--- /dev/null
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nlopt-util.h"
+#include "nlopt.h"
+#include "cdirect.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+/* basic data structure:
+ *
+ * a hyper-rectangle is stored as an array of length 2n+2, where [0]
+ * is the value of the function at the center, [1] is the "size"
+ * measure of the rectangle, [2..n+1] are the coordinates of the
+ * center, and [n+2..2n+1] are the widths of the sides.
+ *
+ * a list of rectangles is just an array of N hyper-rectangles
+ * stored as an N x (2n+1) in row-major order. Generally,
+ * we allocate more than we need, allocating Na hyper-rectangles.
+ *
+ * n > 0 always
+ */
+#define RECT_LEN(n) (2*(n)+2) /* number of double values in a hyperrect */
+/* parameters of the search algorithm and various information that
+ needs to be passed around */
+typedef struct {
+ double magic_eps; /* Jones' epsilon parameter (1e-4 is recommended) */
+ int which_diam; /* which measure of hyper-rectangle diam to use:
+ 0 = Jones, 1 = Gablonsky */
+ const double *lb, *ub;
+ nlopt_stopping *stop; /* stopping criteria */
+ int n;
+ nlopt_func f; void *f_data;
+ double *work; /* workspace, of length >= 2*n */
+ int *iwork, iwork_len; /* workspace, of length iwork_len >= n */
+ double fmin, *xmin; /* minimum so far */
+} params;
+/* evaluate the "diameter" (d) of a rectangle of widths w[n] */
+static double rect_diameter(int n, const double *w, const params *p)
+ int i;
+ if (p->which_diam == 0) { /* Jones measure */
+ double sum = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ sum += w[i] * w[i];
+ return sqrt(sum) * 0.5; /* distance from center to a vertex */
+ }
+ else { /* Gablonsky measure */
+ double maxw = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ if (w[i] > maxw)
+ maxw = w[i];
+ return w[i] * 0.5; /* half-width of longest side */
+ }
+#define CUBE_TOL 5e-2 /* fractional tolerance to call something a "cube" */
+/* return true if the elements of w[n] (> 0) are all equal to within a
+ fractional tolerance of tol (i.e. they are the widths of a hypercube) */
+static int all_equal(int n, const double *w, double tol)
+ double wmin, wmax;
+ int i;
+ wmin = wmax = w[0];
+ for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (w[i] < wmin) wmin = w[i];
+ if (w[i] > wmax) wmax = w[i];
+ }
+ return (wmax - wmin) < tol * wmax;
+static double *alloc_rects(int n, int *Na, double *rects, int newN)
+ if (newN <= *Na)
+ return rects;
+ else {
+ (*Na) += newN;
+ return realloc(rects, sizeof(double) * RECT_LEN(n) * (*Na));
+ }
+#define ALLOC_RECTS(n, Nap, rects, newN) if (!(rects = alloc_rects(n, Nap, rects, newN))) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY
+static double *fv_qsort = 0;
+static int sort_fv_compare(const void *a_, const void *b_)
+ int a = *((const int *) a_), b = *((const int *) b_);
+ double fa = MIN(fv_qsort[2*a], fv_qsort[2*a+1]);
+ double fb = MIN(fv_qsort[2*b], fv_qsort[2*b+1]);
+ if (fa < fb)
+ return -1;
+ else if (fa > fb)
+ return +1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+static void sort_fv(int n, double *fv, int *isort)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) isort[i] = i;
+ fv_qsort = fv; /* not re-entrant, sigh... */
+ qsort(isort, (unsigned) n, sizeof(int), sort_fv_compare);
+ fv_qsort = 0;
+static double function_eval(const double *x, params *p) {
