,n), and we don't care about the details of the dissection other than that.)

In many cases, however, you can do better than that. The case that first brought this problem to my attention was the one with n=6 and m=5. The trivial gcd solution gives you a minimum fragment of 1, but in fact we can dissect 6 sticks into 5 sticks with minimum fragment 2, by cutting up every length-5 stick as (2 + 3) and then reassembling as two lots of (2 + 2 + 2) and three lots of (3 + 3).

More interestingly still, the minimum fragment need not always even be an integer. (That was the aspect that surprised me enough to make the question really stick in my mind.) For example, consider n=5 and m=4: obviously if you use integer-sized fragments then you can't make the biggest fragment any larger than 1 (each length-5 stick would need a fragment of odd length, and you can't cut an odd piece from a length-4 stick without generating a piece of length 1). However, if you don't insist on integer fragments, the dissection of 5 into 4 can be done with shortest fragment 3/2: cut four of the length-4 sticks slightly unevenly into 3/2 + 5/2 and the last one evenly into 2 + 2, then make two length-5 sticks as 5/2 + 5/2 and the other two as 3/2 + 3/2 + 2.


To begin with, we'll establish the convention that m < n. (The problem is obviously symmetric in interchange of the two variables, and the case m = n requiring no cuts at all is so uninteresting that we may as well ignore it.)

No irrationals

We've established that the minimum fragment size need not be an integer, so an obvious next question is, need it even be rational?

The answer is yes, and we can prove it as follows. Consider an arbitrary dissection of m sticks into n containing at least one irrational fragment length. The lengths of all the fragments generate a finite-dimensional vector space over ℚ; let { e1, …, ek } be a basis for that space in which e1 is rational. Then the shortest irrational fragment length must have a nonzero coefficient of some basis element other than e1, say ei.

Now we construct a new dissection based on the old one, in which we adjust every fragment length by adding ε times its original value's coefficient of ei, for some constant ε. Doing this must preserve the property that the fragments making up each input and output stick sum to the right total length (proof: the original ei coefficients must have summed to zero in order to generate an integer stick length previously, so adding a constant multiple of all those ei coefficients doesn't change the overall sum). So now we choose |ε| small enough that no two original fragment lengths change their ordering and no fragment length becomes negative or more than the entire stick size. (We can do this, since those constraints give us finitely many upper bounds all of which are strictly positive, so we can certainly find an ε smaller than all of them and still nonzero. The only interesting case is when a fragment was the whole of its stick – in which case it has a zero coefficient of ei anyway, so we aren't changing it at all and no bound is placed on ε by the requirement for it not to overflow.) Finally, we choose the sign of ε so that it lengthens rather than shortening the smallest irrational fragment.

So now we've constructed a new dissection of basically the same shape as the old one, in which every fragment length is adjusted by at most a small amount, with the properties that:

This means that no dissection with the shortest fragment irrational can be optimal, since the above construction would improve it.

Also, if we were to strengthen our optimisation criterion by imposing a tie-breaking condition in which dissections with the same shortest fragment were compared by looking at the next shortest fragment and so on, then any dissection optimal under that stronger condition would have to have every fragment length rational (because, again, we could always lengthen the shortest irrational one, without changing any of the rational fragment lengths shorter than it). This implies that not only must the minimum fragment size always be rational, but also there must always be an all-rational dissection which attains it. So we can rule irrationals completely out of consideration, which is a relief!

Upper bounds

A problem with searching for dissections is, once you've found one, how do you prove there isn't a completely different one that does better?

One way to solve that problem is to find a genuinely exhaustive search strategy, one of which is described in the next section. But exhaustive searches are expensive, so it would be nice to have some other tools in our toolbox as well, such as strategies for proving that no solution for a given n,m can be better than a given value. Then, if you can find an upper bound proof and a dissection attaining that bound, you know you don't have to look any further.

One such upper bound proof, largely due to writinghawk, works by counting the pieces in the dissection. For this proof, we start by assuming that every length-m stick (i.e. every shorter stick) is cut into at least two pieces; this doesn't lose generality, because if any stick remains whole in a dissection, we can just cut it in half and put both the pieces into the same n-stick. (And this does not decrease the minimum fragment length unless all m-sticks were whole, i.e. m divides n, which is a special case with such an obvious answer that we don't need this proof anyway.)

