X-Git-Url: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~ianmdlvl/git?a=blobdiff_plain;f=knifeblock.scad;h=c1f1869f4b1a07e9a777f9077b0274ccc7478a63;hb=6368f6ce5e837e44faaa7b20da662d492644d55b;hp=73d3a8954707a30080f1640159a6b33918f3c36e;hpb=0a0e7962eda1856b31eb65079016db037930c55f;p=reprap-play.git diff --git a/knifeblock.scad b/knifeblock.scad index 73d3a89..c1f1869 100644 --- a/knifeblock.scad +++ b/knifeblock.scad @@ -3,20 +3,27 @@ // properties of the knives nknives = 3; widths = [15.5, 15.8, 19.0]; -handlelenbase = 60; -handlelendelta = [-10, 0, 0]; -locations = [-35, 0, 40]; +handlelenbase = 75; +handlelendelta = [-15, 0, 10]; +locations = [-35, 0, 37]; bladew = 5; // 2.5 -maxhandledepth = 43.5 - 5; +maxhandledepth = 45; + +templatescale = 27.2 / 19.6; + +coverlonglen = 120; // xxx +covershortlen = 70; // xxx // other tuneables front = 5; -back = 8; +back = 5; height = 50; minsidein = 4; minsideout = 4; -frontbackslop = 0.5; +frontbackslop = 0.25; + +knifewidthslop = 2.0; screwbackdepth = 6.0 - 1.0; screwdia = 4.0 + 0.5; @@ -24,24 +31,70 @@ screwcsinkdia = 9.8 + 1.0; screwabove = 15; +coverthick = 2.4; +coverside = coverthick; + +covertopwing = 15; +covertopwingbase = 20; +coveredge = 3; + +holesize = 12.5; +holestrut = 7; +holeedge = 4; + +holeoffx = 0.33; +holeoffy = 0.23; + +indentdepth = 1; +indentoutersize = holesize + 2.15; +indentinnersize = indentoutersize - indentdepth * 3.0; + +pegstem = 3.5; +peghead = 10; +pegstemheight = 2; +pegheight = 9; +peglen = 12; + +recessblockwidth = peghead + pegstem*3; +recessblockheight = peglen/2 + pegstem*1.5; + +pegsloph = 0.5; +pegslopv = 0.5; +pegslopl = 0.5; + +pegdepthproportion = 0.80; + // computed + +function width(k) = widths[k] + knifewidthslop; + side = minsidein + screwcsinkdia + minsideout; totaldepth = front + maxhandledepth + back; +minkx = locations[0] - width(0) /2; +maxkx = locations[nknives-1] + width(nknives-1)/2; + +minx = minkx - side; +maxx = maxkx + side; + +holepitch = holesize+holestrut; + +pegrecess = pegdepthproportion*totaldepth - 0.5*peglen; + module ImportTemplate(w,k,t) { fn = str("knifeblock-knives-t",k,t,".dxf"); echo(fn); translate([0,0, -w/2]) linear_extrude(height=w) - import(file=fn, convexity=100); + scale(templatescale) import(file=fn, convexity=100); } module Knife(k){ ImportTemplate(bladew, k,"bl"); hull(){ - ImportTemplate(widths[k], k,"hl"); + ImportTemplate(width(k), k,"hl"); translate([-100,0,0]) - ImportTemplate(widths[k], k,"hl"); + ImportTemplate(width(k), k,"hl"); } } @@ -54,12 +107,8 @@ module DoKnife(k){ } module DoKnives(){ - for (yshift=[-1,1]) { - translate([0, yshift * frontbackslop, 0]) - for (k=[0:nknives-1]) { - DoKnife(k); - } - } + for (k=[0:nknives-1]) + DoKnife(k); } module ScrewHole(){ @@ -71,29 +120,227 @@ module ScrewHole(){ cylinder(r=screwcsinkdia/2 / (sqrt(3)/2), h=100, $fn=6); } -module Block(){ - minkx = locations[0] - widths[0] /2; - maxkx = locations[nknives-1] + widths[nknives-1]/2; +module PegTemplate(apex){ + for (mx=[0,1]) for (my=[0,1]) { + mirror([mx,0,0]) mirror([0,my,0]) + polygon([[-0.1, -0.1], + [pegstem/2, -0.1], + [pegstem/2, pegstemheight/2], + [peghead/2, pegheight /2], + [-0.1, pegheight /2 + apex]]); + } +} - minx = minkx - side; - maxx = maxkx + side; +module AtSides(){ + translate([minx,0,0]) child(0); + translate([maxx,0,0]) mirror([1,0,0]) child(1); +} + +module BlockPegSlot(){ + translate([recessblockwidth/2, pegrecess - peglen, -height]){ + rotate([-90,0,0]) linear_extrude(height=totaldepth){ + PegTemplate(peghead/2 * 1.2); + } + } +} +module DecorativeIndents(){ + translate([0, -front, 0]) + rotate([90,0,0]) + HexGrid(-height, 0, minx,maxx) { + hull(){ + translate([0, 0, -indentdepth]) + cylinder(r=indentinnersize/2, h=indentdepth, $fn=40); + cylinder(r=indentoutersize/2, h=indentdepth, $fn=40); + } + } +} + +module Block(){ sidemidx = minsideout + screwcsinkdia/2; difference(){ - hull() mirror([0,0,1]) { - translate([minx, 0, 0]) - cube([maxx-minx, totaldepth-front, height]); - for (x=[minx + front/2, maxx - front/2]) - translate([x, -front/2, 0]) - cylinder(r=front/2, h=height, $fn=30); + mirror([0,0,1]) { + translate([minx, -front, 0]) + cube([maxx-minx, totaldepth, height]); } for (x=[minx + sidemidx, maxx - sidemidx]) { translate([x, 0, -screwabove]) ScrewHole(); } - DoKnives(); + for (yshift=[-1,1]) + translate([0, yshift * frontbackslop, 0]) + DoKnives(); + AtSides() { BlockPegSlot(); BlockPegSlot(); } + DecorativeIndents(); + } +} + +module BlockPrint(){ ////toplevel + rotate([0,0,90]) + Block(); +} + +module CoverTemplate(){ + linear_extrude(height=coverthick) + polygon([[minx, 0], + [maxx, 0], + [maxx, coverlonglen+0.1], + [maxx - coverside, coverlonglen+0.1], + [minx, covershortlen+0.1]]); +} + +module CoverSide(len){ + translate([0, 0 ,0]) { + rotate([90,0,90]) + linear_extrude(height=coverside) + polygon([[0, 0], + [0, totaldepth], + [covertopwing, totaldepth], + [covertopwingbase, coverside + coverthick], + [len - covertopwingbase, coverside + coverthick], + [len - covertopwing, totaldepth], + [len, totaldepth], + [len, 0]]); + cube([recessblockwidth, recessblockheight, totaldepth]); + } +} + +module Peg(){ + echo("peg angle slope (must be <1)", + (peghead-pegstem)/(pegheight-pegstemheight)); + dx = pegsloph; + dy = pegslopv; + rotate([90,0,0]) { + linear_extrude(height=peglen-pegslopl) { + intersection(){ + translate([-dx,-dy,0]) PegTemplate(0); + translate([-dx,+dy,0]) PegTemplate(0); + translate([+dx,+dy,0]) PegTemplate(0); + translate([+dx,-dy,0]) PegTemplate(0); + } + } + } +} + +module CoverPegSlot(coverlen){ + translate([recessblockwidth/2, 0, -1]){ + linear_extrude(height= 1 + pegrecess + 0.5*peglen){ + PegTemplate(0); + } + } +} + +module HolesScope(){ + intersection_for (dx=[-1,+1]) { + intersection_for (dy=[-1,+1]) { + translate([dx * holeedge, dy * holeedge, -5]) + scale([1,1,10]) + CoverTemplate(); + } + } +} + +module HexGrid(xa,xb,ya,yb) { + imin = floor(xa / holepitch); + imax = ceil(xb / holepitch); + jmin = floor(ya / (sqrt(3)*holepitch)); + jmax = ceil(yb / (sqrt(3)*holepitch)); + echo("HexGrid ",imin,imax,jmin,jmax); + for (i=[imin:imax]) { + for (j=[jmin:jmax]) { + translate([(j * sqrt(3) + holeoffx) * holepitch, + (i + 0.5 + holeoffy) * holepitch, + 0]) { + child(); + translate([sqrt(3)/2 * holepitch, -0.5 * holepitch, 0]) + child(); + } + } + } +} + +module Hole(){ + cylinder(r=holesize/2, h=40, $fn=40); +} + +module Holes(){ + intersection(){ + translate([0, 0, -20]) + HexGrid(0, coverlonglen, minx, maxx) + Hole(); + HolesScope(); + } +} + +module CoverCover(){ + difference(){ + CoverTemplate(); + Holes(); + } +} + +module Cover(){ + difference(){ + union(){ + CoverCover(); + AtSides() { CoverSide(covershortlen); CoverSide(coverlonglen); } + } + AtSides() { CoverPegSlot(); CoverPegSlot(); } + } +} + +module CoverAligned(){ + translate([0,-front,-height]) + rotate([-90,0,0]) + Cover(); +} + +module DemoPeg(){ + translate([recessblockwidth/2, pegrecess, -height]) + Peg(); +} + +module Demo(){ ////toplevel + %Block(); + DoKnives(); + color([0,0,1]) CoverAligned(); + color([1,0,0]) AtSides() { DemoPeg(); DemoPeg(); } +} + +module Pegs(){ ////toplevel + Peg(); + translate([-peghead-3, 0,0]) Peg(); +} + +module CoverParts(){ ////toplevel + Cover(); + translate([0, coverlonglen, pegheight/2-pegslopv]) + Pegs(); +} + +module FrontDemo(){ ////toplevel + color([1,0,1]) Block(); + color([1,0,1]) CoverAligned(); + color([0,0,0]) DoKnives(); +} + +module BlockFrontTest(){ ////toplevel + intersection(){ + Block(); + translate([minx-10, -front-10, -height-10]) { + cube([75,14,35]); + cube([75,25,13]); + } } } -Block(); +//Block(); +//Demo(); +//Cover(); +//CoverParts(); +//Peg(); +//Cover(); +//Holes(); +//%CoverTemplate(); +//Pegs();