+ double f = p->f(p->n, x, NULL, p->f_data);
+ if (f < p->fmin) {
+ p->fmin = f;
+ memcpy(p->xmin, x, sizeof(double) * p->n);
+ }
+ p->stop->nevals++;
+ return f;
+#define FUNCTION_EVAL(fv,x,p) fv = function_eval(x, p); if (p->fmin < p->stop->fmin_max) return NLOPT_FMIN_MAX_REACHED; else if (nlopt_stop_evals((p)->stop)) return NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED; else if (nlopt_stop_time((p)->stop)) return NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED
+#define THIRD (0.3333333333333333333333)
+/* divide rectangle idiv in the list rects */
+static nlopt_result divide_rect(int *N, int *Na, double **rects, int idiv,
+ params *p)
+ int i;
+ const const int n = p->n;
+ const int L = RECT_LEN(n);
+ double *r = *rects;
+ double *c = r + L*idiv + 2; /* center of rect to divide */
+ double *w = c + n; /* widths of rect to divide */
+ if (all_equal(n, w, CUBE_TOL)) { /* divide all dimensions */
+ double *fv = p->work;
+ int *isort = p->iwork;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double csave = c[i];
+ c[i] = csave - w[i] * THIRD;
+ FUNCTION_EVAL(fv[2*i], c, p);
+ c[i] = csave + w[i] * THIRD;
+ FUNCTION_EVAL(fv[2*i+1], c, p);
+ c[i] = csave;
+ }
+ sort_fv(n, fv, isort);
+ ALLOC_RECTS(n, Na, r, (*N)+2*n);
+ *rects = r; c = r + L*idiv + 2; w = c + n;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ int k;
+ w[isort[i]] *= THIRD;
+ r[L*idiv + 1] = rect_diameter(n, w, p);
+ for (k = 0; k <= 1; ++k) {
+ memcpy(r + L*(*N) + 1, c-1, sizeof(double) * (2*n+1));
+ r[L*(*N) + 2 + isort[i]] += w[isort[i]] * (2*k-1);
+ r[L*(*N)] = fv[2*isort[i]+k];
+ ++(*N);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* divide longest side by 3 and split off 2 new rectangles */
+ int imax = 0;
+ double wmax = w[0];
+ for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
+ if (w[i] > wmax)
+ wmax = w[imax = i];
+ ALLOC_RECTS(n, Na, r, (*N)+2);
+ *rects = r; c = r + L*idiv + 2; w = c + n;
+ w[imax] *= THIRD;
+ r[L*idiv + 1] = rect_diameter(n, w, p);
+ for (i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) {
+ memcpy(r + L*(*N) + 1, c-1, sizeof(double) * (2*n+1));
+ r[L*(*N) + 2 + imax] += w[imax] * (2*i-1); /* move center */
+ ++(*N);
+ FUNCTION_EVAL(r[L*((*N)-1)], r + L*((*N)-1) + 2, p);
+ }
+ }
+/* O(N log N) convex hull algorithm, used later to find the potentially
+ optimal points */
+/* sort ihull by xy in lexographic order by x,y */
+static int s_qsort = 1; static double *xy_qsort = 0;
+static int sort_xy_compare(const void *a_, const void *b_)
+ int a = *((const int *) a_), b = *((const int *) b_);
+ double xa = xy_qsort[a*s_qsort+1], xb = xy_qsort[b*s_qsort+1];
+ if (xa < xb) return -1;
+ else if (xb < xa) return +1;
+ else {
+ double ya = xy_qsort[a*s_qsort], yb = xy_qsort[b*s_qsort];
+ if (ya < yb) return -1;
+ else if (ya > yb) return +1;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+static void sort_xy(int N, double *xy, int s, int *isort)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) isort[i] = i;
+ s_qsort = s; xy_qsort = xy;
+ qsort(isort, (unsigned) N, sizeof(int), sort_xy_compare);
+ xy_qsort = 0;
+/* Find the lower convex hull of a set of points (xy[s*i+1], xy[s*i]), where
+ 0 <= i < N and s >= 2.
+ The return value is the number of points in the hull, with indices
+ stored in ihull. ihull and is should point to arrays of length >= N.