So, let's suppose that every piece is at least length s. Also, every piece must be at most length m − s (because it must have been part of some m-stick, which had a piece of at least s cut off it).

That means that each stick of length n has to be cut into at least n/(ms) and at most n/s pieces (otherwise some piece would have to be too long or too short). Because the number of pieces also has to be an integer, that really means it's at least ⌈n/(ms)⌉ and at most ⌊n/s⌋. Summing those expressions over all n-sticks tells us that the total number of pieces P in the whole dissection must satisfy the inequality mn/(ms)⌉ ≤ P ≤ mn/s⌋.

By similarly considering the number of pieces that a stick of length m is cut into, we derive a second inequality nm/(ms)⌉ ≤ P ≤ nm/s⌋. (This is identical to the first inequality, but with n and m swapped everywhere they appear except in the divisor ms).

So when s becomes big enough that either of those inequalities is self-inconsistent (with its LHS strictly larger than its RHS), or when the two are incompatible (because they define ranges for P that do not meet), there can be no dissection with s that large. This allows us to establish an upper bound on s for a given instance of the problem, which is often (but, results below indicate, not always) actually achievable.

A second upper-bound proof, due to Tom Womack, applies in a restricted set of cases, some of which are not solved optimally by the above proof. Specifically: if m/3 is an integer and is also a multiple of nm, then no solution can be better than m/3.

Proof: suppose the shortest fragment is m/3 + ε for some ε > 0. Then if any segment of stick less than twice that length arises while you're dissecting, it must remain whole. In particular, any fragment shorter than 2m/3 + 2ε must be monolithic in this way.

So consider a stick of length m from which we cut a piece of length m/3+ε. The other piece of that stick has length 2m/3−ε and hence is monolithic; so it must have been cut as a whole from a longer stick of length n. Let n = m+k, because we'll want to talk about k a lot. Now we reason as follows:

... and so on, so that we derive the existence of pieces of lengths m/3+ε, m/3+k+ε, m/3+2k+ε, …, 2m/3+ε (which we must reach since m/3 is an exact multiple of k). That 2m/3+ε is still monolithic (recall that only a piece of at least 2m/3+2ε can avoid being so) and so it must share a short stick with a piece of length m/3−ε, which is shorter than our presumed minimum fragment. This is a contradiction, and hence we reject the initial assumption that a minimum fragment greater than m/3 was possible in the first place.

Computer search

FIXME: describe our two search strategies.

FIXME: stress that one is exhaustive but the other depends on a conjectured denominator bound.

FIXME: the two strategies are good at different cases.

FIXME: link to git repo.

Table of known values

The table below shows the best minimum fragment size for all the n,m pairs I currently know the answer to, and the best upper and lower bounds I have for a few values I don't know.

The table cells are colour-coded to indicate our confidence in each number. Green indicates that the correctness of the result depends only on our upper-bound proofs; greenish-yellow indicates that the correctness depends on our exhaustive search program not having a bug in it; yellow indicates that the correctness depends on our conjecture that denominators are no larger than n (and also on a search program not having a bug); red indicates that we actually don't know the value and have listed a range of possible answers.

Each table cell links to a section further down the page giving an explicit dissection and discussing which (if any) upper bound proofs apply in that case.


Observations from the data

FIXME: clear patterns in the m=3 and m=4 columns, and the bounding proofs seem consistently tight there too, so those cases may be tractable to establish a complete proof for.

FIXME: the diagonal n=m+1 also looks nicely patterned. We don't have a reliably tight bound there, but it might be worth trying to prove that diagonal anyway, in the hope that we can discover another useful bounding proof!

FIXME: the patterns in columns 3 and 4 suggest to me the more ambitious conjecture that perhaps a similar pattern holds in every column if you look at cells spaced vertically by m, e.g. all the points with m=5 and n≡1 mod 5. I don't think we have enough data here to say anything with confidence about that idea, though.

FIXME: the case n=29,m=19 is especially intriguing for the heavy use of denominator 28 in a dissection with min fragment something/4.


FIXME: credit Ian, Tom, writinghawk, Jack for deAOCisation, anyone else?

The individual dissections

The output below is generated by a script from a collection of data files and simple on-the-fly algorithms, so that I can easily re-run it if and when I acquire more data. So it will look a bit stilted and formulaic; sorry about that.