+ Note that we don't allow redundant points along the same line in the
+ hull, similar to Gablonsky's version of DIRECT and differing from
+ Jones'. */
+static int convex_hull(int N, double *xy, int s, int *ihull, int *is)
+ int minmin; /* first index (smallest y) with min x */
+ int minmax; /* last index (largest y) with min x */
+ int maxmin; /* first index (smallest y) with max x */
+ int maxmax; /* last index (largest y) with max x */
+ int i, nhull = 0;
+ double minslope;
+ double xmin, xmax;
+ /* Monotone chain algorithm [Andrew, 1979]. */
+ sort_xy(N, xy, s, is);
+ xmin = xy[s*is[minmin=0]+1]; xmax = xy[s*is[maxmax=N-1]+1];
+ if (xmin == xmax) { /* degenerate case */
+ ihull[nhull++] = is[minmin];
+ return nhull;
+ }
+ for (minmax = minmin; minmax+1 < N && xy[s*is[minmax+1]+1]==xmin;
+ ++minmax);
+ for (maxmin = maxmax; maxmin-1>=0 && xy[s*is[maxmin-1]+1]==xmax;
+ --maxmin);
+ minslope = (xy[s*is[maxmin]] - xy[s*is[minmin]]) / (xmax - xmin);
+ ihull[nhull++] = is[minmin];
+ for (i = minmax + 1; i < maxmin; ++i) {
+ int k = is[i];
+ if (xy[s*k] > xy[s*is[minmin]] + (xy[s*k+1] - xmin) * minslope)
+ continue;
+ /* remove points until we are making a "left turn" to k */
+ while (nhull > 1) {
+ int t1 = ihull[nhull - 1], t2 = ihull[nhull - 2];
+ /* cross product (t1-t2) x (k-t2) > 0 for a left turn: */
+ if ((xy[s*t1+1]-xy[s*t2+1]) * (xy[s*k]-xy[s*t2])
+ - (xy[s*t1]-xy[s*t2]) * (xy[s*k+1]-xy[s*t2+1]) > 0)
+ break;
+ --nhull;
+ }
+ ihull[nhull++] = k;
+ }
+ ihull[nhull++] = is[maxmin];
+ return nhull;
+static int small(double *w, params *p)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->n; ++i)
+ if (w[i] > p->stop->xtol_abs[i] &&
+ w[i] > (p->ub[i] - p->lb[i]) * p->stop->xtol_rel)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static nlopt_result divide_good_rects(int *N, int *Na, double **rects,
+ params *p)
+ const int n = p->n;
+ const int L = RECT_LEN(n);
+ int *ihull, nhull, i, xtol_reached = 1, divided_some = 0;
+ double *r = *rects;
+ double magic_eps = p->magic_eps;
+ if (p->iwork_len < n + 2*(*N)) {
+ p->iwork_len = p->iwork_len + n + 2*(*N);
+ p->iwork = (int *) realloc(p->iwork, sizeof(int) * p->iwork_len);
+ if (!p->iwork)
+ }
+ ihull = p->iwork;
+ nhull = convex_hull(*N, r, L, ihull, ihull + *N);
+ divisions:
+ for (i = 0; i < nhull; ++i) {
+ double K1 = -HUGE_VAL, K2 = -HUGE_VAL, K;
+ if (i > 0)
+ K1 = (r[L*ihull[i]] - r[L*ihull[i-1]]) /
+ (r[L*ihull[i]+1] - r[L*ihull[i-1]+1]);
+ if (i < nhull-1)
+ K1 = (r[L*ihull[i]] - r[L*ihull[i+1]]) /
+ (r[L*ihull[i]+1] - r[L*ihull[i+1]+1]);
+ K = MAX(K1, K2);
+ if (r[L*ihull[i]] - K * r[L*ihull[i]+1]
+ <= p->fmin - magic_eps * fabs(p->fmin)) {
+ /* "potentially optimal" rectangle, so subdivide */
+ divided_some = 1;
+ nlopt_result ret;
+ ret = divide_rect(N, Na, rects, ihull[i], p);
+ r = *rects; /* may have grown */
+ if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return ret;
+ xtol_reached = xtol_reached && small(r + L*ihull[i] + 2+n, p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!divided_some) {
+ if (magic_eps != 0) {
+ magic_eps = 0;
+ goto divisions; /* try again */
+ }
+ else { /* WTF? divide largest rectangle */
+ double wmax = r[1];
+ int imax = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < *N; ++i)
+ if (r[L*i+1] > wmax)
+ wmax = r[L*(imax=i)+1];
+ return divide_rect(N, Na, rects, imax, p);
+ }
+ }
+ return xtol_reached ? NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED : NLOPT_SUCCESS;
+nlopt_result cdirect_unscaled(int n, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
+ const double *lb, const double *ub,
+ double *x,
+ double *fmin,
+ nlopt_stopping *stop,
+ double magic_eps, int which_alg)
+ params p;
+ double *rects;
+ int Na = 100, N = 1, i, x_center = 1;
+ nlopt_result ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ p.magic_eps = magic_eps;
+ p.which_diam = which_alg & 1;
+ p.lb = lb; p.ub = ub;
+ p.stop = stop;
+ p.n = n;
+ p.f = f;
+ p.f_data = f_data;
+ p.xmin = x;
+ p.fmin = f(n, x, NULL, f_data); stop->nevals++;
+ p.work = 0;
+ p.iwork = 0;
+ rects = 0;
+ p.work = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 2*n);
+ if (!p.work) goto done;
+ rects = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * Na * RECT_LEN(n));
+ if (!rects) goto done;
+ p.iwork = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * (p.iwork_len = 2*Na + n));
+ if (!p.iwork) goto done;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ rects[2+i] = 0.5 * (lb[i] + ub[i]);
+ x_center = x_center
+ && (fabs(rects[2+i]-x[i]) < 1e-13*(1+fabs(x[i])));
+ rects[2+n+i] = ub[i] - lb[i];
+ }
+ rects[1] = rect_diameter(n, rects+2+n, &p);
+ if (x_center)
+ rects[0] = p.fmin; /* avoid computing f(center) twice */
+ else
+ rects[0] = function_eval(rects+2, &p);
+ ret = divide_rect(&N, &Na, &rects, 0, &p);
+ if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) goto done;
+ while (1) {
+ double fmin0 = p.fmin;
+ ret = divide_good_rects(&N, &Na, &rects, &p);
+ if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) goto done;
+ if (nlopt_stop_f(p.stop, p.fmin, fmin0)) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ done:
+ free(p.iwork);
+ free(rects);
+ free(p.work);
+ *fmin = p.fmin;
+ return ret;
+/* in the conventional DIRECT-type algorithm, we first rescale our
+ coordinates to a unit hypercube ... we do this simply by
+ wrapping cdirect() around cdirect_unscaled(). */
+typedef struct {
+ nlopt_func f;
+ void *f_data;
+ double *x;
+ const double *lb, *ub;
+} uf_data;
+static double uf(int n, const double *xu, double *grad, void *d_)
+ uf_data *d = (uf_data *) d_;
+ double f;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ d->x[i] = d->lb[i] + xu[i] * (d->ub[i] - d->lb[i]);
+ f = d->f(n, d->x, grad, d->f_data);
+ if (grad)
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ grad[i] *= d->ub[i] - d->lb[i];
+ return f;
+nlopt_result cdirect(int n, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
+ const double *lb, const double *ub,
+ double *x,
+ double *fmin,
+ nlopt_stopping *stop,
+ double magic_eps, int which_alg)
+ uf_data d;
+ nlopt_result ret;
+ const double *xtol_abs_save;
+ int i;
+ d.f = f; d.f_data = f_data; d.lb = lb; d.ub = ub;
+ d.x = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * n*4);
+ if (!d.x) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ x[i] = (x[i] - lb[i]) / (ub[i] - lb[i]);
+ d.x[n+i] = 0;
+ d.x[2*n+i] = 1;
+ d.x[3*n+i] = stop->xtol_abs[i] / (ub[i] - lb[i]);
+ }
+ xtol_abs_save = stop->xtol_abs;
+ stop->xtol_abs = d.x + 3*n;
+ ret = cdirect_unscaled(n, uf, &d, d.x+n, d.x+2*n, x, fmin, stop,
+ magic_eps, which_alg);
+ stop->xtol_abs = xtol_abs_save;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ x[i] = lb[i]+ x[i] * (ub[i] - lb[i]);
+ free(d.x);
+ return ret;